3 research outputs found

    Computing and Testing Small Vertex Connectivity in Near-Linear Time and Queries

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    We present a new, simple, algorithm for the local vertex connectivity problem (LocalVC) introduced by Nanongkai~et~al. [STOC'19]. Roughly, given an undirected unweighted graph GG, a seed vertex xx, a target volume ν\nu, and a target separator size kk, the goal of LocalVC is to remove kk vertices `near' xx (in terms of ν\nu) to disconnect the graph in `local time', which depends only on parameters ν\nu and kk. In this paper, we present a simple randomized algorithm with running time O(νk2)O(\nu k^2) and correctness probability 2/32/3. Plugging our new localVC algorithm in the generic framework of Nanongkai~et~al. immediately lead to a randomized O~(m+nk3)\tilde O(m+nk^3)-time algorithm for the classic kk-vertex connectivity problem on undirected graphs. (O~(T)\tilde O(T) hides polylog(T)\text{polylog}(T).) This is the first near-linear time algorithm for any 4kpolylogn4\leq k \leq \text{polylog} n. Previous fastest algorithm for small kk takes O~(m+n4/3k7/3)\tilde O(m+n^{4/3}k^{7/3}) time [Nanongkai~et~al., STOC'19]. This work is inspired by the algorithm of Chechik~et~al. [SODA'17] for computing the maximal kk-edge connected subgraphs. Forster and Yang [arXiv'19] has independently developed local algorithms similar to ours, and showed that they lead to an O~(k3/ϵ)\tilde O(k^3/\epsilon) bound for testing kk-edge and -vertex connectivity, resolving two long-standing open problems in property testing since the work of Goldreich and Ron [STOC'97] and Orenstein and Ron [Theor. Comput. Sci.'11]. Inspired by this, we use local approximation algorithms to obtain bounds that are near-linear in kk, namely O~(k/ϵ)\tilde O(k/\epsilon) and O~(k/ϵ2)\tilde O(k/\epsilon^2) for the bounded and unbounded degree cases, respectively. For testing kk-edge connectivity for simple graphs, the bound can be improved to O~(min(k/ϵ,1/ϵ2))\tilde O(\min(k/\epsilon, 1/\epsilon^2))

    Breaking Quadratic Time for Small Vertex Connectivity and an Approximation Scheme

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    Vertex connectivity a classic extensively-studied problem. Given an integer kk, its goal is to decide if an nn-node mm-edge graph can be disconnected by removing kk vertices. Although a linear-time algorithm was postulated since 1974 [Aho, Hopcroft and Ullman], and despite its sibling problem of edge connectivity being resolved over two decades ago [Karger STOC'96], so far no vertex connectivity algorithms are faster than O(n2)O(n^2) time even for k=4k=4 and m=O(n)m=O(n). In the simplest case where m=O(n)m=O(n) and k=O(1)k=O(1), the O(n2)O(n^2) bound dates five decades back to [Kleitman IEEE Trans. Circuit Theory'69]. For general kk and mm, the best bound is O~(min(kn2,nω+nkω))\tilde{O}(\min(kn^2, n^\omega+nk^\omega)). In this paper, we present a randomized Monte Carlo algorithm with O~(m+k7/3n4/3)\tilde{O}(m+k^{7/3}n^{4/3}) time for any k=O(n)k=O(\sqrt{n}). This gives the {\em first subquadratic time} bound for any 4ko(n2/7)4\leq k \leq o(n^{2/7}) and improves all above classic bounds for all kn0.44k\le n^{0.44}. We also present a new randomized Monte Carlo (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm that is strictly faster than the previous Henzinger's 2-approximation algorithm [J. Algorithms'97] and all previous exact algorithms. The key to our results is to avoid computing single-source connectivity, which was needed by all previous exact algorithms and is not known to admit o(n2)o(n^2) time. Instead, we design the first local algorithm for computing vertex connectivity; without reading the whole graph, our algorithm can find a separator of size at most kk or certify that there is no separator of size at most kk `near' a given seed node

    Deterministic Graph Cuts in Subquadratic Time: Sparse, Balanced, and k-Vertex

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    We study deterministic algorithms for computing graph cuts, with focus on two fundamental problems: balanced sparse cut and kk-vertex connectivity for small kk (k=O(\polylog n)). Both problems can be solved in near-linear time with randomized algorithms, but their previous deterministic counterparts take at least quadratic time. In this paper, we break this bound for both problems. Interestingly, achieving this for one problem crucially relies on doing so for the other. In particular, via a divide-and-conquer argument, a variant of the cut-matching game by [Khandekar et al.`07], and the local vertex connectivity algorithm of [Nanongkai et al. STOC'19], we give a subquadratic time algorithm for kk-vertex connectivity using a subquadratic time algorithm for computing balanced sparse cuts on sparse graphs. To achieve the latter, we improve the previously best mnmn bound for approximating balanced sparse cut for the whole range of mm. This starts from (1) breaking the n3n^3 barrier on dense graphs to nω+o(1)n^{\omega + o(1)} (where ω<2.372\omega < 2.372) using the the PageRank matrix, but without explicitly sweeping to find sparse cuts; to (2) getting the O~(m1.58)\tilde O(m^{1.58}) bound by combining the JJ-trees by [Madry FOCS `10] with the nω+o(1)n^{\omega + o(1)} bound above, and finally; to (3) getting the m1.5+o(1)m^{1.5 + o(1)} bound by recursively invoking the second bound in conjunction with expander-based graph sparsification. Interestingly, our final m1.5+o(1)m^{1.5 + o(1)} bound lands at a natural stopping point in the sense that polynomially breaking it would lead to a breakthrough for the dynamic connectivity problem.Comment: This manuscript is the merge of several results. Parts of it were submitted to FOCS'19 and SODA'20. Part of it has since been subsumed by a new result involving a subset of the authors, arXiv:1910.08025. It's uploaded in its current form due to its significant technical overlap with the improved result. We expect to upload splitted, more up to date, versions of this in the near futur