6 research outputs found

    Solving Real-Life Hydroinformatics Problems with Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence

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    Many real life problems in the hydraulic engineering literature can be modelled as constrained optimisation problems. Often, they are addressed in the literature through genetic algorithms, although other techniques have been proposed. In this thesis, we address two of these real life problems through a variety of techniques taken from the Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research areas, such as mixed-integer linear programming, logic programming, genetic algorithms and path relinking, together with hybridization amongst these technologies and with hydraulic simulators. For the first time, an Answer Set Programming formulation of hydroinformatics problems is proposed. The two real life problems addressed hereby are the optimisation of the response in case of contamination events, and the optimisation of the positioning of the isolation valves. The constraints of the former describe the feasible region of the Multiple Travelling Salesman Problem, while the objective function is computed by a hydraulic simulator. A simulation–optimisation approach based on Genetic Algorithms, mathematical programming, and Path Relinking, and a thorough experimental analysis are discussed hereby. The constraints of the latter problem describe a graph partitioning enriched with a maximum flow, and it is a new variant of the common graph partitioning. A new mathematical model plus a new formalization in logic programming are discussed in this work. In particular, the technologies adopted are mixed-integer linear programming and Answer Set Programming. Addressing these two real applications in hydraulic engineering as constrained optimisation problems has allowed for i) computing applicable solutions to the real case, ii) computing better solutions than the ones proposed in the hydraulic literature, iii) exploiting graph theory for modellization and solving purposes, iv) solving the problems by well suited technologies in Operations Research and Artificial Intelligence, and v) designing new integrated and hybrid architectures for a more effective solving

    An ASP approach for the valves positioning optimization in a water distribution system

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    Positioning of valves is a real-life issue in Water Distribution System (WDS) design and, currently, it is usually addressed by hydraulic engineers either by hand or by means of genetic algorithms, that give no assurance of optimality. Since a given valves placement identifies a sectorization of the WDS in several isolable portions, the valves positioning problem can be seen as a variant of the well known graph partitioning problem, which is a hard combinatorial problem. Cattafi et al. (2011, TPLP, 11, 731–747) showed recently that Computational Logic can provide technologies and techniques that can be exploited to model and achieve the optimal partition of the water network (i.e. the optimal positioning of valves). In particular, the authors tackled the optimization of the valves positioning through a two player game model, giving a Constraint Logic Programming formalization to solve it effectively. The aim of this article, instead, is to investigate the potential of Answer Set Programming in this practical application; evaluation is in terms both of language expressivity and solving efficiency. Results are discussed for different ASP models and a comparison with the CLP(FD) technique shown by Cattafi et al. (2011, TPLP, 11, 731–747) will be given

    An ASP Approach for the Valves Positioning Optimization in a Water Distribution System

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    Abstract. Positioning of valves is a real-life issue in Water Distribution Systemdesignand,currently,itisusuallyaddressedbyhandbyhydraulic engineers, or by means of genetic algorithms, that give no assurance of optimality. Since a given valves placement identifies a sectorization of the WDS in several isolable portions, the valves positioning problem can be seen as a variant of the well known graph partitioning, which is a hard combinatorial problem. [2] showed recently that Computational Logic can provide technologies and techniques that can be exploited to model and achieve the optimal partition of the water network (i.e., the optimal positioning of valves). In particular, they tackled the optimization of the valves positioning through a two player game model, giving a Constraint Logic Programming formalization to solve it effectively. The aim of this paper, instead, istoinvestigatethepotential ofAnswerSetProgramming in this practical application; evaluation is in terms both of language expressivityandsolvingefficiency.Resultsare discussedfor differentASP models and a comparison with the CLP(FD) technique shown by [2] will be given.