37,646 research outputs found

    More is simpler : effectively and efficiently assessing node-pair similarities based on hyperlinks

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    Similarity assessment is one of the core tasks in hyperlink analysis. Recently, with the proliferation of applications, e.g., web search and collaborative filtering, SimRank has been a well-studied measure of similarity between two nodes in a graph. It recursively follows the philosophy that "two nodes are similar if they are referenced (have incoming edges) from similar nodes", which can be viewed as an aggregation of similarities based on incoming paths. Despite its popularity, SimRank has an undesirable property, i.e., "zero-similarity": It only accommodates paths with equal length from a common "center" node. Thus, a large portion of other paths are fully ignored. This paper attempts to remedy this issue. (1) We propose and rigorously justify SimRank*, a revised version of SimRank, which resolves such counter-intuitive "zero-similarity" issues while inheriting merits of the basic SimRank philosophy. (2) We show that the series form of SimRank* can be reduced to a fairly succinct and elegant closed form, which looks even simpler than SimRank, yet enriches semantics without suffering from increased computational cost. This leads to a fixed-point iterative paradigm of SimRank* in O(Knm) time on a graph of n nodes and m edges for K iterations, which is comparable to SimRank. (3) To further optimize SimRank* computation, we leverage a novel clustering strategy via edge concentration. Due to its NP-hardness, we devise an efficient and effective heuristic to speed up SimRank* computation to O(Knm) time, where m is generally much smaller than m. (4) Using real and synthetic data, we empirically verify the rich semantics of SimRank*, and demonstrate its high computation efficiency


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    On a very high level, a movie recommendation system is one which uses data about the user, data about the movie and the ratings given by a user in order to generate predictions for the movies that the user will like. This prediction is further presented to the user as a recommendation. For example, Netflix uses a recommendation system to predict movies and generate favorable recommendations for users based on their profiles and the profiles of users similar to them. In user-based collaborative filtering algorithm, the movies rated highly by the similar users of a particular user are considered as recommendations to that user. But users’ preferences vary with time, which often affects the efficacy of the recommendation, especially in a movie recommendation system. Because of the constant variation of the preferences, there has been research on using time of rating or watching the movie as a significant factor for recommendation. If time is considered as an attribute in the training phase of building a recommendation model, the model might get complex. Most of the research till now does this in the training phase, however, we study the effect of using time as a factor in the post training phase and study it further by applying a genre-based filtering mechanism on the system. Employing this in the post training phase reduces the complexity of the method and also reduces the number of irrelevant recommendations

    Reciprocal Recommendation System for Online Dating

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    Online dating sites have become popular platforms for people to look for potential romantic partners. Different from traditional user-item recommendations where the goal is to match items (e.g., books, videos, etc) with a user's interests, a recommendation system for online dating aims to match people who are mutually interested in and likely to communicate with each other. We introduce similarity measures that capture the unique features and characteristics of the online dating network, for example, the interest similarity between two users if they send messages to same users, and attractiveness similarity if they receive messages from same users. A reciprocal score that measures the compatibility between a user and each potential dating candidate is computed and the recommendation list is generated to include users with top scores. The performance of our proposed recommendation system is evaluated on a real-world dataset from a major online dating site in China. The results show that our recommendation algorithms significantly outperform previously proposed approaches, and the collaborative filtering-based algorithms achieve much better performance than content-based algorithms in both precision and recall. Our results also reveal interesting behavioral difference between male and female users when it comes to looking for potential dates. In particular, males tend to be focused on their own interest and oblivious towards their attractiveness to potential dates, while females are more conscientious to their own attractiveness to the other side of the line


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    Skills-based hiring is a talent management approach that empowers employers to align recruitment around business results, rather than around credentials and title. It starts with employers identifying the particular skills required for a role, and then screening and evaluating candidates’ competencies against those requirements. With the recent rise in employers adopting skills-based hiring practices, it has become integral for students to take courses that improve their marketability and support their long-term career success. A 2017 survey of over 32,000 students at 43 randomly selected institutions found that only 34% of students believe they will graduate with the skills and knowledge required to be successful in the job market. Furthermore, the study found that while 96% of chief academic officers believe that their institutions are very or somewhat effective at preparing students for the workforce, only 11% of business leaders strongly agree [11]. An implication of the misalignment is that college graduates lack the skills that companies need and value. Fortunately, the rise of skills-based hiring provides an opportunity for universities and students to establish and follow clearer classroom-to-career pathways. To this end, this paper presents a course recommender system that aims to improve students’ career readiness by suggesting relevant skills and courses based on their unique career interests
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