1 research outputs found

    An upper bound for min-max angle of polygons

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    Let SS be a set of points in the plane, CHCH be the convex hull of SS, ℘(S)\wp(S) be the set of all simple polygons crossing SS, γP\gamma_P be the maximum angle of polygon P∈℘(S)P \in \wp(S) and θ=minP∈℘(S)γP\theta =min_{P\in\wp(S)} \gamma_P. In this paper, we prove that θ≤2π−2πr.m\theta\leq 2\pi-\frac{2\pi}{r.m} such that mm and rr are the number of edges and internal points of CHCH, respectively. We also introduce an innovative polynomial time algorithm to construct a polygon with the said upper bound on its angles. Constructing a simple polygon with angular constraint on a given set of points in the plane is highly applicable to the fields of robotics, path planning, image processing, GIS, etc. Moreover, we improve our upper bound on θ\theta and prove that this is tight