7 research outputs found

    A shape optimization algorithm for cellular composites

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    We propose and investigate a mesh deformation technique for PDE constrained shape optimization. Introducing a gradient penalization to the inner product for linearized shape spaces, mesh degeneration can be prevented within the optimization iteration allowing for the scalability of employed solvers. We illustrate the approach by a shape optimization for cellular composites with respect to linear elastic energy under tension. The influence of the gradient penalization is evaluated and the parallel scalability of the approach demonstrated employing a geometric multigrid solver on hierarchically distributed meshes

    Parallel 3d shape optimization for cellular composites on large distributed-memory clusters

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    Skin modeling is an ongoing research area that highly benefits from modern parallel algorithms. This article aims at applying shape optimization to compute cell size and arrangement for elastic energy minimization of a cellular composite material model for the upper layer of the human skin. A gradient-penalized shape optimization algorithm is employed and tested on the distributed-memory cluster Hazel Hen, HLRS, Germany. The performance of the algorithm is studied in two benchmark tests. First, cell structures are optimized with respect to purely geometric aspects. The model is then extended such that the composite is optimized to withstand applied deformations. In both settings, the algorithm is investigated in terms of weak and strong scalability. The results for the geometric test reflect Kelvin's conjecture that the optimal space-filling design of cells with minimal surface is given by tetrakaidecahedrons. The PDE-constrained test case is chosen in order to demonstrate the influence of the deformation gradient penalization on fine inter-cellular channels in the composite and its influence on the multigrid convergence. A scaling study is presented for up to 12,288 cores and 3 billion DoFs

    Mesh quality preserving shape optimization using nonlinear extension operators

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    In this article, we propose a shape optimization algorithm which is able to handle large deformations while maintaining a high level of mesh quality. Based on the method of mappings we introduce a nonlinear extension operator, which links a boundary control to domain deformations, ensuring admissibility of resulting shapes. The major focus is on comparisons between well-established approaches involving linear-elliptic operators for the extension and the effect of additional nonlinear advection on the set of reachable shapes. It is moreover discussed how the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm can be reduced. The benefit of the nonlinearity in the extension operator is substantiated by several numerical test cases of stationary, incompressible Navier-Stokes flows in 2d and 3d

    A continuous perspective on modeling of shape optimal design problems

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    In this article we consider shape optimization problems as optimal control problems via the method of mappings. Instead of optimizing over a set of admissible shapes a reference domain is introduced and it is optimized over a set of admissible transformations. The focus is on the choice of the set of transformations, which we motivate from a function space perspective. In order to guarantee local injectivity of the admissible transformations we enrich the optimization problem by a nonlinear constraint. The approach requires no parameter tuning for the extension equation and can naturally be combined with geometric constraints on volume and barycenter of the shape. Numerical results for drag minimization of Stokes flow are presented

    Efficient Techniques for Shape Optimization with Variational Inequalities using Adjoints

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    In general, standard necessary optimality conditions cannot be formulated in a straightforward manner for semi-smooth shape optimization problems. In this paper, we consider shape optimization problems constrained by variational inequalities of the first kind, so-called obstacle-type problems. Under appropriate assumptions, we prove existence of adjoints for regularized problems and convergence to limiting objects of the unregularized problem. Moreover, we derive existence and closed form of shape derivatives for the regularized problem and prove convergence to a limit object. Based on this analysis, an efficient optimization algorithm is devised and tested numerically

    Stochastic approximation for optimization in shape spaces

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    In this work, we present a novel approach for solving stochastic shape optimization problems. Our method is the extension of the classical stochastic gradient method to infinite-dimensional shape manifolds. We prove convergence of the method on Riemannian manifolds and then make the connection to shape spaces. The method is demonstrated on a model shape optimization problem from interface identification. Uncertainty arises in the form of a random partial differential equation, where underlying probability distributions of the random coefficients and inputs are assumed to be known. We verify some conditions for convergence for the model problem and demonstrate the method numerically

    Model Hierarchy for the Shape Optimization of a Microchannel Cooling System

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    We model a microchannel cooling system and consider the optimization of its shape by means of shape calculus. A three-dimensional model covering all relevant physical effects and three reduced models are introduced. The latter are derived via a homogenization of the geometry in 3D and a transformation of the three-dimensional models to two dimensions. A shape optimization problem based on the tracking of heat absorption by the cooler and the uniform distribution of the flow through the microchannels is formulated and adapted to all models. We present the corresponding shape derivatives and adjoint systems, which we derived with a material derivative free adjoint approach. To demonstrate the feasibility of the reduced models, the optimization problems are solved numerically with a gradient descent method. A comparison of the results shows that the reduced models perform similarly to the original one while using significantly less computational resources