32 research outputs found

    Alternating Multi-bit Quantization for Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Recurrent neural networks have achieved excellent performance in many applications. However, on portable devices with limited resources, the models are often too large to deploy. For applications on the server with large scale concurrent requests, the latency during inference can also be very critical for costly computing resources. In this work, we address these problems by quantizing the network, both weights and activations, into multiple binary codes {-1,+1}. We formulate the quantization as an optimization problem. Under the key observation that once the quantization coefficients are fixed the binary codes can be derived efficiently by binary search tree, alternating minimization is then applied. We test the quantization for two well-known RNNs, i.e., long short term memory (LSTM) and gated recurrent unit (GRU), on the language models. Compared with the full-precision counter part, by 2-bit quantization we can achieve ~16x memory saving and ~6x real inference acceleration on CPUs, with only a reasonable loss in the accuracy. By 3-bit quantization, we can achieve almost no loss in the accuracy or even surpass the original model, with ~10.5x memory saving and ~3x real inference acceleration. Both results beat the exiting quantization works with large margins. We extend our alternating quantization to image classification tasks. In both RNNs and feedforward neural networks, the method also achieves excellent performance.Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201

    Compression of Acoustic Event Detection Models with Low-rank Matrix Factorization and Quantization Training

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    In this paper, we present a compression approach based on the combination of low-rank matrix factorization and quantization training, to reduce complexity for neural network based acoustic event detection (AED) models. Our experimental results show this combined compression approach is very effective. For a three-layer long short-term memory (LSTM) based AED model, the original model size can be reduced to 1% with negligible loss of accuracy. Our approach enables the feasibility of deploying AED for resource-constraint applications.Comment: NeuralPS 2018 CDNNRIA worksho

    Network Pruning for Low-Rank Binary Indexing

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    Pruning is an efficient model compression technique to remove redundancy in the connectivity of deep neural networks (DNNs). Computations using sparse matrices obtained by pruning parameters, however, exhibit vastly different parallelism depending on the index representation scheme. As a result, fine-grained pruning has not gained much attention due to its irregular index form leading to large memory footprint and low parallelism for convolutions and matrix multiplications. In this paper, we propose a new network pruning technique that generates a low-rank binary index matrix to compress index data while decompressing index data is performed by simple binary matrix multiplication. This proposed compression method finds a particular fine-grained pruning mask that can be decomposed into two binary matrices. We also propose a tile-based factorization technique that not only lowers memory requirements but also enhances compression ratio. Various DNN models can be pruned with much fewer indexes compared to previous sparse matrix formats while maintaining the same pruning rate

    Learning to Skip Ineffectual Recurrent Computations in LSTMs

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    Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) is a special class of recurrent neural network, which has shown remarkable successes in processing sequential data. The typical architecture of an LSTM involves a set of states and gates: the states retain information over arbitrary time intervals and the gates regulate the flow of information. Due to the recursive nature of LSTMs, they are computationally intensive to deploy on edge devices with limited hardware resources. To reduce the computational complexity of LSTMs, we first introduce a method that learns to retain only the important information in the states by pruning redundant information. We then show that our method can prune over 90% of information in the states without incurring any accuracy degradation over a set of temporal tasks. This observation suggests that a large fraction of the recurrent computations are ineffectual and can be avoided to speed up the process during the inference as they involve noncontributory multiplications/accumulations with zero-valued states. Finally, we introduce a custom hardware accelerator that can perform the recurrent computations using both sparse and dense states. Experimental measurements show that performing the computations using the sparse states speeds up the process and improves energy efficiency by up to 5.2x when compared to implementation results of the accelerator performing the computations using dense states.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper for presentation at DATE 201

    Learning Low-Rank Approximation for CNNs

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    Low-rank approximation is an effective model compression technique to not only reduce parameter storage requirements, but to also reduce computations. For convolutional neural networks (CNNs), however, well-known low-rank approximation methods, such as Tucker or CP decomposition, result in degraded model accuracy because decomposed layers hinder training convergence. In this paper, we propose a new training technique that finds a flat minimum in the view of low-rank approximation without a decomposed structure during training. By preserving the original model structure, 2-dimensional low-rank approximation demanding lowering (such as im2col) is available in our proposed scheme. We show that CNN models can be compressed by low-rank approximation with much higher compression ratio than conventional training methods while maintaining or even enhancing model accuracy. We also discuss various 2-dimensional low-rank approximation techniques for CNNs

    DeepTwist: Learning Model Compression via Occasional Weight Distortion

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    Model compression has been introduced to reduce the required hardware resources while maintaining the model accuracy. Lots of techniques for model compression, such as pruning, quantization, and low-rank approximation, have been suggested along with different inference implementation characteristics. Adopting model compression is, however, still challenging because the design complexity of model compression is rapidly increasing due to additional hyper-parameters and computation overhead in order to achieve a high compression ratio. In this paper, we propose a simple and efficient model compression framework called DeepTwist which distorts weights in an occasional manner without modifying the underlying training algorithms. The ideas of designing weight distortion functions are intuitive and straightforward given formats of compressed weights. We show that our proposed framework improves compression rate significantly for pruning, quantization, and low-rank approximation techniques while the efforts of additional retraining and/or hyper-parameter search are highly reduced. Regularization effects of DeepTwist are also reported

    Dynamically Hierarchy Revolution: DirNet for Compressing Recurrent Neural Network on Mobile Devices

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    Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) achieve cutting-edge performance on a variety of problems. However, due to their high computational and memory demands, deploying RNNs on resource constrained mobile devices is a challenging task. To guarantee minimum accuracy loss with higher compression rate and driven by the mobile resource requirement, we introduce a novel model compression approach DirNet based on an optimized fast dictionary learning algorithm, which 1) dynamically mines the dictionary atoms of the projection dictionary matrix within layer to adjust the compression rate 2) adaptively changes the sparsity of sparse codes cross the hierarchical layers. Experimental results on language model and an ASR model trained with a 1000h speech dataset demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms prior approaches. Evaluated on off-the-shelf mobile devices, we are able to reduce the size of original model by eight times with real-time model inference and negligible accuracy loss.Comment: Accepted by IJCAI-ECAI 201

    FINN-L: Library Extensions and Design Trade-off Analysis for Variable Precision LSTM Networks on FPGAs

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    It is well known that many types of artificial neural networks, including recurrent networks, can achieve a high classification accuracy even with low-precision weights and activations. The reduction in precision generally yields much more efficient hardware implementations in regards to hardware cost, memory requirements, energy, and achievable throughput. In this paper, we present the first systematic exploration of this design space as a function of precision for Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) neural network. Specifically, we include an in-depth investigation of precision vs. accuracy using a fully hardware-aware training flow, where during training quantization of all aspects of the network including weights, input, output and in-memory cell activations are taken into consideration. In addition, hardware resource cost, power consumption and throughput scalability are explored as a function of precision for FPGA-based implementations of BiLSTM, and multiple approaches of parallelizing the hardware. We provide the first open source HLS library extension of FINN for parameterizable hardware architectures of LSTM layers on FPGAs which offers full precision flexibility and allows for parameterizable performance scaling offering different levels of parallelism within the architecture. Based on this library, we present an FPGA-based accelerator for BiLSTM neural network designed for optical character recognition, along with numerous other experimental proof points for a Zynq UltraScale+ XCZU7EV MPSoC within the given design space.Comment: Accepted for publication, 28th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), August, 2018, Dublin, Irelan

    Knowledge distillation for optimization of quantized deep neural networks

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    Knowledge distillation (KD) is a very popular method for model size reduction. Recently, the technique is exploited for quantized deep neural networks (QDNNs) training as a way to restore the performance sacrificed by word-length reduction. KD, however, employs additional hyper-parameters, such as temperature, coefficient, and the size of teacher network for QDNN training. We analyze the effect of these hyper-parameters for QDNN optimization with KD. We find that these hyper-parameters are inter-related, and also introduce a simple and effective technique that reduces \textit{coefficient} during training. With KD employing the proposed hyper-parameters, we achieve the test accuracy of 92.7% and 67.0% on Resnet20 with 2-bit ternary weights for CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 data sets, respectively

    Dataflow-based Joint Quantization of Weights and Activations for Deep Neural Networks

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    This paper addresses a challenging problem - how to reduce energy consumption without incurring performance drop when deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) at the inference stage. In order to alleviate the computation and storage burdens, we propose a novel dataflow-based joint quantization approach with the hypothesis that a fewer number of quantization operations would incur less information loss and thus improve the final performance. It first introduces a quantization scheme with efficient bit-shifting and rounding operations to represent network parameters and activations in low precision. Then it restructures the network architectures to form unified modules for optimization on the quantized model. Extensive experiments on ImageNet and KITTI validate the effectiveness of our model, demonstrating that state-of-the-art results for various tasks can be achieved by this quantized model. Besides, we designed and synthesized an RTL model to measure the hardware costs among various quantization methods. For each quantization operation, it reduces area cost by about 15 times and energy consumption by about 9 times, compared to a strong baseline