1 research outputs found

    An active learning framework for duplicate detection in SaaS platforms

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    With the rapid growth of usersā€™ data in SaaS (Software-as-a-service) platforms using micro-services, it becomes essential to detect duplicated entities for ensuring the integrity and consistency of data in many companies and businesses (primarily multinational corporations). Due to the large volume of databases today, the expected duplicate detection algorithms need to be not only accurate but also practical, which means that it can release the detection results as fast as possible for a given request. Among existing algorithms for the deduplicate detection problem, using Siamese neural networks with the triplet loss has become one of the robust ways to measure the similarity of two entities (texts, paragraphs, or documents) for identifying all possible duplicated items. In this paper, we first propose a practical framework for building a duplicate detection system in a SaaS platform. Second, we present a new active learning schema for training and updating duplicate detection algorithms. In this schema, we not only allow the crowd to provide more annotated data for enhancing the chosen learning model but also use the Siamese neural networks as well as the triplet loss to construct an efficient model for the problem. Finally, we design a user interface of our proposed deduplicate detection system, which can easily apply for empirical applications in different companies