19,588 research outputs found

    Behavioral Mimicry Covert Communication

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    Covert communication refers to the process of communicating data through a channel that is neither designed, nor intended to transfer information. Traditionally, covert channels are considered as security threats in computer systems and a great deal of attention has been given to countermeasures for covert communication schemes. The evolution of computer networks led the communication community to revisit the concept of covert communication not only as a security threat but also as an alternative way of providing security and privacy to communication networks. In fact, the heterogeneous structure of computer networks and the diversity of communication protocols provide an appealing setting for covert channels. This dissertation is an exploration on a novel design methodology for undetectable and robust covert channels in communication networks. Our new design methodology is based on the concept of behavioral mimicry in computer systems. The objective is to design a covert transmitter that has enough degrees of freedom to behave like an ordinary transmitter and react normally to unpredictable network events, yet it has the ability to modulate a covert message over its behavioral fingerprints in the network. To this end, we argue that the inherent randomness in communication protocols and network environments is the key in finding the proper medium for network covert channels. We present a few examples on how random behaviors in communication protocols lead to discovery of suitable shared resources for covert channels. The proposed design methodology is tested on two new covert communication schemes, one is designed for wireless networks and the other one is optimized for public communication networks (e.g., Internet). Each design is accompanied by a comprehensive analysis from undetectability, achievable covert rate and reliability perspectives. In particular, we introduced turbo covert channels, a family of extremely robust model-based timing covert channels that achieve provable polynomial undetectability in public communication networks. This means that the covert channel is undetectable against any polynomial-time statistical test that analyzes samples of the covert traffic and the legitimate traffic of the network. Target applications for the proposed covert communication schemes are discussed including detailed practical scenarios in which the proposed channels can be implemented

    Survey of Microarchitectural Side and Covert Channels, Attacks, and Defenses

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    Over last two decades, side and covert channel research has shown variety of ways of exfiltrating information for a computer system. Processor microarchitectural side and covert channel attacks have emerged as some of the most clever attacks, and ones which are difficult to deal with, without impacting system performance. Unlike electro-magnetic or power-based channels, microarchitectural side and covert channel do not require physical proximity to the target device. Instead, only malicious or cooperating spy applications need to be co-located on the same machine as the victim. And in some attacks even co-location is not needed, only timing of the execution of the victim as measured by a remote attacker over the network can form a side channel for information leaks. This survey extracts the key features of the processor\u27s microarchitectural functional units which make the channels possible, presents an analysis and categorization of the variety of microarchitectural side and covert channels others have presented in literature, and surveys existing defense proposals. With advent of cloud computing and ability to launch microarchitectural side and covert channels even across virtual machines, understanding of these channels is critical

    A Covert Channel Using Named Resources

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    A network covert channel is created that uses resource names such as addresses to convey information, and that approximates typical user behavior in order to blend in with its environment. The channel correlates available resource names with a user defined code-space, and transmits its covert message by selectively accessing resources associated with the message codes. In this paper we focus on an implementation of the channel using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) as the message names, though the system can be used in conjunction with a variety of protocols. The covert channel does not modify expected protocol structure as might be detected by simple inspection, and our HTTP implementation emulates transaction level web user behavior in order to avoid detection by statistical or behavioral analysis.Comment: 9 page

    Covert Bits Through Queues

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    We consider covert communication using a queuing timing channel in the presence of a warden. The covert message is encoded using the inter-arrival times of the packets, and the legitimate receiver and the warden observe the inter-departure times of the packets from their respective queues. The transmitter and the legitimate receiver also share a secret key to facilitate covert communication. We propose achievable schemes that obtain non-zero covert rate for both exponential and general queues when a sufficiently high rate secret key is available. This is in contrast to other channel models such as the Gaussian channel or the discrete memoryless channel where only O(n)\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n}) covert bits can be sent over nn channel uses, yielding a zero covert rate.Comment: To appear at IEEE CNS, October 201
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