5 research outputs found

    An Economic-Based Analysis of RANKING for Online Bipartite Matching

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    We give a simple proof showing that the RANKING algorithm introduced by Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani \cite{DBLP:conf/stoc/KarpVV90} is 1βˆ’1e1-\frac{1}{e} competitive for the online bipartite matching problem. Our proof resembles the proof given by Devanur, Jain and Kleinberg [2013], but does not make an explicit use of linear programming duality; instead, it is based on an economic interpretation of the matching problem. In our interpretation, one set of vertices represent items that are assigned prices, and the other set of vertices represent unit-demand buyers that arrive sequentially and choose their most-demanded items

    The Invisible Hand of Dynamic Market Pricing

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    Walrasian prices, if they exist, have the property that one can assign every buyer some bundle in her demand set, such that the resulting assignment will maximize social welfare. Unfortunately, this assumes carefully breaking ties amongst different bundles in the buyer demand set. Presumably, the shopkeeper cleverly convinces the buyer to break ties in a manner consistent with maximizing social welfare. Lacking such a shopkeeper, if buyers arrive sequentially and simply choose some arbitrary bundle in their demand set, the social welfare may be arbitrarily bad. In the context of matching markets, we show how to compute dynamic prices, based upon the current inventory, that guarantee that social welfare is maximized. Such prices are set without knowing the identity of the next buyer to arrive. We also show that this is impossible in general (e.g., for coverage valuations), but consider other scenarios where this can be done. We further extend our results to Bayesian and bounded rationality models

    Online Matching with General Arrivals

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    The online matching problem was introduced by Karp, Vazirani and Vazirani nearly three decades ago. In that seminal work, they studied this problem in bipartite graphs with vertices arriving only on one side, and presented optimal deterministic and randomized algorithms for this setting. In comparison, more general arrival models, such as edge arrivals and general vertex arrivals, have proven more challenging and positive results are known only for various relaxations of the problem. In particular, even the basic question of whether randomization allows one to beat the trivially-optimal deterministic competitive ratio of 12\frac{1}{2} for either of these models was open. In this paper, we resolve this question for both these natural arrival models, and show the following. 1. For edge arrivals, randomization does not help --- no randomized algorithm is better than 12\frac{1}{2} competitive. 2. For general vertex arrivals, randomization helps --- there exists a randomized (12+Ξ©(1))(\frac{1}{2}+\Omega(1))-competitive online matching algorithm

    Online Stochastic Max-Weight Matching: prophet inequality for vertex and edge arrival models

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    We provide prophet inequality algorithms for online weighted matching in general (non-bipartite) graphs, under two well-studied arrival models, namely edge arrival and vertex arrival. The weight of each edge is drawn independently from an a-priori known probability distribution. Under edge arrival, the weight of each edge is revealed upon arrival, and the algorithm decides whether to include it in the matching or not. Under vertex arrival, the weights of all edges from the newly arriving vertex to all previously arrived vertices are revealed, and the algorithm decides which of these edges, if any, to include in the matching. To study these settings, we introduce a novel unified framework of batched prophet inequalities that captures online settings where elements arrive in batches; in particular it captures matching under the two aforementioned arrival models. Our algorithms rely on the construction of suitable online contention resolution scheme (OCRS). We first extend the framework of OCRS to batched-OCRS, we then establish a reduction from batched prophet inequality to batched OCRS, and finally we construct batched OCRSs with selectable ratios of 0.337 and 0.5 for edge and vertex arrival models, respectively. Both results improve the state of the art for the corresponding settings. For the vertex arrival, our result is tight. Interestingly, a pricing-based prophet inequality with comparable competitive ratios is unknown.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Prophet Inequality Matching Meets Probing with Commitment

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    Within the context of stochastic probing with commitment, we consider the online stochastic matching problem for bipartite graphs where edges adjacent to an online node must be probed to determine if they exist, based on known edge probabilities. If a probed edge exists, it must be used in the matching (if possible). In addition to improving upon existing stochastic bipartite matching results, our results can also be seen as extensions to multi-item prophet inequalities. We study this matching problem for given constraints on the allowable sequences of probes adjacent to an online node. Our setting generalizes the patience (or time-out) constraint which limits the number of probes that can be made to edges. The generality of our setting leads to some modelling and computational efficiency issues that are not encountered in previous works. We establish new competitive bounds all of which generalize the standard non-stochastic setting when edges do not need to be probed (i.e., exist with certainty). Specifically, we establish the following competitive ratio results for a general formulation of edge constraints, arbitrary edge weights, and arbitrary edge probabilities: (1) A tight 12\frac{1}{2} ratio when the stochastic graph is generated from a known stochastic type graph where the Ο€(i)th\pi(i)^{th} online node is drawn independently from a known distribution DΟ€(i){\cal D}_{\pi(i)} and Ο€\pi is chosen adversarially. We refer to this setting as the known i.d. stochastic matching problem with adversarial arrivals. (2) A 1βˆ’1/e1-1/e ratio when the stochastic graph is generated from a known stochastic type graph where the Ο€(i)th\pi(i)^{th} online node is drawn independently from a known distribution DΟ€(i){\cal D}_{\pi(i)} and Ο€\pi is a random permutation. This is referred to as the known i.d. stochastic matching problem with random order arrivals.Comment: Corrected typos and added details to various proof