1 research outputs found

    Improving OLTP Concurrency through Early Lock Release

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    Since the beginning of the multi-core era, database systems research has restarted focusing on increasing concurrency. Even though database systems have been able to accommodate concurrent requests, the exploding number of available cores per chip has surfaced new difficulties. More and more transactions can be served in parallel (since more threads can run simultaneously) and, thus, concurrency in a database system is more important than ever in order to exploit the available resources. In this paper, we evaluate Early Lock Release (ELR), a technique that allows early release of locks to improve concurrency level and overall throughput in OLTP. This technique has been proven to lead to a database system that can produce correct and recoverable histories but it has never been implemented in a full scale DBMS. A new action is introduced which decouples the commit action from the log flush to non-volatile storage. ELR can help us increase the concurrency and the predictability of a database system without losing correctness and recoverability. We conclude that applying ELR on a DBMS, especially with a centralized log scheme makes absolute sense, because (a) it carries negligible overhead, (b) it improves the concurrency level by allowing a transaction to acquire the necessary locks when the previous holder of the locks has finished its useful work (and not after committing to disk), and (c), as a result, the overall throughput can be increased by up to 2x for TPCC and 7x for TPCB workloads. Additionally, the variation of the waiting time of the log flush is zeroed because transactions no longer wait for a log flush before they can release their locks