10,746 research outputs found

    Parallelism-Aware Memory Interference Delay Analysis for COTS Multicore Systems

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    In modern Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) multicore systems, each core can generate many parallel memory requests at a time. The processing of these parallel requests in the DRAM controller greatly affects the memory interference delay experienced by running tasks on the platform. In this paper, we model a modern COTS multicore system which has a nonblocking last-level cache (LLC) and a DRAM controller that prioritizes reads over writes. To minimize interference, we focus on LLC and DRAM bank partitioned systems. Based on the model, we propose an analysis that computes a safe upper bound for the worst-case memory interference delay. We validated our analysis on a real COTS multicore platform with a set of carefully designed synthetic benchmarks as well as SPEC2006 benchmarks. Evaluation results show that our analysis is more accurately capture the worst-case memory interference delay and provides safer upper bounds compared to a recently proposed analysis which significantly under-estimate the delay.Comment: Technical Repor

    Coherent controllers for optical-feedback cooling of quantum oscillators

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    We study the cooling performance of optical-feedback controllers for open optical and mechanical resonators in the Linear Quadratic Gaussian setting of stochastic control theory. We utilize analysis and numerical optimization of closed-loop models based on quantum stochastic differential equations to show that coherent control schemes, where we embed the resonator in an interferometer to achieve all-optical feedback, can outperform optimal measurement-based feedback control schemes in the quantum regime of low steady-state excitation number. These performance gains are attributed to the coherent controller's ability to simultaneously process both quadratures of an optical probe field without measurement or loss of fidelity, and may guide the design of coherent feedback schemes for more general problems of robust nonlinear and robust control.Comment: 15 pages, 20 figures. Submitted to Physical Review X. Follow-up paper to arXiv:1206.082


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    The modern car must correspond to certain requirements regarding the driver safety and more than that it must convince the potential buyer that it will offer him the safety he is so much in need of. For that reason the number and the diversity of the safety systems have increased so fast. Despite all this for the time being it can not be stated that a particular vehicle is totally safe and it can come through any difficult situation. Because of that the research in the field is carried on and the number of those who propose solutions mend to improve the vehicle behavior is getting bigger.active safety, vehicle, control

    Flexible structure control laboratory development and technology demonstration

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    An experimental structure is described which was constructed to demonstrate and validate recent emerging technologies in the active control and identification of large flexible space structures. The configuration consists of a large, 20 foot diameter antenna-like flexible structure in the horizontal plane with a gimballed central hub, a flexible feed-boom assembly hanging from the hub, and 12 flexible ribs radiating outward. Fourteen electrodynamic force actuators mounted to the hub and to the individual ribs provide the means to excite the structure and exert control forces. Thirty permanently mounted sensors, including optical encoders and analog induction devices provide measurements of structural response at widely distributed points. An experimental remote optical sensor provides sixteen additional sensing channels. A computer samples the sensors, computes the control updates and sends commands to the actuators in real time, while simultaneously displaying selected outputs on a graphics terminal and saving them in memory. Several control experiments were conducted thus far and are documented. These include implementation of distributed parameter system control, model reference adaptive control, and static shape control. These experiments have demonstrated the successful implementation of state-of-the-art control approaches using actual hardware

    Access and metro network convergence for flexible end-to-end network design

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    This paper reports on the architectural, protocol, physical layer, and integrated testbed demonstrations carried out by the DISCUS FP7 consortium in the area of access - metro network convergence. Our architecture modeling results show the vast potential for cost and power savings that node consolidation can bring. The architecture, however, also recognizes the limits of long-reach transmission for low-latency 5G services and proposes ways to address such shortcomings in future projects. The testbed results, which have been conducted end-to-end, across access - metro and core, and have targeted all the layers of the network from the application down to the physical layer, show the practical feasibility of the concepts proposed in the project

    HAPPY: Hybrid Address-based Page Policy in DRAMs

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    Memory controllers have used static page closure policies to decide whether a row should be left open, open-page policy, or closed immediately, close-page policy, after the row has been accessed. The appropriate choice for a particular access can reduce the average memory latency. However, since application access patterns change at run time, static page policies cannot guarantee to deliver optimum execution time. Hybrid page policies have been investigated as a means of covering these dynamic scenarios and are now implemented in state-of-the-art processors. Hybrid page policies switch between open-page and close-page policies while the application is running, by monitoring the access pattern of row hits/conflicts and predicting future behavior. Unfortunately, as the size of DRAM memory increases, fine-grain tracking and analysis of memory access patterns does not remain practical. We propose a compact memory address-based encoding technique which can improve or maintain the performance of DRAMs page closure predictors while reducing the hardware overhead in comparison with state-of-the-art techniques. As a case study, we integrate our technique, HAPPY, with a state-of-the-art monitor, the Intel-adaptive open-page policy predictor employed by the Intel Xeon X5650, and a traditional Hybrid page policy. We evaluate them across 70 memory intensive workload mixes consisting of single-thread and multi-thread applications. The experimental results show that using the HAPPY encoding applied to the Intel-adaptive page closure policy can reduce the hardware overhead by 5X for the evaluated 64 GB memory (up to 40X for a 512 GB memory) while maintaining the prediction accuracy

    Reliable Industrial IoT-Based Distributed Automation

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    Reconfigurable manufacturing systems supported by Industrial Internet-of-Things (IIoT) are modular and easily integrable, promoting efficient system/component reconfigurations with minimal downtime. Industrial systems are commonly based on sequential controllers described with Control Interpreted Petri Nets (CIPNs). Existing design methodologies to distribute centralized automation/control tasks focus on maintaining functional properties of the system during the process, while disregarding failures that may occur during execution (e. g., communication packet drops, sensing or actuation failures). Consequently, in this work, we provide a missing link for reliable IIoT-based distributed automation. We introduce a method to transform distributed control models based on CIPNs into Stochastic Reward Nets that enable integration of realistic fault models (e. g., probabilistic link models). We show how to specify desired system properties to enable verification under the adopted communication/fault models, both at design-and run-time; we also show feasibility of runtime verification on the edge, with a continuously updated system model. Our approach is used on real industrial systems, resulting in modifications of local controllers to guarantee reliable system operation in realistic IIoT environments