3 research outputs found


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    When preparing a program for a conference, it is very important to divide teaching and learning tasks according to the areas in which you are involved for teaching and learning to be effective. At the University, the assignment process is still done manually which is very time consuming. Therefore, an appropriate optimization method is needed to handle this. This problem can be solved using a population-based heuristic approach, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has been applied to various fields such as scheduling and assignment. The data used in this research is lecturer assignment data in the form of prioritizing lecturer interest in teaching certain subjects. Based on the calculation results, a test was carried out to determine the effect of the test parameters on the fitness value obtained. From the results of the PSO parameter test, the best number of particles is 100, the best number of repetitions is 100, and the speed combination parameters c1 and c2 are 1.5 and 1.5 with the appropriate value of 94878. The system results, the solution obtained gives good results, i.e. always within tolerance limits, the error scores obtained by placing teachers on subjects that suit their preferences are lowe

    Análisis del método de control de voltaje “Droop Control” en una micro-red DC para el control de potencia activa y distribución de carga entre diferentes fuentes de generación, usando conversores de potencia

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    Las micro-redes han tenido gran aceptación durante los últimos años. Debido a sus características estas permiten tener sistemas con mejor confiabilidad, son capaces de reducir las pérdidas por transmisión, perfeccionan el uso de energía eléctrica renovable. Entre las principales funciones de desempeño de una micro-red, en el ámbito del comercio es manejar perfiles de voltaje adecuados a fin de no afectar al consumidor final, los niveles óptimos de funcionamiento en este modelo son de 0.38kV y 10kV las cuales son afectadas ante un aumento de carga provocando caídas de tensión menores al 1 p.u, la alternativa planteada para mejorar los perfiles del voltaje afectados en una micro-red es la aplicación de la técnica control droop la cual se basa en la configuración de potencia activa y reactiva respecto al voltaje y frecuencia e intercambiado corriente entre los convertidores de potencia manteniendo los perfiles de voltaje estables, la implantación de este control es el sistema de distribución “IEEE AMERICAN LATINA” de 10 nodos, el cual se sujeta a diversos escenarios para comprobar su validez.Micro-grids have been widely accepted in recent years, due to their characteristics they allow to have systems with better reliability while being able of reducing transmission losses and they improve the use of renewable electrical energy. One of the main performance functions of a micro-network is found in the field of trade where adequate voltage profiles are managed to avoid affecting the end-user, the optimum levels of operation in this model are 0.38kV and 10kV which are affected by an increase in load causing voltage drops less than 1 pu, the alternative proposed to improve the affected voltage profiles in a micro-network is the application of the droop control technique, This is based on the configuration of active and reactive power with respect to voltage and frequency and exchanging current between the power converters, keeping the voltage profiles stable. The implementation of this control is the 10-node "IEEE AMERICAN LATINA" distribution system, which is subject to various scenarios to check its validity

    Inter-Microgrid Operation: Power Sharing, Frequency Restoration, Seamless Reconnection and Stability Analysis

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    Electrification in the rural areas sometimes become very challenging due to area accessibility and economic concern. Standalone Microgrids (MGs) play a very crucial role in these kinds of a rural area where a large power grid is not available. The intermittent nature of distributed energy sources and the load uncertainties can create a power mismatch and can lead to frequency and voltage drop in rural isolated community MG. In order to avoid this, various intelligent load shedding techniques, installation of micro storage systems and coupling of neighbouring MGs can be adopted. Among these, the coupling of neighbouring MGs is the most feasible in the rural area where large grid power is not available. The interconnection of neighbouring MGs has raised concerns about the safety of operation, protection of critical infrastructure, the efficiency of power-sharing and most importantly, stable mode of operation. Many advanced control techniques have been proposed to enhance the load sharing and stability of the microgrid. Droop control is the most commonly used control technique for parallel operation of converters in order to share the load among the MGs. But most of them are in the presence of large grid power, where system voltage and frequency are controlled by the stiff grid. In a rural area, where grid power is not available, the frequency and voltage control become a fundamental issue to be addressed. Moreover, for accurate load sharing a high value of droop gain should be chosen as the R/X ratio of the rural network is very high, which makes the system unstable. Therefore, the choice of droop gains is often a trade-off between power-sharing and stability. In the context, the main focus of this PhD thesis is the fundamental investigations into control techniques of inverter-based standalone neighbouring microgrids for available power sharing. It aims to develop new and improved control techniques to enhance performance and power-sharing reliability of remote standalone Microgrids. In this thesis, a power management-based droop control is proposed for accurate power sharing according to the power availability in a particular MG. Inverters can have different power setpoints during the grid-connected mode, but in the standalone mode, they all need their power setpoints to be adjusted according to their power ratings. On the basis of this, a power management-based droop control strategy is developed to achieve the power-sharing among the neighbouring microgrids. The proposed method helps the MG inverters to share the power according to its ratings and availability, which does not restrict the inverters for equal power-sharing. The paralleled inverters in coupled MGs need to work in both interconnected mode and standalone mode and should be able to transfer between modes seamlessly. An enhanced droop control is proposed to maintain the frequency and voltage of the MGs to their nominal value, which also helps the neighbouring MGs for seamless (de)coupling. This thesis also presents a mathematical model of the interconnected neighbouring microgrid for stability and robustness analysis. Finally, a laboratory prototype model of two MGs is developed to test the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies