7,715 research outputs found

    Optimal Investment with Transaction Costs and Stochastic Volatility

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    Two major financial market complexities are transaction costs and uncertain volatility, and we analyze their joint impact on the problem of portfolio optimization. When volatility is constant, the transaction costs optimal investment problem has a long history, especially in the use of asymptotic approximations when the cost is small. Under stochastic volatility, but with no transaction costs, the Merton problem under general utility functions can also be analyzed with asymptotic methods. Here, we look at the long-run growth rate problem when both complexities are present, using separation of time scales approximations. This leads to perturbation analysis of an eigenvalue problem. We find the first term in the asymptotic expansion in the time scale parameter, of the optimal long-term growth rate, and of the optimal strategy, for fixed small transaction costs.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figure

    Optimal Dynamic Basis Trading

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    We study the problem of dynamically trading a futures contract and its underlying asset under a stochastic basis model. The basis evolution is modeled by a stopped scaled Brownian bridge to account for non-convergence of the basis at maturity. The optimal trading strategies are determined from a utility maximization problem under hyperbolic absolute risk aversion (HARA) risk preferences. By analyzing the associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation, we derive the exact conditions under which the equation admits a solution and solve the utility maximization explicitly. A series of numerical examples are provided to illustrate the optimal strategies and examine the effects of model parameters.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figure

    Moral Hazard in Dynamic Risk Management

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    We consider a contracting problem in which a principal hires an agent to manage a risky project. When the agent chooses volatility components of the output process and the principal observes the output continuously, the principal can compute the quadratic variation of the output, but not the individual components. This leads to moral hazard with respect to the risk choices of the agent. We identify a family of admissible contracts for which the optimal agent's action is explicitly characterized, and, using the recent theory of singular changes of measures for It\^o processes, we study how restrictive this family is. In particular, in the special case of the standard Homlstr\"om-Milgrom model with fixed volatility, the family includes all possible contracts. We solve the principal-agent problem in the case of CARA preferences, and show that the optimal contract is linear in these factors: the contractible sources of risk, including the output, the quadratic variation of the output and the cross-variations between the output and the contractible risk sources. Thus, like sample Sharpe ratios used in practice, path-dependent contracts naturally arise when there is moral hazard with respect to risk management. In a numerical example, we show that the loss of efficiency can be significant if the principal does not use the quadratic variation component of the optimal contract.Comment: 36 pages, 3 figure

    Portfolio Choice with Stochastic Investment Opportunities: a User's Guide

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    This survey reviews portfolio choice in settings where investment opportunities are stochastic due to, e.g., stochastic volatility or return predictability. It is explained how to heuristically compute candidate optimal portfolios using tools from stochastic control, and how to rigorously verify their optimality by means of convex duality. Special emphasis is placed on long-horizon asymptotics, that lead to particularly tractable results.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figure