4 research outputs found

    An EEG-Based Identity Authentication System with Audiovisual Paradigm in IoT

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    With the continuous increment of security risks and the limitations of traditional modes, it is necessary to design a universal and trustworthy identity authentication system for intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) applications such as an intelligent entrance guard. The characteristics of EEG (electroencephalography) have gained the confidence of researchers due to its uniqueness, stability, and universality. However, the limited usability of the experimental paradigm and the unsatisfactory classification accuracy have so far prevented the identity authentication system based on EEG to become commonplace in IoT scenarios. To address these problems, an audiovisual presentation paradigm is proposed to record the EEG signals of subjects. In the pre-processing stage, the reference electrode, ensemble averaging, and independent component analysis methods are used to remove artifacts. In the feature extraction stage, adaptive feature selection and bagging ensemble learning algorithms establish the optimal classification model. The experimental result shows that our proposal achieves the best classification accuracy when compared with other paradigms and typical EEG-based authentication methods, and the test evaluation on a login scenario is designed to further demonstrate that the proposed system is feasible, effective, and reliable

    Intelligent ultrasound hand gesture recognition system

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    With the booming development of technology, hand gesture recognition has become a hotspot in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) systems. Ultrasound hand gesture recognition is an innovative method that has attracted ample interest due to its strong real-time performance, low cost, large field of view, and illumination independence. Well-investigated HCI applications include external digital pens, game controllers on smart mobile devices, and web browser control on laptops. This thesis probes gesture recognition systems on multiple platforms to study the behavior of system performance with various gesture features. Focused on this topic, the contributions of this thesis can be summarized from the perspectives of smartphone acoustic field and hand model simulation, real-time gesture recognition on smart devices with speed categorization algorithm, fast reaction gesture recognition based on temporal neural networks, and angle of arrival-based gesture recognition system. Firstly, a novel pressure-acoustic simulation model is developed to examine its potential for use in acoustic gesture recognition. The simulation model is creating a new system for acoustic verification, which uses simulations mimicking real-world sound elements to replicate a sound pressure environment as authentically as possible. This system is fine-tuned through sensitivity tests within the simulation and validate with real-world measurements. Following this, the study constructs novel simulations for acoustic applications, informed by the verified acoustic field distribution, to assess their effectiveness in specific devices. Furthermore, a simulation focused on understanding the effects of the placement of sound devices and hand-reflected sound waves is properly designed. Moreover, a feasibility test on phase control modification is conducted, revealing the practical applications and boundaries of this model. Mobility and system accuracy are two significant factors that determine gesture recognition performance. As smartphones have high-quality acoustic devices for developing gesture recognition, to achieve a portable gesture recognition system with high accuracy, novel algorithms were developed to distinguish gestures using smartphone built-in speakers and microphones. The proposed system adopts Short-Time-Fourier-Transform (STFT) and machine learning to capture hand movement and determine gestures by the pretrained neural network. To differentiate gesture speeds, a specific neural network was designed and set as part of the classification algorithm. The final accuracy rate achieves 96% among nine gestures and three speed levels. The proposed algorithms were evaluated comparatively through algorithm comparison, and the accuracy outperformed state-of-the-art systems. Furthermore, a fast reaction gesture recognition based on temporal neural networks was designed. Traditional ultrasound gesture recognition adopts convolutional neural networks that have flaws in terms of response time and discontinuous operation. Besides, overlap intervals in network processing cause cross-frame failures that greatly reduce system performance. To mitigate these problems, a novel fast reaction gesture recognition system that slices signals in short time intervals was designed. The proposed system adopted a novel convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) that calculates gesture features in a short time and combines features over time. The results showed the reaction time significantly reduced from 1s to 0.2s, and accuracy improved to 100% for six gestures. Lastly, an acoustic sensor array was built to investigate the angle information of performed gestures. The direction of a gesture is a significant feature for gesture classification, which enables the same gesture in different directions to represent different actions. Previous studies mainly focused on types of gestures and analyzing approaches (e.g., Doppler Effect and channel impulse response, etc.), while the direction of gestures was not extensively studied. An acoustic gesture recognition system based on both speed information and gesture direction was developed. The system achieved 94.9% accuracy among ten different gestures from two directions. The proposed system was evaluated comparatively through numerical neural network structures, and the results confirmed that incorporating additional angle information improved the system's performance. In summary, the work presented in this thesis validates the feasibility of recognizing hand gestures using remote ultrasonic sensing across multiple platforms. The acoustic simulation explores the smartphone acoustic field distribution and response results in the context of hand gesture recognition applications. The smartphone gesture recognition system demonstrates the accuracy of recognition through ultrasound signals and conducts an analysis of classification speed. The fast reaction system proposes a more optimized solution to address the cross-frame issue using temporal neural networks, reducing the response latency to 0.2s. The speed and angle-based system provides an additional feature for gesture recognition. The established work will accelerate the development of intelligent hand gesture recognition, enrich the available gesture features, and contribute to further research in various gestures and application scenarios