2 research outputs found

    Testing for the ground (co-)reducibility property in term-rewriting systems

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    AbstractGiven a term-rewriting system R, a term t is ground-reducible by R if every ground instance tσ of it is R-reducible. A pair (t, s) of terms is ground-co-reducible by R if every ground instance (tσ, sσ] of it for which tσ and sσ are distinct is R-reducible. Ground (co-)reducibility has been proved to be the fundamental tool for mechanizing inductive proofs, together with the Knuth-Bendix completion procedure presented by Jouannaud and Kounalis (1986, 1989).Jouannaud and Kounalis (1986, 1989) also presented an algorithm for testing ground reducibility which is tractable in practical cases but restricted to left-linear term-rewriting systems. The solution of the ground (co-)reducibility problem, for the general case, turned out to be surprisingly complicated. Decidability of ground reducibility for arbitrary term-rewriting systems has been first proved by Plaisted (1985) and independently by Kapur (1987). However, the algorithms of Plaisted and Kapur amount to intractable computation, even in very simple cases.We present here a new algorithm for the general case which outperforms the algorithms of Plaisted and Kapur and even our previous algorithm in case of left-linear term-rewriting systems. We then show how to adapt it to check for ground co-reducibility

    Ground Reducibility is EXPTIME-complete

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    International audienceWe prove that ground reducibility is EXPTIME-complete in the general case. EXPTIME-hardness is proved by encoding the emptiness problem for the intersection of recognizable tree languages. It is more difficult to show that ground reducibility belongs to DEXPTIME. We associate first an automaton with disequality constraints A(R,t) to a rewrite system R and a term t. This automaton is deterministic and accepts at least one term iff t is not ground reducible by R. The number of states of A(R,t) is O(2^|R|x|t|) and the size of its constraints is polynomial in the size of R, t. Then we prove some new pumping lemmas, using a total ordering on the computations of the automaton. Thanks to these lemmas, we can show that emptiness for an automaton with disequality constraints can be decided in a time which is polynomial in the number of states and exponential in the size of the constraints. Altogether, we get a simply exponential time deterministic algorithm for ground reducibility decision