41 research outputs found

    Comparison of Polar Decoders with Existing Low-Density Parity-Check and Turbo Decoders

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    Polar codes are a recently proposed family of provably capacity-achieving error-correction codes that received a lot of attention. While their theoretical properties render them interesting, their practicality compared to other types of codes has not been thoroughly studied. Towards this end, in this paper, we perform a comparison of polar decoders against LDPC and Turbo decoders that are used in existing communications standards. More specifically, we compare both the error-correction performance and the hardware efficiency of the corresponding hardware implementations. This comparison enables us to identify applications where polar codes are superior to existing error-correction coding solutions as well as to determine the most promising research direction in terms of the hardware implementation of polar decoders.Comment: Fixes small mistakes from the paper to appear in the proceedings of IEEE WCNC 2017. Results were presented in the "Polar Coding in Wireless Communications: Theory and Implementation" Worksho

    Error-Floors of the 802.3an LDPC Code for Noise Assisted Decoding

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    In digital communication, information is sent as bits, which is corrupted by the noise present in wired/wireless medium known as the channel. The Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes are a family of error correction codes used in communication systems to detect and correct erroneous data at the receiver. Data is encoded with error correction coding at the transmitter and decoded at the receiver. The Noisy Gradient Descent BitFlip (NGDBF) decoding algorithm is a new algorithm with excellent decoding performance with relatively low implementation requirements. This dissertation aims to characterize the performance of the NGDBF algorithm. A simple improvement over NGDBF called the Re-decoded NGDBF (R-NGDBF) is proposed to enhance the performance of NGDBF decoding algorithm. A general method to estimate the decoding parameters of NGDBF is presented. The estimated parameters are then verified in a hardware implementation of the decoder to validate the accuracy of the estimation technique

    VLSI Implementation of a Rate Decoder for Structural LDPC Channel Codes

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    AbstractThis paper proposes a low complexity low-density parity check decoder (LDPC) design. The design mainly accomplishes a message passing algorithm and systolic high throughput architecture. The typical mathematical calculations are based on the observation that nodes with high log likelihood ratio provide almost same information in every iteration and can be considered as stationary, we propose an algorithm in which the parity check matrix H is updated to a reduced complexity form every time a stationary node is encountered which results in lesser number of numerical computations in subsequent iterations. In this paper, we contemplately focuses on computational complexity and the decoder design significantly benefits from the high throughput point of view and the various improvisations introduced at various levels of abstraction in the decoder design. Threshold Controlled Min Sum Algorithm implements the LDPC decoder design for a code compliant with wired and wireless applications. A high performance LDPC decoder has been designed that achieves a throughput of 0.890 Gbps. The whole design of LDPC Decoder is designed, simulated and synthesized using Xilinx ISE 13.1 EDA Tool

    Staircase Codes: FEC for 100 Gb/s OTN

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    Staircase codes, a new class of forward-error-correction (FEC) codes suitable for high-speed optical communications, are introduced. An ITU-T G.709-compatible staircase code with rate R=239/255 is proposed, and FPGA-based simulation results are presented, exhibiting a net coding gain (NCG) of 9.41 dB at an output error rate of 1E-15, an improvement of 0.42 dB relative to the best code from the ITU-T G.975.1 recommendation. An error floor analysis technique is presented, and the proposed code is shown to have an error floor at 4.0E-21.Comment: To appear in IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technolog

    Low-Power 400-Gbps Soft-Decision LDPC FEC for Optical Transport Networks

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    We present forward error correction systems based on soft-decision low-density parity check (LDPC) codes for applications in 100–400-Gbps optical transport networks. These systems are based on the low-complexity “adaptive degeneration” decoding algorithm, which we introduce in this paper, along with randomly-structured LDPC codes with block lengths from 30 000 to 60 000 bits and overhead (OH) from 6.7% to 33%. We also construct a 3600-bit prototype LDPC code with 20% overhead, and experimentally show that it has no error floor above a bit error rate (BER) of 10−15 using a field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-based hardware emulator. The projected net coding gain at a BER of 10−15 ranges from 9.6 dB at 6.7% OH to 11.2 dB at 33% OH. We also present application-specific integrated circuit synthesis results for these decoders in 28 nm fully depleted silicon on insulator technology, which show that they are capable of 400-Gbps operation with energy consumption of under 3 pJ per information bit

    A High-Throughput Low-Power Soft Bit-Flipping LDPC Decoder in 28 nm FD-SOI

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    We present a low-density parity check (LDPC) decoder using the adaptive degeneration (AD) algorithm with a (3600, 3000) LDPC code, integrated in 1.85 mm^2 in 28 nm FD-SOI. With early termination and variable latency decoding, this decoder achieves an optimal energy efficiency of 0.16 pJ/bit and information throughput of 13.6 Gbps with a core supply voltage of 0.4 V. At a core supply voltage of 1.0 V, it achieves 0.58 pJ/bit energy efficiency and 181 Gbps throughput. With constant latency equal to the maximum number of iterations, it achieves optimal energy efficiency of 0.52 pJ/bit and information throughput of 7.2 Gbps at a supply voltage of 0.55 V, and 1.9 pJ/bit energy and 24 Gbps throughput at 1.0 V. The net coding gain at a bit error rate of 10^(−12) is 8.7 dB

    New low-density-parity-check decoding approach based on the hard and soft decisions algorithms

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    It is proved that hard decision algorithms are more appropriate than a soft decision for low-density parity-check (LDPC) decoding since they are less complex at the decoding level. On the other hand, it is notable that the soft decision algorithm outperforms the hard decision one in terms of the bit error rate (BER) gap. In order to minimize the BER and the gap between these two families of LDPC codes, a new LDPC decoding algorithm is suggested in this paper, which is based on both the normalized min-sum (NMS) and modified-weighted bit-flipping (MWBF). The proposed algorithm is named normalized min sum- modified weighted bit flipping (NMSMWBF). The MWBF is executed after the NMS algorithm. The simulations show that our algorithm outperforms the NMS in terms of BER at 10-8 over the additive white gaussian noise (AWGN) channel by 0.25 dB. Furthermore, the proposed NMSMWBF and the NMS are both at the same level of decoding difficulty