4 research outputs found

    An Application of Advanced Spatio-Temporal Formalisms to Behavioural Ecology

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    Abstract. There is great potential for the development of many new applications using data on mobile objects and mobile regions. To promote these kinds of applications advanced data management techniques for the representation and analysis of mobility-related data are needed. Together with application experts (behavioural ecologists), we investigate how two novel data management approaches may help. We focus on a case study concerning the anal-ysis of fauna behaviour, in particular crested porcupines, which represents a typical example of mobile object monitoring. The first technique we experiment with is a recently developed conceptual spatio-temporal data modelling approach, MADS. This is used to model the schema of the database suited to our case study. Relying on this first outcome a subset of the problem is represented in the logical language MuTACLP. This allows us to formalise and solve the queries which enable the behavioural ecologists to derive crested porcupines behaviour from the raw data on animal movements. Finally, we investigate the support from a commercial Geographical Information System (GIS) for the analysis of spatio-temporal data. We present a way to integrate MuTACLP and a GIS, combining the advantages of GIS technology and the expressive power of MuTACLP.

    An application of advanced spatio-temporal formalisms to behavioural ecology

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    There is great potential for the development of many new applications using data on mobile objects and mobile regions. To promote these kinds of applications advanced data management techniques for the representation and analysis of mobility-related data are needed. Together with application experts (behavioural ecologists), we investigate how two novel data management approaches may help. We focus on a case study concerning the analysis of fauna behaviour, in particular crested porcupines, which represents a typical example of mobile object monitoring. The first technique we experiment with is a recently developed conceptual spatio-temporal data modelling approach, MADS. This is used to model the schema of the database suited to our case study. Relying on this first outcome a subset of the problem is represented in the logical language MuTACLP. This allows us to formalise and solve the queries which enable the behavioural ecologists to derive crested porcupines behaviour from the raw data on animal movements. Finally, we investigate the support from a commercial Geographic Information System (GIS) for the analysis of spatio-temporal data. We present a way to integrate MuTACLP and a GIS, combining the advantages of GIS technology and the expressive power of MuTACLP