1 research outputs found

    Almost Tight Bounds for Conflict-Free Chromatic Guarding of Orthogonal Galleries

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    We address recently proposed chromatic versions of the classic Art Gallery Problem. Assume a simple polygon PP is guarded by a finite set of point guards and each guard is assigned one of tt colors. Such a chromatic guarding is said to be conflict-free if each point p∈Pp\in P sees at least one guard with a unique color among all guards visible from pp. The goal is to establish bounds on the function Ο‡cf(n)\chi_{cf}(n) of the number of colors sufficient to guarantee the existence of a conflict-free chromatic guarding for any nn-vertex polygon. B\"artschi and Suri showed Ο‡cf(n)∈O(log⁑n)\chi_{cf}(n)\in O(\log n) (Algorithmica, 2014) for simple orthogonal polygons and the same bound applies to general simple polygons (B\"artschi et al., SoCG 2014). In this paper, we assume the r-visibility model instead of standard line visibility. Points pp and qq in an orthogonal polygon are r-visible to each other if the rectangle spanned by the points is contained in PP. For this model we show Ο‡cf(n)∈O(log⁑log⁑n)\chi_{cf}(n)\in O(\log\log n) and Ο‡cf(n)∈Ω(log⁑log⁑n/log⁑log⁑log⁑n)\chi_{cf}(n)\in \Omega(\log\log n /\log\log\log n). Most interestingly, we can show that the lower bound proof extends to guards with line visibility. To this end we introduce and utilize a novel discrete combinatorial structure called multicolor tableau. This is the first non-trivial lower bound for this problem setting.Furthermore, for the strong chromatic version of the problem, where all guards r-visible from a point must have distinct colors, we prove a Θ(log⁑n)\Theta(\log n)-bound. Our results can be interpreted as coloring results for special geometric hypergraphs.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure