14,785 research outputs found

    Inference of Markovian Properties of Molecular Sequences from NGS Data and Applications to Comparative Genomics

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    Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies generate large amounts of short read data for many different organisms. The fact that NGS reads are generally short makes it challenging to assemble the reads and reconstruct the original genome sequence. For clustering genomes using such NGS data, word-count based alignment-free sequence comparison is a promising approach, but for this approach, the underlying expected word counts are essential. A plausible model for this underlying distribution of word counts is given through modelling the DNA sequence as a Markov chain (MC). For single long sequences, efficient statistics are available to estimate the order of MCs and the transition probability matrix for the sequences. As NGS data do not provide a single long sequence, inference methods on Markovian properties of sequences based on single long sequences cannot be directly used for NGS short read data. Here we derive a normal approximation for such word counts. We also show that the traditional Chi-square statistic has an approximate gamma distribution, using the Lander-Waterman model for physical mapping. We propose several methods to estimate the order of the MC based on NGS reads and evaluate them using simulations. We illustrate the applications of our results by clustering genomic sequences of several vertebrate and tree species based on NGS reads using alignment-free sequence dissimilarity measures. We find that the estimated order of the MC has a considerable effect on the clustering results, and that the clustering results that use a MC of the estimated order give a plausible clustering of the species.Comment: accepted by RECOMB-SEQ 201

    A Coverage Criterion for Spaced Seeds and its Applications to Support Vector Machine String Kernels and k-Mer Distances

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    Spaced seeds have been recently shown to not only detect more alignments, but also to give a more accurate measure of phylogenetic distances (Boden et al., 2013, Horwege et al., 2014, Leimeister et al., 2014), and to provide a lower misclassification rate when used with Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (On-odera and Shibuya, 2013), We confirm by independent experiments these two results, and propose in this article to use a coverage criterion (Benson and Mak, 2008, Martin, 2013, Martin and No{\'e}, 2014), to measure the seed efficiency in both cases in order to design better seed patterns. We show first how this coverage criterion can be directly measured by a full automaton-based approach. We then illustrate how this criterion performs when compared with two other criteria frequently used, namely the single-hit and multiple-hit criteria, through correlation coefficients with the correct classification/the true distance. At the end, for alignment-free distances, we propose an extension by adopting the coverage criterion, show how it performs, and indicate how it can be efficiently computed.Comment: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cmb.2014.017

    A Coverage Criterion for Spaced Seeds and its Applications to Support Vector Machine String Kernels and k-Mer Distances

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    Spaced seeds have been recently shown to not only detect more alignments, but also to give a more accurate measure of phylogenetic distances (Boden et al., 2013, Horwege et al., 2014, Leimeister et al., 2014), and to provide a lower misclassification rate when used with Support Vector Machines (SVMs) (On-odera and Shibuya, 2013), We confirm by independent experiments these two results, and propose in this article to use a coverage criterion (Benson and Mak, 2008, Martin, 2013, Martin and No{\'e}, 2014), to measure the seed efficiency in both cases in order to design better seed patterns. We show first how this coverage criterion can be directly measured by a full automaton-based approach. We then illustrate how this criterion performs when compared with two other criteria frequently used, namely the single-hit and multiple-hit criteria, through correlation coefficients with the correct classification/the true distance. At the end, for alignment-free distances, we propose an extension by adopting the coverage criterion, show how it performs, and indicate how it can be efficiently computed.Comment: http://online.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/cmb.2014.017

    The Mathematics of Phylogenomics

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    The grand challenges in biology today are being shaped by powerful high-throughput technologies that have revealed the genomes of many organisms, global expression patterns of genes and detailed information about variation within populations. We are therefore able to ask, for the first time, fundamental questions about the evolution of genomes, the structure of genes and their regulation, and the connections between genotypes and phenotypes of individuals. The answers to these questions are all predicated on progress in a variety of computational, statistical, and mathematical fields. The rapid growth in the characterization of genomes has led to the advancement of a new discipline called Phylogenomics. This discipline results from the combination of two major fields in the life sciences: Genomics, i.e., the study of the function and structure of genes and genomes; and Molecular Phylogenetics, i.e., the study of the hierarchical evolutionary relationships among organisms and their genomes. The objective of this article is to offer mathematicians a first introduction to this emerging field, and to discuss specific mathematical problems and developments arising from phylogenomics.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    The EM Algorithm and the Rise of Computational Biology

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    In the past decade computational biology has grown from a cottage industry with a handful of researchers to an attractive interdisciplinary field, catching the attention and imagination of many quantitatively-minded scientists. Of interest to us is the key role played by the EM algorithm during this transformation. We survey the use of the EM algorithm in a few important computational biology problems surrounding the "central dogma"; of molecular biology: from DNA to RNA and then to proteins. Topics of this article include sequence motif discovery, protein sequence alignment, population genetics, evolutionary models and mRNA expression microarray data analysis.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-STS312 the Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Sequence alignment, mutual information, and dissimilarity measures for constructing phylogenies

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    Existing sequence alignment algorithms use heuristic scoring schemes which cannot be used as objective distance metrics. Therefore one relies on measures like the p- or log-det distances, or makes explicit, and often simplistic, assumptions about sequence evolution. Information theory provides an alternative, in the form of mutual information (MI) which is, in principle, an objective and model independent similarity measure. MI can be estimated by concatenating and zipping sequences, yielding thereby the "normalized compression distance". So far this has produced promising results, but with uncontrolled errors. We describe a simple approach to get robust estimates of MI from global pairwise alignments. Using standard alignment algorithms, this gives for animal mitochondrial DNA estimates that are strikingly close to estimates obtained from the alignment free methods mentioned above. Our main result uses algorithmic (Kolmogorov) information theory, but we show that similar results can also be obtained from Shannon theory. Due to the fact that it is not additive, normalized compression distance is not an optimal metric for phylogenetics, but we propose a simple modification that overcomes the issue of additivity. We test several versions of our MI based distance measures on a large number of randomly chosen quartets and demonstrate that they all perform better than traditional measures like the Kimura or log-det (resp. paralinear) distances. Even a simplified version based on single letter Shannon entropies, which can be easily incorporated in existing software packages, gave superior results throughout the entire animal kingdom. But we see the main virtue of our approach in a more general way. For example, it can also help to judge the relative merits of different alignment algorithms, by estimating the significance of specific alignments.Comment: 19 pages + 16 pages of supplementary materia

    Landscape of standing variation for tandem duplications in Drosophila yakuba and Drosophila simulans

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    We have used whole genome paired-end Illumina sequence data to identify tandem duplications in 20 isofemale lines of D. yakuba, and 20 isofemale lines of D. simulans and performed genome wide validation with PacBio long molecule sequencing. We identify 1,415 tandem duplications that are segregating in D. yakuba as well as 975 duplications in D. simulans, indicating greater variation in D. yakuba. Additionally, we observe high rates of secondary deletions at duplicated sites, with 8% of duplicated sites in D. simulans and 17% of sites in D. yakuba modified with deletions. These secondary deletions are consistent with the action of the large loop mismatch repair system acting to remove polymorphic tandem duplication, resulting in rapid dynamics of gain and loss in duplicated alleles and a richer substrate of genetic novelty than has been previously reported. Most duplications are present in only single strains, suggesting deleterious impacts are common. D. simulans shows larger numbers of whole gene duplications in comparison to larger proportions of gene fragments in D. yakuba. D. simulans displays an excess of high frequency variants on the X chromosome, consistent with adaptive evolution through duplications on the D. simulans X or demographic forces driving duplicates to high frequency. We identify 78 chimeric genes in D. yakuba and 38 chimeric genes in D. simulans, as well as 143 cases of recruited non-coding sequence in D. yakuba and 96 in D. simulans, in agreement with rates of chimeric gene origination in D. melanogaster. Together, these results suggest that tandem duplications often result in complex variation beyond whole gene duplications that offers a rich substrate of standing variation that is likely to contribute both to detrimental phenotypes and disease, as well as to adaptive evolutionary change.Comment: Revised Version- Accepted at Molecular Biology and Evolutio

    Non-alignment comparison of human and high primate genomes

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    Compositional spectra (CS) analysis based on k-mer scoring of DNA sequences was employed in this study for dot-plot comparison of human and primate genomes. The detection of extended conserved synteny regions was based on continuous fuzzy similarity rather than on chains of discrete anchors (genes or highly conserved noncoding elements). In addition to the high correspondence found in the comparisons of whole-genome sequences, a good similarity was also found after masking gene sequences, indicating that CS analysis manages to reveal phylogenetic signal in the organization of noncoding part of the genome sequences, including repetitive DNA and the genome "dark matter". Obviously, the possibility to reveal parallel ordering depends on the signal of common ancestor sequence organization varying locally along the corresponding segments of the compared genomes. We explored two sources contributing to this signal: sequence composition (GC content) and sequence organization (abundances of k-mers in the usual A,T,G,C or purine-pyrimidine alphabets). Whole-genome comparisons based on GC distribution along the analyzed sequences indeed gives reasonable results, but combining it with k-mer abundances dramatically improves the ordering quality, indicating that compositional and organizational heterogeneity comprise complementary sources of information on evolutionary conserved similarity of genome sequences
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