1 research outputs found

    An Adaptive Window Management System

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    Modern complex and information intensive computer applications involve multi-window operations. To simultaneously visualize all the necessary information for a task requires time--consuming window management operations by the user. Since these activities are not directly related to the user's task domain, time spent on window management results in loss of user's mental context and an increase in the actual task completion time. We propose an Adaptive Window Manager (AWM) which automates the layout of the windows on the display screen according to the current user and his current task domain and learns the user's layout requirements. In this paper, we shortly address what user model we used for building AWM. KEYWORDS Adaptive Window Management, Adaptive User Interfaces, User Model 1. Introduction With an ever--increasing rate of advances in computers, a user is burdened with a cluttered multi--window desktop and has to deal with rearranging the display layout (that is, positioning an..