3 research outputs found

    Resource dimensioning through buffer sampling

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    Link dimensioning, i.e., selecting a (minimal) link capacity such that the users’ performance requirements are met, is a crucial component of network design. It requires insight into the interrelationship among the traffic offered (in terms of the mean offered load , but also its fluctuation around the mean, i.e., ‘burstiness’), the envisioned performance level, and the capacity needed. We first derive, for different performance criteria, theoretical dimensioning formulas that estimate the required capacity cc as a function of the input traffic and the performance target. For the special case of Gaussian input traffic, these formulas reduce to c=M+αVc = M + \alpha V, where directly relates to the performance requirement (as agreed upon in a service level agreement) and VV reflects the burstiness (at the timescale of interest). We also observe that Gaussianity applies for virtually all realistic scenarios; notably, already for a relatively low aggregation level, the Gaussianity assumption is justified.\ud As estimating MM is relatively straightforward, the remaining open issue concerns the estimation of VV. We argue that particularly if corresponds to small time-scales, it may be inaccurate to estimate it directly from the traffic traces. Therefore, we propose an indirect method that samples the buffer content, estimates the buffer content distribution, and ‘inverts’ this to the variance. We validate the inversion through extensive numerical experiments (using a sizeable collection of traffic traces from various representative locations); the resulting estimate of VV is then inserted in the dimensioning formula. These experiments show that both the inversion and the dimensioning formula are remarkably accurate

    Resource dimensioning through buffer sampling

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    Link dimensioning, i.e., selecting a (minimal) link capacity such that the users’ performance requirements are met, is a crucial component of network design. It requires insight into the interrelationship between the traffic offered (in terms of the mean offered load M, but also its fluctuation around the mean, i.e., ‘burstiness’), the envisioned performance level, and the capacity needed. We first derive, for different performance criteria, theoretical dimensioning formulae that estimate the required capacity C as a function of the input traffic and the performance target. For the special case of Gaussian input traffic these formulae reduce to C = M+V , where directly relates to the performance requirement (as agreed upon in a service level agreement) and V reflects the burstiness (at the timescale of interest). We also observe that Gaussianity applies for virtually all realistic scenarios; notably, already for a relatively low aggregation level the Gaussianity assumption is justified.\ud As estimating M is relatively straightforward, the remaining open issue concerns the estimation of V . We argue that, particularly if V corresponds to small time-scales, it may be inaccurate to estimate it directly from the traffic traces. Therefore, we propose an indirect method that samples the buffer content, estimates the buffer content distribution, and ‘inverts’ this to the variance. We validate the inversion through extensive numerical experiments (using a sizeable collection of traffic traces from various representative locations); the resulting estimate of V is then inserted in the dimensioning formula. These experiments show that both the inversion and the dimensioning formula are remarkably accurate

    Controle de admissão de conexão para servidores de vídeo sob demanda utilizando a teoria assintótica de muitas fontes

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    This work proposes a admission control architecture for video-on-demand servers, which provide deterministic guarantees on the maximum delay of video traffic and increase the network resource utilization. The framework take advantage of the fact that stored video streams can be processed off-line to calculate the space and time parameters in order to estimate its effective bandwidth under the many sources asymptotic regime. The automatic generation of video data representation (packetized and encapsulated in network protocols) in textual format allows a full characterization of the underlying process so as to precisely calculate its bandwidth requirements. To bypass the traffic prediction problem, since the off-line estimation does not capture the exact dynamics of the video stream in the time domain, the link is divided into several virtual links, where only streams with same content are multiplexed (group multiplexing approach). The introduction of a borrowing mechanism to distribute the excess bandwidth to other groups which request service increases the resource utilization and QoS. The admission control is aided by a Database Management System, where a stored procedure decides whether to accept or reject a connection by simple compare the sum of effective bandwidths for the traffic streams with the available resources. The efficiency of the model is analyzed and compared with deterministic approachs.O presente trabalho propõe uma arquitetura de controle de admissão de conexão para servidores de vídeo sob demanda, que visa introduzir garantias determinísticas para o atraso e aumentar a taxa de utilização do enlace. O sistema tira proveito do fato de que os arquivos de vídeo podem ser pré-processados, para calcular os parâmetros de tempo e espaço, com o objetivo de estimar a banda efetiva de um agregado de streams sobre o regime assintótico de muitas fontes. A geração automática dos arquivos de trace permite a caracterização total do processo de chegada dos dados, aumentando a precisão do cálculo da taxa de serviço requerida. Para contornar o problema de predição de tráfego, uma vez que o sistema não captura o comportamento dos fluxos de vídeo no domínio do tempo, o enlace é divido em vários enlaces virtuais, que transportam somente fluxos de vídeos idênticos. A utilização de um mecanismo, que compartilha a banda excedente, diminui o desperdício de recursos e a probabilidade de ocorrer uma violação aos parâmetros de QoS impostos. Todo processo de admissão de conexão é auxiliado por um sistema gestor de base de dados, onde uma função decide se deve ou não aceitar uma conexão pela simples comparação das somas das bandas efetivas das conexões com os recursos disponíveis. A eficiência do modelo proposto é analisada e comparada aos modelos determinísticos tradicionais