6 research outputs found

    Detection of gene orthology from gene co-expression and protein interaction networks

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    Background Ortholog detection methods present a powerful approach for finding genes that participate in similar biological processes across different organisms, extending our understanding of interactions between genes across different pathways, and understanding the evolution of gene families. Results We exploit features derived from the alignment of protein-protein interaction networks and gene-coexpression networks to reconstruct KEGG orthologs for Drosophila melanogaster, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Mus musculus and Homo sapiens protein-protein interaction networks extracted from the DIP repository and Mus musculus and Homo sapiens and Sus scrofa gene coexpression networks extracted from NCBI\u27s Gene Expression Omnibus using the decision tree, Naive-Bayes and Support Vector Machine classification algorithms. Conclusions The performance of our classifiers in reconstructing KEGG orthologs is compared against a basic reciprocal BLAST hit approach. We provide implementations of the resulting algorithms as part of BiNA, an open source biomolecular network alignment toolkit

    ParaSCAN: A Static Profiler to Help Parallelization

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    Parallelizing software often starts by profiling to identify program paths that are worth parallelizing. Static profiling techniques, e.g. hot paths, can be used to identify parallelism opportunities for programs that lack representative inputs and in situations where dynamic techniques aren\u27t applicable, e.g. parallelizing compilers and refactoring tools. Existing static techniques for identification of hot paths rely on path frequencies. Relying on path frequencies alone isn\u27t sufficient for identifying parallelism opportunities. We propose a novel automated approach for static profiling that combines both path frequencies and computational weight of the paths. We apply our technique called ParaSCAN to parallelism recommendation, where it is highly effective. Our results demonstrate that ParaSCAN\u27s recommendations cover all the parallelism manually identified by experts with 85% accuracy and in some cases also identifies parallelism missed by the experts

    Modular Algorithms for Biomolecular Network Alignment

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    Comparative analysis of biomolecular networks constructed using measurements from different conditions, tissues, and organisms offer a powerful approach to understanding the structure, function, dynamics, and evolution of complex biological systems. The rapidly advancing field of systems biology aims to understand the structure, function, dynamics, and evolution of complex biological systems in terms of the underlying networks of interactions among the large number of molecular participants involved including genes, proteins, and metabolites. In particular, the comparative analysis of network models representing biomolecular interactions in different species or tissues offers an important tool for identifying conserved modules, predicting functions of specific genes or proteins and studying the evolution of biological processes, among other applications. The primary focus of this dissertation is on the biomolecular network alignment problem: Given two or more network models, the problem is to optimally match the nodes and links in one network with the nodes and links of the other. The Biomolecular Network Alignment (BiNA) Toolkit developed as part of this dissertation provides a set of efficient (in terms of the running time complexity) and accurate (in terms of various evaluation criteria discussed in the literature) network alignment algorithms for biomolecular networks. BiNA is scalable, user-friendly, modular, and extensible for performing alignments on diverse types of biomolecular networks. The algorithm is applicable to (1) undirected graphs in their weighted and unweighted variations (2) undirected graphs in their labeled and unlabeled variations (3) and has been applied to align multiple networks from hundreds of nodes with a few thousand edges to networks with tens of thousands of nodes with millions of edges. The dissertation provides various applications of network comparison tools including how results from such alignments have been utilized to (1) construct phylogenetic trees based on protein-protein interaction networks, and (2) find biochemical pathways involved in ligand recognition in B cells

    Applied Graph-Mining Algorithms to Study Biomolecular Interaction Networks

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