2 research outputs found

    Virtual Notes: Projected Note-Taking System Design

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    Currently, traditional devices such as paper, notebooks and textbooks, and electronic devices such as computers and tablets, are the most common media people choose to take notes on. However, there is no device designed only for note-taking with full functionalities. The project Virtual Notes is designed for people to have a much better, effortless experience on taking notes. Implemented with projector, sensor and camera, Virtual Notes offers users a projected note-taking platform. With Virtual Notes, users can take notes on desks, paper or even textbooks without actually leaving a single mark. The thesis project is undertaken independently and engaged in design research and methodologies, modeling, prototype iterations, and presentations. The project is broken into four main phases β€” a problem definition and research phase, an ideation / prototyping / modeling phase, a testing / critique iteration phrase, and lastly, a final development of prototype phase. The final deliverables comprise of a testable prototype and a creation of presentation materials