181,380 research outputs found

    Techniques for the Synthesis of Reversible Toffoli Networks

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    This paper presents novel techniques for the synthesis of reversible networks of Toffoli gates, as well as improvements to previous methods. Gate count and technology oriented cost metrics are used. Our synthesis techniques are independent of the cost metrics. Two new iterative synthesis procedure employing Reed-Muller spectra are introduced and shown to complement earlier synthesis approaches. The template simplification suggested in earlier work is enhanced through introduction of a faster and more efficient template application algorithm, updated (shorter) classification of the templates, and presentation of the new templates of sizes 7 and 9. A novel ``resynthesis'' approach is introduced wherein a sequence of gates is chosen from a network, and the reversible specification it realizes is resynthesized as an independent problem in hopes of reducing the network cost. Empirical results are presented to show that the methods are effective both in terms of the realization of all 3x3 reversible functions and larger reversible benchmark specifications.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Simultaneous Wound Border Segmentation and Tissue Classification Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network

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    Generative adversarial network (GAN) applications on medical image synthesis have the potential to assist caregivers in deciding a proper chronic wound treatment plan by understanding the border segmentation and the wound tissue classification visually. This study proposes a hybrid wound border segmentation and tissue classification method utilising conditional GAN, which can mimic real data without expert knowledge. We trained the network on chronic wound datasets with different sizes. The performance of the GAN algorithm is evaluated through the mean squared error, Dice coefficient metrics and visual inspection of generated images. This study also analyses the optimum number of training images as well as the number of epochs using GAN for wound border segmentation and tissue classification. The results show that the proposed GAN model performs efficiently for wound border segmentation and tissue classification tasks with a set of 2000 images at 200 epochs

    SCANN: Synthesis of Compact and Accurate Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have become the driving force behind recent artificial intelligence (AI) research. An important problem with implementing a neural network is the design of its architecture. Typically, such an architecture is obtained manually by exploring its hyperparameter space and kept fixed during training. This approach is time-consuming and inefficient. Another issue is that modern neural networks often contain millions of parameters, whereas many applications and devices require small inference models. However, efforts to migrate DNNs to such devices typically entail a significant loss of classification accuracy. To address these challenges, we propose a two-step neural network synthesis methodology, called DR+SCANN, that combines two complementary approaches to design compact and accurate DNNs. At the core of our framework is the SCANN methodology that uses three basic architecture-changing operations, namely connection growth, neuron growth, and connection pruning, to synthesize feed-forward architectures with arbitrary structure. SCANN encapsulates three synthesis methodologies that apply a repeated grow-and-prune paradigm to three architectural starting points. DR+SCANN combines the SCANN methodology with dataset dimensionality reduction to alleviate the curse of dimensionality. We demonstrate the efficacy of SCANN and DR+SCANN on various image and non-image datasets. We evaluate SCANN on MNIST and ImageNet benchmarks. In addition, we also evaluate the efficacy of using dimensionality reduction alongside SCANN (DR+SCANN) on nine small to medium-size datasets. We also show that our synthesis methodology yields neural networks that are much better at navigating the accuracy vs. energy efficiency space. This would enable neural network-based inference even on Internet-of-Things sensors.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Designing labeled graph classifiers by exploiting the R\'enyi entropy of the dissimilarity representation

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    Representing patterns as labeled graphs is becoming increasingly common in the broad field of computational intelligence. Accordingly, a wide repertoire of pattern recognition tools, such as classifiers and knowledge discovery procedures, are nowadays available and tested for various datasets of labeled graphs. However, the design of effective learning procedures operating in the space of labeled graphs is still a challenging problem, especially from the computational complexity viewpoint. In this paper, we present a major improvement of a general-purpose classifier for graphs, which is conceived on an interplay between dissimilarity representation, clustering, information-theoretic techniques, and evolutionary optimization algorithms. The improvement focuses on a specific key subroutine devised to compress the input data. We prove different theorems which are fundamental to the setting of the parameters controlling such a compression operation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the resulting classifier by benchmarking the developed variants on well-known datasets of labeled graphs, considering as distinct performance indicators the classification accuracy, computing time, and parsimony in terms of structural complexity of the synthesized classification models. The results show state-of-the-art standards in terms of test set accuracy and a considerable speed-up for what concerns the computing time.Comment: Revised versio