115 research outputs found

    An Actor-Critic-Based UAV-BSs Deployment Method for Dynamic Environments

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    In this paper, the real-time deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) as flying base stations (BSs) for optimizing the throughput of mobile users is investigated for UAV networks. This problem is formulated as a time-varying mixed-integer non-convex programming (MINP) problem, which is challenging to find an optimal solution in a short time with conventional optimization techniques. Hence, we propose an actor-critic-based (AC-based) deep reinforcement learning (DRL) method to find near-optimal UAV positions at every moment. In the proposed method, the process searching for the solution iteratively at a particular moment is modeled as a Markov decision process (MDP). To handle infinite state and action spaces and improve the robustness of the decision process, two powerful neural networks (NNs) are configured to evaluate the UAV position adjustments and make decisions, respectively. Compared with the heuristic algorithm, sequential least-squares programming and fixed UAVs methods, simulation results have shown that the proposed method outperforms these three benchmarks in terms of the throughput at every moment in UAV networks

    Graph Attention-based Reinforcement Learning for Trajectory Design and Resource Assignment in Multi-UAV Assisted Communication

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    In the multiple unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)- assisted downlink communication, it is challenging for UAV base stations (UAV BSs) to realize trajectory design and resource assignment in unknown environments. The cooperation and competition between UAV BSs in the communication network leads to a Markov game problem. Multi-agent reinforcement learning is a significant solution for the above decision-making. However, there are still many common issues, such as the instability of the system and low utilization of historical data, that limit its application. In this paper, a novel graph-attention multi-agent trust region (GA-MATR) reinforcement learning framework is proposed to solve the multi-UAV assisted communication problem. Graph recurrent network is introduced to process and analyze complex topology of the communication network, so as to extract useful information and patterns from observational information. The attention mechanism provides additional weighting for conveyed information, so that the critic network can accurately evaluate the value of behavior for UAV BSs. This provides more reliable feedback signals and helps the actor network update the strategy more effectively. Ablation simulations indicate that the proposed approach attains improved convergence over the baselines. UAV BSs learn the optimal communication strategies to achieve their maximum cumulative rewards. Additionally, multi-agent trust region method with monotonic convergence provides an estimated Nash equilibrium for the multi-UAV assisted communication Markov game.Comment: 13 page

    Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Joint 3D Navigation and Phase Shift Control for Mobile Internet of Vehicles Assisted by RIS-equipped UAVs

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are utilized to improve the performance of wireless communication networks (WCNs), notably, in the context of Internet-of-things (IoT). However, the application of UAVs, as active aerial base stations (BSs)/relays, is questionable in the fifth-generation (5G) WCNs with quasi-optic millimeter wave (mmWave) and beyond in 6G (visible light) WCNs. Because path loss is high in 5G/6G networks that attenuate, even, the line-of-sight (LoS) communicating signals propagated by UAVs. Besides, the limited energy/size/weight of UAVs makes it cost-deficient to design aerial multi-input/output BSs for active beamforming to strengthen the signals. Equipping UAVs with the reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), a passive component, can help to address the problems with UAV-assisted communication in 5G and optical 6G networks. We propose adopting the RIS-equipped UAV (RISeUAV) to provide aerial LoS service and facilitate communication for mobile Internet-of-vehicles (IoVs) in an obstructed dense urban area covered by 5G/6G. RISeUAV-aided wireless communication facilitates vehicle-to-vehicle/everything communication for IoVs for updating IoT information required for sensor fusion and autonomous driving. However, autonomous navigation of RISeUAV for this purpose is a multilateral problem and is computationally challenging for being optimally implemented in real-time. We intelligently automated RISeUAV navigation using deep reinforcement learning to address the optimality and time complexity issues. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the method

    Multi-Drone-Cell 3D Trajectory Planning and Resource Allocation for Drone-Assisted Radio Access Networks

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    Equipped with communication modules, drones can perform as drone-cells (DCs) that provide on-demand communication services to users in various scenarios, such as traffic monitoring, Internet of things (IoT) data collections, and temporal communication provisioning. As the aerial relay nodes between terrestrial users and base stations (BSs), DCs are leveraged to extend wireless connections for uncovered users of radio access networks (RAN), which forms the drone-assisted RAN (DA-RAN). In DA-RAN, the communication coverage, quality-of-service (QoS) performance and deployment flexibility can be improved due to the line-of-sight DC-to-ground (D2G) wireless links and the dynamic deployment capabilities of DCs. Considering the special mobility pattern, channel model, energy consumption, and other features of DCs, it is essential yet challenging to design the flying trajectories and resource allocation schemes for DA-RAN. In specific, given the emerging D2G communication models and dynamic deployment capability of DCs, new DC deployment strategies are required by DA-RAN. Moreover, to exploit the fully controlled mobility of DCs and promote the user fairness, the flying trajectories of DCs and the D2G communications must be jointly optimized. Further, to serve the high-mobility users (e.g. vehicular users) whose mobility patterns are hard to be modeled, both the trajectory planning and resource allocation schemes for DA-RAN should be re-designed to adapt to the variations of terrestrial traffic. To address the above challenges, in this thesis, we propose a DA-RAN architecture in which multiple DCs are leveraged to relay data between BSs and terrestrial users. Based on the theoretical analyses of the D2G communication, DC energy consumption, and DC mobility features, the deployment, trajectory planning and communication resource allocation of multiple DCs are jointly investigated for both quasi-static and high-mobility users. We first analyze the communication coverage, drone-to-BS (D2B) backhaul link quality, and optimal flying height of the DC according to the state-of-the-art drone-to-user (D2U) and D2B channel models. We then formulate the multi-DC three-dimensional (3D) deployment problem with the objective of maximizing the ratio of effectively covered users while guaranteeing D2B link qualities. To solve the problem, a per-drone iterated particle swarm optimization (DI-PSO) algorithm is proposed, which prevents the large particle searching space and the high violating probability of constraints existing in the pure PSO based algorithm. Simulations show that the DI-PSO algorithm can achieve higher coverage ratio with less complexity comparing to the pure PSO based algorithm. Secondly, to improve overall network performance and the fairness among edge and central users, we design 3D trajectories for multiple DCs in DA-RAN. The multi-DC 3D trajectory planning and scheduling is formulated as a mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem with the objective of maximizing the average D2U throughput. To address the non-convexity and NP-hardness of the MINLP problem due to the 3D trajectory, we first decouple the MINLP problem into multiple integer linear programming and quasi-convex sub-problems in which user association, D2U communication scheduling, horizontal trajectories and flying heights of DBSs are respectively optimized. Then, we design a multi-DC 3D trajectory planning and scheduling algorithm to solve the sub-problems iteratively based on the block coordinate descent (BCD) method. A k-means-based initial trajectory generation scheme and a search-based start slot scheduling scheme are also designed to improve network performance and control mutual interference between DCs, respectively. Compared with the static DBS deployment, the proposed trajectory planning scheme can achieve much lower average value and standard deviation of D2U pathloss, which indicate the improvements of network throughput and user fairness. Thirdly, considering the highly dynamic and uncertain environment composed by high-mobility users, we propose a hierarchical deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based multi-DC trajectory planning and resource allocation (HDRLTPRA) scheme for high-mobility users. The objective is to maximize the accumulative network throughput while satisfying user fairness, DC power consumption, and DC-to-ground link quality constraints. To address the high uncertainties of environment, we decouple the multi-DC TPRA problem into two hierarchical sub-problems, i.e., the higher-level global trajectory planning sub-problem and the lower-level local TPRA sub-problem. First, the global trajectory planning sub-problem is to address trajectory planning for multiple DCs in the RAN over a long time period. To solve the sub-problem, we propose a multi-agent DRL based global trajectory planning (MARL-GTP) algorithm in which the non-stationary state space caused by multi-DC environment is addressed by the multi-agent fingerprint technique. Second, based on the global trajectory planning results, the local TPRA (LTPRA) sub-problem is investigated independently for each DC to control the movement and transmit power allocation based on the real-time user traffic variations. A deep deterministic policy gradient based LTPRA (DDPG-LTPRA) algorithm is then proposed to solve the LTPRA sub-problem. With the two algorithms addressing both sub-problems at different decision granularities, the multi-DC TPRA problem can be resolved by the HDRLTPRA scheme. Simulation results show that 40% network throughput improvement can be achieved by the proposed HDRLTPRA scheme over the non-learning-based TPRA scheme. In summary, we have investigated the multi-DC 3D deployment, trajectory planning and communication resource allocation in DA-RAN considering different user mobility patterns in this thesis. The proposed schemes and theoretical results should provide useful guidelines for future research in DC trajectory planning, resource allocation, as well as the real deployment of DCs in complex environments with diversified users

    AI-based Navigation and Communication Control for a Team of UAVs with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Supporting Mobile Internet of Vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are employed in wireless communication networks (WCNs) to improve coverage and quality. The applications of UAVs become problematic in the millimeters wave fifth-generation (5G) and beyond in the optical 6G WCNs because of two reasons: 1) higher path loss which means UAVs should fly at lower altitudes to be closer to the user's equipment; 2) complexities associated with a multi-input multi-output antenna to be incorporated in the UAV as an active aerial base station. We propose equipping UAVs with a (passive) reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) to resolve the issues with UAV-enabled wireless communication in 5G/6G. In this paper, the trajectory planning of the RIS-equipped UAV (RISeUAV) that renders aerial LoS service (ALoSS) is elaborated. The ALoSS facilitates vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication in obstructed dense urban environments for Internet-of-vehicles. (IoVs). To handle the nonconvexity and computation hardness of the optimization problem we use AI-based deep reinforcement learning to effectively solve the optimality and time complexity issues. Numerical simulation results assess the efficacy of the proposed method

    A Survey on Energy Optimization Techniques in UAV-Based Cellular Networks: From Conventional to Machine Learning Approaches

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    Wireless communication networks have been witnessing an unprecedented demand due to the increasing number of connected devices and emerging bandwidth-hungry applications. Albeit many competent technologies for capacity enhancement purposes, such as millimeter wave communications and network densification, there is still room and need for further capacity enhancement in wireless communication networks, especially for the cases of unusual people gatherings, such as sport competitions, musical concerts, etc. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been identified as one of the promising options to enhance the capacity due to their easy implementation, pop up fashion operation, and cost-effective nature. The main idea is to deploy base stations on UAVs and operate them as flying base stations, thereby bringing additional capacity to where it is needed. However, because the UAVs mostly have limited energy storage, their energy consumption must be optimized to increase flight time. In this survey, we investigate different energy optimization techniques with a top-level classification in terms of the optimization algorithm employed; conventional and machine learning (ML). Such classification helps understand the state of the art and the current trend in terms of methodology. In this regard, various optimization techniques are identified from the related literature, and they are presented under the above mentioned classes of employed optimization methods. In addition, for the purpose of completeness, we include a brief tutorial on the optimization methods and power supply and charging mechanisms of UAVs. Moreover, novel concepts, such as reflective intelligent surfaces and landing spot optimization, are also covered to capture the latest trend in the literature.Comment: 41 pages, 5 Figures, 6 Tables. Submitted to Open Journal of Communications Society (OJ-COMS
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