36,911 research outputs found

    Comparison of MSACD models

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    We propose a new framework for modelling time dependence in duration processes on financial markets. The well known autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) approach introduced by Engle and Russell (1998) will be extended in a way that allows the conditional expectation of the duration process to depend on an unobservable stochastic process which is modelled via a Markov chain. The Markov switching ACD model (MSACD) is a very flexible tool for description and forecasting of financial duration processes. In addition, the introduction of an unobservable, discrete valued regime variable can be justified in the light of recent market microstructure theories. In an empirical application we show that the MSACD approach is able to capture several specific characteristics of inter trade durations while alternative ACD models fail. JEL classification: C22, C25, C41, G1

    Almost Periodically Correlated Time Series in Business Fluctuations Analysis

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    We propose a non-standard subsampling procedure to make formal statistical inference about the business cycle, one of the most important unobserved feature characterising fluctuations of economic growth. We show that some characteristics of business cycle can be modelled in a non-parametric way by discrete spectrum of the Almost Periodically Correlated (APC) time series. On the basis of estimated characteristics of this spectrum business cycle is extracted by filtering. As an illustration we characterise the man properties of business cycles in industrial production index for Polish economy

    Five Years of Continuous-time Random Walks in Econophysics

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    This paper is a short review on the application of continuos-time random walks to Econophysics in the last five years.Comment: 14 pages. Paper presented at WEHIA 2004, Kyoto, Japa

    Extracting the Italian output gap: a Bayesian approach

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    During the last decades particular effort has been directed towards understanding and predicting the relevant state of the business cycle with the objective of decomposing permanent shocks from those having only a transitory impact on real output. This trend--cycle decomposition has a relevant impact on several economic and fiscal variables and constitutes by itself an important indicator for policy purposes. This paper deals with trend--cycle decomposition for the Italian economy having some interesting peculiarities which makes it attractive to analyse from both a statistic and an historical perspective. We propose an univariate model for the quarterly real GDP, subsequently extended to include the price dynamics through a Phillips curve. This study considers a series of the Italian quarterly real GDP recently released by OECD which includes both the 1960s and the recent global financial crisis of 2007--2008. Parameters estimate as well as the signal extraction are performed within the Bayesian paradigm which effectively handles complex models where the parameters enter the log--likelihood function in a strongly nonlinear way. A new Adaptive Independent Metropolis--within--Gibbs sampler is then developed to efficiently simulate the parameters of the unobserved cycle. Our results suggest that inflation influences the Output Gap estimate, making the extracted Italian OG an important indicator of inflation pressures on the real side of the economy, as stated by the Phillips theory. Moreover, our estimate of the sequence of peaks and troughs of the Output Gap is in line with the OECD official dating of the Italian business cycle