14,098 research outputs found

    Scalable energy-efficient routing in mobile Ad hoc network

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    The quick deployment without any existing infrastructure makes mobile ad hoc networks (MANET) a striking choice for dynamic situations such as military and rescue operations, disaster recovery, and so on and so forth. However, routing remains one of the major issues in MANET due to the highly dynamic and distributed environment. Energy consumption is also a significant issue in ad hoc networks since the nodes are battery powered. This report discusses some major dominating set based approaches to perform energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks. It also presents the performance results for each of these mentioned approaches in terms of throughput, average end to end delay and the life time in terms of the first node failure. Based on the simulation results, I identified the key issues in these protocols regarding network life time. In this report, I propose and discuss a new approach “Dynamic Dominating Set Generation Algorithm” (DDSG) to optimize the network life time. This algorithm dynamically selects dominating nodes during the process of routing and thus creates a smaller dominating set. DDSG algorithm thereby eliminates the energy consumption from the non-used dominating nodes. In order to further increase the network life time, the algorithm takes into consideration the threshold settings which helps to distribute the process of routing within the network. This helps to eliminate a single dominating node from getting drained out by continuous transmission and reception of packets. In this report, the detailed algorithmic design and performance results through simulation is discussed

    Intrusion Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Classification Algorithms

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    In this paper we present the design and evaluation of intrusion detection models for MANETs using supervised classification algorithms. Specifically, we evaluate the performance of the MultiLayer Perceptron (MLP), the Linear classifier, the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM), the Naive Bayes classifier and the Support Vector Machine (SVM). The performance of the classification algorithms is evaluated under different traffic conditions and mobility patterns for the Black Hole, Forging, Packet Dropping, and Flooding attacks. The results indicate that Support Vector Machines exhibit high accuracy for almost all simulated attacks and that Packet Dropping is the hardest attack to detect.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, presented at MedHocNet 200

    Wireless Scheduling with Power Control

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    We consider the scheduling of arbitrary wireless links in the physical model of interference to minimize the time for satisfying all requests. We study here the combined problem of scheduling and power control, where we seek both an assignment of power settings and a partition of the links so that each set satisfies the signal-to-interference-plus-noise (SINR) constraints. We give an algorithm that attains an approximation ratio of O(log⁥n⋅log⁥log⁡Δ)O(\log n \cdot \log\log \Delta), where nn is the number of links and Δ\Delta is the ratio between the longest and the shortest link length. Under the natural assumption that lengths are represented in binary, this gives the first approximation ratio that is polylogarithmic in the size of the input. The algorithm has the desirable property of using an oblivious power assignment, where the power assigned to a sender depends only on the length of the link. We give evidence that this dependence on Δ\Delta is unavoidable, showing that any reasonably-behaving oblivious power assignment results in a Ω(log⁥log⁡Δ)\Omega(\log\log \Delta)-approximation. These results hold also for the (weighted) capacity problem of finding a maximum (weighted) subset of links that can be scheduled in a single time slot. In addition, we obtain improved approximation for a bidirectional variant of the scheduling problem, give partial answers to questions about the utility of graphs for modeling physical interference, and generalize the setting from the standard 2-dimensional Euclidean plane to doubling metrics. Finally, we explore the utility of graph models in capturing wireless interference.Comment: Revised full versio

    Resilient networking in wireless sensor networks

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    This report deals with security in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), especially in network layer. Multiple secure routing protocols have been proposed in the literature. However, they often use the cryptography to secure routing functionalities. The cryptography alone is not enough to defend against multiple attacks due to the node compromise. Therefore, we need more algorithmic solutions. In this report, we focus on the behavior of routing protocols to determine which properties make them more resilient to attacks. Our aim is to find some answers to the following questions. Are there any existing protocols, not designed initially for security, but which already contain some inherently resilient properties against attacks under which some portion of the network nodes is compromised? If yes, which specific behaviors are making these protocols more resilient? We propose in this report an overview of security strategies for WSNs in general, including existing attacks and defensive measures. In this report we focus at the network layer in particular, and an analysis of the behavior of four particular routing protocols is provided to determine their inherent resiliency to insider attacks. The protocols considered are: Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Gradient-Based Routing (GBR), Greedy Forwarding (GF) and Random Walk Routing (RWR)

    Coordination of Mobile Mules via Facility Location Strategies

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    In this paper, we study the problem of wireless sensor network (WSN) maintenance using mobile entities called mules. The mules are deployed in the area of the WSN in such a way that would minimize the time it takes them to reach a failed sensor and fix it. The mules must constantly optimize their collective deployment to account for occupied mules. The objective is to define the optimal deployment and task allocation strategy for the mules, so that the sensors' downtime and the mules' traveling distance are minimized. Our solutions are inspired by research in the field of computational geometry and the design of our algorithms is based on state of the art approximation algorithms for the classical problem of facility location. Our empirical results demonstrate how cooperation enhances the team's performance, and indicate that a combination of k-Median based deployment with closest-available task allocation provides the best results in terms of minimizing the sensors' downtime but is inefficient in terms of the mules' travel distance. A k-Centroid based deployment produces good results in both criteria.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, conferenc

    Algorithmic Aspects of Energy-Delay Tradeoff in Multihop Cooperative Wireless Networks

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    We consider the problem of energy-efficient transmission in delay constrained cooperative multihop wireless networks. The combinatorial nature of cooperative multihop schemes makes it difficult to design efficient polynomial-time algorithms for deciding which nodes should take part in cooperation, and when and with what power they should transmit. In this work, we tackle this problem in memoryless networks with or without delay constraints, i.e., quality of service guarantee. We analyze a wide class of setups, including unicast, multicast, and broadcast, and two main cooperative approaches, namely: energy accumulation (EA) and mutual information accumulation (MIA). We provide a generalized algorithmic formulation of the problem that encompasses all those cases. We investigate the similarities and differences of EA and MIA in our generalized formulation. We prove that the broadcast and multicast problems are, in general, not only NP hard but also o(log(n)) inapproximable. We break these problems into three parts: ordering, scheduling and power control, and propose a novel algorithm that, given an ordering, can optimally solve the joint power allocation and scheduling problems simultaneously in polynomial time. We further show empirically that this algorithm used in conjunction with an ordering derived heuristically using the Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm yields near-optimal performance in typical settings. For the unicast case, we prove that although the problem remains NP hard with MIA, it can be solved optimally and in polynomial time when EA is used. We further use our algorithm to study numerically the trade-off between delay and power-efficiency in cooperative broadcast and compare the performance of EA vs MIA as well as the performance of our cooperative algorithm with a smart noncooperative algorithm in a broadcast setting.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure
