2 research outputs found

    An Agent-based Domain Specific Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Applications in Evolutionary Biology

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    Abstract. In this paper we present a brief overview of the ¨LOG project, aimed at the development of a domain specific framework for the rapid prototyping of applications in evolutionary biology. This includes the development of a domain specific language, called ¨LOG, and an agent-based implementation for the monitoring and execution of ¨LOG’s programs. A ¨LOG program—representing an intended application from an evolutionary biologist—is a specification of what to do to achieve her/his goal. The execution and monitoring component of our system will automatically figure out how to do it. We achieve that by viewing the available bioinformatic tools and data repositories as web services and casting the problem of execution of a sequence of bioinformatic services (possibly with loops, branches, and conditionals, specified by biologists) as the web services composition problem.