7 research outputs found

    Estimation in the group action channel

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    We analyze the problem of estimating a signal from multiple measurements on a \mbox{group action channel} that linearly transforms a signal by a random group action followed by a fixed projection and additive Gaussian noise. This channel is motivated by applications such as multi-reference alignment and cryo-electron microscopy. We focus on the large noise regime prevalent in these applications. We give a lower bound on the mean square error (MSE) of any asymptotically unbiased estimator of the signal's orbit in terms of the signal's moment tensors, which implies that the MSE is bounded away from 0 when N/σ2dN/\sigma^{2d} is bounded from above, where NN is the number of observations, σ\sigma is the noise standard deviation, and dd is the so-called \mbox{moment order cutoff}. In contrast, the maximum likelihood estimator is shown to be consistent if N/σ2dN /\sigma^{2d} diverges.Comment: 5 pages, conferenc

    Rotationally Invariant Image Representation for Viewing Direction Classification in Cryo-EM

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    We introduce a new rotationally invariant viewing angle classification method for identifying, among a large number of Cryo-EM projection images, similar views without prior knowledge of the molecule. Our rotationally invariant features are based on the bispectrum. Each image is denoised and compressed using steerable principal component analysis (PCA) such that rotating an image is equivalent to phase shifting the expansion coefficients. Thus we are able to extend the theory of bispectrum of 1D periodic signals to 2D images. The randomized PCA algorithm is then used to efficiently reduce the dimensionality of the bispectrum coefficients, enabling fast computation of the similarity between any pair of images. The nearest neighbors provide an initial classification of similar viewing angles. In this way, rotational alignment is only performed for images with their nearest neighbors. The initial nearest neighbor classification and alignment are further improved by a new classification method called vector diffusion maps. Our pipeline for viewing angle classification and alignment is experimentally shown to be faster and more accurate than reference-free alignment with rotationally invariant K-means clustering, MSA/MRA 2D classification, and their modern approximations

    Multireference Alignment is Easier with an Aperiodic Translation Distribution

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    In the multireference alignment model, a signal is observed by the action of a random circular translation and the addition of Gaussian noise. The goal is to recover the signal's orbit by accessing multiple independent observations. Of particular interest is the sample complexity, i.e., the number of observations/samples needed in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio (the signal energy divided by the noise variance) in order to drive the mean-square error (MSE) to zero. Previous work showed that if the translations are drawn from the uniform distribution, then, in the low SNR regime, the sample complexity of the problem scales as ω(1/SNR3)\omega(1/\text{SNR}^3). In this work, using a generalization of the Chapman--Robbins bound for orbits and expansions of the χ2\chi^2 divergence at low SNR, we show that in the same regime the sample complexity for any aperiodic translation distribution scales as ω(1/SNR2)\omega(1/\text{SNR}^2). This rate is achieved by a simple spectral algorithm. We propose two additional algorithms based on non-convex optimization and expectation-maximization. We also draw a connection between the multireference alignment problem and the spiked covariance model

    Bispectrum Inversion with Application to Multireference Alignment

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    We consider the problem of estimating a signal from noisy circularly-translated versions of itself, called multireference alignment (MRA). One natural approach to MRA could be to estimate the shifts of the observations first, and infer the signal by aligning and averaging the data. In contrast, we consider a method based on estimating the signal directly, using features of the signal that are invariant under translations. Specifically, we estimate the power spectrum and the bispectrum of the signal from the observations. Under mild assumptions, these invariant features contain enough information to infer the signal. In particular, the bispectrum can be used to estimate the Fourier phases. To this end, we propose and analyze a few algorithms. Our main methods consist of non-convex optimization over the smooth manifold of phases. Empirically, in the absence of noise, these non-convex algorithms appear to converge to the target signal with random initialization. The algorithms are also robust to noise. We then suggest three additional methods. These methods are based on frequency marching, semidefinite relaxation and integer programming. The first two methods provably recover the phases exactly in the absence of noise. In the high noise level regime, the invariant features approach for MRA results in stable estimation if the number of measurements scales like the cube of the noise variance, which is the information-theoretic rate. Additionally, it requires only one pass over the data which is important at low signal-to-noise ratio when the number of observations must be large

    Multi-Reference Alignment for sparse signals, Uniform Uncertainty Principles and the Beltway Problem

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    Motivated by cutting-edge applications like cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), the Multi-Reference Alignment (MRA) model entails the learning of an unknown signal from repeated measurements of its images under the latent action of a group of isometries and additive noise of magnitude σ\sigma. Despite significant interest, a clear picture for understanding rates of estimation in this model has emerged only recently, particularly in the high-noise regime σ≫1\sigma \gg 1 that is highly relevant in applications. Recent investigations have revealed a remarkable asymptotic sample complexity of order σ6\sigma^6 for certain signals whose Fourier transforms have full support, in stark contrast to the traditional σ2\sigma^2 that arise in regular models. Often prohibitively large in practice, these results have prompted the investigation of variations around the MRA model where better sample complexity may be achieved. In this paper, we show that \emph{sparse} signals exhibit an intermediate σ4\sigma^4 sample complexity even in the classical MRA model. Our results explore and exploit connections of the MRA estimation problem with two classical topics in applied mathematics: the \textit{beltway problem} from combinatorial optimization, and \textit{uniform uncertainty principles} from harmonic analysis

    An Assembly Automation Approach to Alignment of Noncircular Projections in Electron Microscopy

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