25,104 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Weighted Boolean Optimization

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    The Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO) and Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) problems are natural optimization extensions of Boolean Satisfiability (SAT). In the recent past, different algorithms have been proposed for PBO and for MaxSAT, despite the existence of straightforward mappings from PBO to MaxSAT and vice-versa. This papers proposes Weighted Boolean Optimization (WBO), a new unified framework that aggregates and extends PBO and MaxSAT. In addition, the paper proposes a new unsatisfiability-based algorithm for WBO, based on recent unsatisfiability-based algorithms for MaxSAT. Besides standard MaxSAT, the new algorithm can also be used to solve weighted MaxSAT and PBO, handling pseudo-Boolean constraints either natively or by translation to clausal form. Experimental results illustrate that unsatisfiability-based algorithms for MaxSAT can be orders of magnitude more efficient than existing dedicated algorithms. Finally, the paper illustrates how other algorithms for either PBO or MaxSAT can be extended to WBO.Comment: 14 pages, 2 algorithms, 3 tables, 1 figur

    Boolean lexicographic optimization: algorithms & applications

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    Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization (MOCO) problems find a wide range of practical application problems, some of which involving Boolean variables and constraints. This paper develops and evaluates algorithms for solving MOCO problems, defined on Boolean domains, and where the optimality criterion is lexicographic. The proposed algorithms build on existing algorithms for either Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT), Pseudo-Boolean Optimization (PBO), or Integer Linear Programming (ILP). Experimental results, obtained on problem instances from haplotyping with pedigrees and software package dependencies, show that the proposed algorithms can provide significant performance gains over state of the art MaxSAT, PBO and ILP algorithms. Finally, the paper also shows that lexicographic optimization conditions are observed in the majority of the problem instances from the MaxSAT evaluations, motivating the development of dedicated algorithms that can exploit lexicographic optimization conditions in general MaxSAT problem instances.This work was partially funded by SFI PI Grant 09/IN.1/I2618, EU grants FP7-ICT-217069 and FP7-ICT-214898, FCT grant ATTEST (CMU-PT/ELE/0009/2009), FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/ 28599/2006, CICYT Projects TIN2009-14704-C03-01 and TIN2010-20967-C04-03, and by INESC-ID multiannual funding from the PIDDAC program funds

    borealis - A generalized global update algorithm for Boolean optimization problems

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    Optimization problems with Boolean variables that fall into the nondeterministic polynomial (NP) class are of fundamental importance in computer science, mathematics, physics and industrial applications. Most notably, solving constraint-satisfaction problems, which are related to spin-glass-like Hamiltonians in physics, remains a difficult numerical task. As such, there has been great interest in designing efficient heuristics to solve these computationally difficult problems. Inspired by parallel tempering Monte Carlo in conjunction with the rejection-free isoenergetic cluster algorithm developed for Ising spin glasses, we present a generalized global update optimization heuristic that can be applied to different NP-complete problems with Boolean variables. The global cluster updates allow for a wide-spread sampling of phase space, thus considerably speeding up optimization. By carefully tuning the pseudo-temperature (needed to randomize the configurations) of the problem, we show that the method can efficiently tackle optimization problems with over-constraints or on topologies with a large site-percolation threshold. We illustrate the efficiency of the heuristic on paradigmatic optimization problems, such as the maximum satisfiability problem and the vertex cover problem.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, 1 tabl

    SAT-based Compressive Sensing

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    We propose to reduce the original well-posed problem of compressive sensing to weighted-MAX-SAT. Compressive sensing is a novel randomized data acquisition approach that linearly samples sparse or compressible signals at a rate much below the Nyquist-Shannon sampling rate. The original problem of compressive sensing in sparse recovery is NP-hard; therefore, in addition to restrictions for the uniqueness of the sparse solution, the coding matrix has also to satisfy additional stringent constraints -usually the restricted isometry property (RIP)- so we can handle it by its convex or nonconvex relaxations. In practice, such constraints are not only intractable to be verified but also invalid in broad applications. We first divide the well-posed problem of compressive sensing into relaxed sub-problems and represent them as separate SAT instances in conjunctive normal form (CNF). After merging the resulting sub-problems, we assign weights to all clauses in such a way that the aggregated weighted-MAX-SAT can guarantee successful recovery of the original signal. The only requirement in our approach is the solution uniqueness of the associated problems, which is notably looser. As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the applicability of our approach in tackling the original problem of binary compressive sensing with binary design matrices. Experimental results demonstrate the supremacy of the proposed SAT-based compressive sensing over the ℓ1\ell_1-minimization in the robust recovery of sparse binary signals. SAT-based compressive sensing on average requires 8.3% fewer measurements for exact recovery of highly sparse binary signals (s/N≈0.1s/N\approx 0.1). When s/N≈0.5s/N \approx 0.5, the ℓ1\ell_1-minimization on average requires 22.2% more measurements for exact reconstruction of the binary signals. Thus, the proposed SAT-based compressive sensing is less sensitive to the sparsity of the original signals

    Learning and Optimization with Submodular Functions

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    In many naturally occurring optimization problems one needs to ensure that the definition of the optimization problem lends itself to solutions that are tractable to compute. In cases where exact solutions cannot be computed tractably, it is beneficial to have strong guarantees on the tractable approximate solutions. In order operate under these criterion most optimization problems are cast under the umbrella of convexity or submodularity. In this report we will study design and optimization over a common class of functions called submodular functions. Set functions, and specifically submodular set functions, characterize a wide variety of naturally occurring optimization problems, and the property of submodularity of set functions has deep theoretical consequences with wide ranging applications. Informally, the property of submodularity of set functions concerns the intuitive "principle of diminishing returns. This property states that adding an element to a smaller set has more value than adding it to a larger set. Common examples of submodular monotone functions are entropies, concave functions of cardinality, and matroid rank functions; non-monotone examples include graph cuts, network flows, and mutual information. In this paper we will review the formal definition of submodularity; the optimization of submodular functions, both maximization and minimization; and finally discuss some applications in relation to learning and reasoning using submodular functions.Comment: Tech Report - USC Computer Science CS-599, Convex and Combinatorial Optimizatio

    On the representation of Boolean and real functions as Hamiltonians for quantum computing

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    Mapping functions on bits to Hamiltonians acting on qubits has many applications in quantum computing. In particular, Hamiltonians representing Boolean functions are required for applications of quantum annealing or the quantum approximate optimization algorithm to combinatorial optimization problems. We show how such functions are naturally represented by Hamiltonians given as sums of Pauli ZZ operators (Ising spin operators) with the terms of the sum corresponding to the function's Fourier expansion. For many classes of functions which are given by a compact description, such as a Boolean formula in conjunctive normal form that gives an instance of the satisfiability problem, it is #P-hard to compute its Hamiltonian representation. On the other hand, no such difficulty exists generally for constructing Hamiltonians representing a real function such as a sum of local Boolean clauses. We give composition rules for explicitly constructing Hamiltonians representing a wide variety of Boolean and real functions by combining Hamiltonians representing simpler clauses as building blocks. We apply our results to the construction of controlled-unitary operators, and to the special case of operators that compute function values in an ancilla qubit register. Finally, we outline several additional applications and extensions of our results. A primary goal of this paper is to provide a design toolkit for quantum optimization\textit{design toolkit for quantum optimization} which may be utilized by experts and practitioners alike in the construction and analysis of new quantum algorithms, and at the same time to demystify the various constructions appearing in the literature

    Algorithms for Weighted Sums of Squares Decomposition of Non-negative Univariate Polynomials

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    It is well-known that every non-negative univariate real polynomial can be written as the sum of two polynomial squares with real coefficients. When one allows a weighted sum of finitely many squares instead of a sum of two squares, then one can choose all coefficients in the representation to lie in the field generated by the coefficients of the polynomial. In this article, we describe, analyze and compare both from the theoretical and practical points of view, two algorithms computing such a weighted sums of squares decomposition for univariate polynomials with rational coefficients. The first algorithm, due to the third author relies on real root isolation, quadratic approximations of positive polynomials and square-free decomposition but its complexity was not analyzed. We provide bit complexity estimates, both on runtime and output size of this algorithm. They are exponential in the degree of the input univariate polynomial and linear in the maximum bitsize of its complexity. This analysis is obtained using quantifier elimination and root isolation bounds. The second algorithm, due to Chevillard, Harrison, Joldes and Lauter, relies on complex root isolation and square-free decomposition and has been introduced for certifying positiveness of polynomials in the context of computer arithmetics. Again, its complexity was not analyzed. We provide bit complexity estimates, both on runtime and output size of this algorithm, which are polynomial in the degree of the input polynomial and linear in the maximum bitsize of its complexity. This analysis is obtained using Vieta's formula and root isolation bounds. Finally, we report on our implementations of both algorithms. While the second algorithm is, as expected from the complexity result, more efficient on most of examples, we exhibit families of non-negative polynomials for which the first algorithm is better.Comment: 22 pages, 4 table

    Solving SAT and MaxSAT with a Quantum Annealer: Foundations, Encodings, and Preliminary Results

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    Quantum annealers (QAs) are specialized quantum computers that minimize objective functions over discrete variables by physically exploiting quantum effects. Current QA platforms allow for the optimization of quadratic objectives defined over binary variables (qubits), also known as Ising problems. In the last decade, QA systems as implemented by D-Wave have scaled with Moore-like growth. Current architectures provide 2048 sparsely-connected qubits, and continued exponential growth is anticipated, together with increased connectivity. We explore the feasibility of such architectures for solving SAT and MaxSAT problems as QA systems scale. We develop techniques for effectively encoding SAT -and, with some limitations, MaxSAT- into Ising problems compatible with sparse QA architectures. We provide the theoretical foundations for this mapping, and present encoding techniques that combine offline Satisfiability and Optimization Modulo Theories with on-the-fly placement and routing. Preliminary empirical tests on a current generation 2048-qubit D-Wave system support the feasibility of the approach for certain SAT and MaxSAT problems.Comment: under submission to Information and Computatio

    Advanced Datapath Synthesis using Graph Isomorphism

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    This paper presents an advanced DAG-based algorithm for datapath synthesis that targets area minimization using logic-level resource sharing. The problem of identifying common specification logic is formulated using unweighted graph isomorphism problem, in contrast to a weighted graph isomorphism using AIGs. In the context of gate-level datapath circuits, our algorithm solves the un- weighted graph isomorphism problem in linear time. The experiments are conducted within an industrial synthesis flow that includes the complete high-level synthesis, logic synthesis and placement and route procedures. Experimental results show a significant runtime improvements compared to the existing datapath synthesis algorithms.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures. To appear in 2017 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD'17

    Hinge-Loss Markov Random Fields and Probabilistic Soft Logic

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    A fundamental challenge in developing high-impact machine learning technologies is balancing the need to model rich, structured domains with the ability to scale to big data. Many important problem areas are both richly structured and large scale, from social and biological networks, to knowledge graphs and the Web, to images, video, and natural language. In this paper, we introduce two new formalisms for modeling structured data, and show that they can both capture rich structure and scale to big data. The first, hinge-loss Markov random fields (HL-MRFs), is a new kind of probabilistic graphical model that generalizes different approaches to convex inference. We unite three approaches from the randomized algorithms, probabilistic graphical models, and fuzzy logic communities, showing that all three lead to the same inference objective. We then define HL-MRFs by generalizing this unified objective. The second new formalism, probabilistic soft logic (PSL), is a probabilistic programming language that makes HL-MRFs easy to define using a syntax based on first-order logic. We introduce an algorithm for inferring most-probable variable assignments (MAP inference) that is much more scalable than general-purpose convex optimization methods, because it uses message passing to take advantage of sparse dependency structures. We then show how to learn the parameters of HL-MRFs. The learned HL-MRFs are as accurate as analogous discrete models, but much more scalable. Together, these algorithms enable HL-MRFs and PSL to model rich, structured data at scales not previously possible
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