2,323 research outputs found

    Dagstuhl News January - December 2011

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    "Dagstuhl News" is a publication edited especially for the members of the Foundation "Informatikzentrum Schloss Dagstuhl" to thank them for their support. The News give a summary of the scientific work being done in Dagstuhl. Each Dagstuhl Seminar is presented by a small abstract describing the contents and scientific highlights of the seminar as well as the perspectives or challenges of the research topic

    Computable Analysis and Game Theory: From Foundations to Applications

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    This body of research showcases several facets of the intersection between computer science and game theory. On the foundational side, we explore the obstructions to the computability of Nash equilibria in the setting of computable analysis. In particular, we study the Weihrauch degree of the problem of finding a Nash equilibrium for a multiplayer game in normal form. We conclude that the Weihrauch degree Nash for multiplayer games lies between AoUC∗[0,1] and AoUC⋄[0,1] (Theorem 5.3). As a slight detour, we also explore the demarcation between computable and non-computable computational problems pertaining to the verification of machine learning. We demonstrate that many verification questions are computable without the need to specify a machine learning framework (Section 7.2). As well as looking into the theory of learners, robustness and sparisty of training data. On the application side, we study the use of Hypergames in Cybersecurity. We look into cybersecurity AND/OR attack graphs and how we could turn them into a hypergame (8.1). Hyper Nash equilibria is not an ideal solution for these games, however, we propose a regret-minimisation based solution concept. In Section 8.2, we survey the area of Hypergames and their connection to cybersecurity, showing that even if there is a small overlap, the reach is limited. We suggest new research directions such as adaptive games, generalisation and transferability (Section 8.3)

    Towards decentralised job shop scheduling as a web service

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    This paper aims to investigate the fundamental requirements for a cloud-based scheduling service for manufacturing, notably manufacturer priority to scheduling service, resolution of schedule conflict, and error-proof data entry. A flow chart of an inference-based system for manufacturing scheduling is proposed and a prototype was designed using semantic web technologies. An adapted version of the Muth and Thompson 10 × 10 scheduling problem (MT10) was used as a case study and two manufacturing companies represented our use cases. Using Microsoft Project, levelled manufacturer operation plans were generated. Semantic rules were proposed for constraints calculation, scheduling and verification. Pellet semantic reasoner was used to apply those rules onto the case study. The results include two main findings. First, our system effectively detected conflicts when subjected to four types of disturbances. Secondly, suggestions of conflict resolutions were effective when implemented albeit they were not efficient. Consequently, our two hypotheses were accepted which gave merit for future works intended to develop scheduling as a web service. Future works will include three phases: (1) migration of our system to a graph database server, (2) a multi-agent system to automate conflict resolution and data entry, and (3) an optimisation mechanism for manufacturer prioritisation to scheduling services

    Intelligent Product Agents for Multi-Agent Control of Manufacturing Systems

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    The current manufacturing paradigm is shifting toward more flexible manufacturing systems that produce highly personalized products, adapt to unexpected disturbances in the system, and readily integrate new manufacturing system technology. However, to achieve this type of flexibility, new system-level control strategies must be developed, tested, and integrated to coordinate the components on the shop floor. One strategy that has been previously proposed to coordinate the resources and parts in a manufacturing system is multi-agent control. The manufacturing multi-agent control strategy consists of agents that interface with the various components on the shop floor and continuously interact with each other to drive the behavior of the manufacturing system. Two of the most important decision-making agents for this type of control strategy are product agents and resource agents. A product agent represents a single product and a resource agent represents a single resource on the plant floor. The objective of a product agent is to make decisions for an individual product and request operations from the resource agents based on manufacturer and customer specifications. A resource agent is the high-level controller for a resource on the shop floor (e.g., machines, material-handling robots, etc.). A resource agent communicates with other product and resource agents in the system, fulfills product agent requests, and interfaces with the associated resource on the plant floor. While both product agents and resource agents are important to ensure effective performance of the manufacturing system, the work presented in this dissertation improves the intelligence and capabilities of product agents by providing a standardized product agent architecture, models to capture the dynamics and constraints of the manufacturing environment, and methods to make improved decisions in a dynamic system. New methods to explore the manufacturing system and cooperate with other agents in the system are provided. The proposed architecture, models, and methods are tested in a simulated manufacturing environment and in several manufacturing testbeds with physical components. The results of these experiments showcase the improved flexibility and adaptability of this approach. In these experiments, the model-based product agent effectively makes decisions to meet its production requirements, while responding to unexpected disturbances in the system, such as machine failures or new customer orders. The model-based product agent proposed in this dissertation pushes the fields of manufacturing and system-level control closer to realizing the goals of increased personalized production and improved manufacturing system flexibility.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162893/1/ikoval_1.pd

    Efficient Data-Driven Robust Policies for Reinforcement Learning

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    Applying the reinforcement learning methodology to domains that involve risky decisions like medicine or robotics requires high confidence in the performance of a policy before its deployment. Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) have served as a well-established model in reinforcement learning (RL). An MDP model assumes that the exact transitional probabilities and rewards are available. However, in most cases, these parameters are unknown and are typically estimated from data, which are inherently prone to errors. Consequently, due to such statistical errors, the resulting computed policy\u27s actual performance is often different from the designer\u27s expectation. In this context, practitioners can either be negligent and ignore parameter uncertainty during decision-making or be pessimistic by planning to be protected against the worst-case scenario. This dissertation focuses on a moderate mindset that strikes a balance between the two contradicting points of view. This objective is also known as the percentile criterion and can be modeled as risk-aversion to epistemic uncertainty. We propose several RL algorithms that efficiently compute reliable policies with limited data that notably improve the policies\u27 performance and alleviate the computational complexity compared to standard risk-averse RL algorithms. Furthermore, we present a fast and robust feature selection method for linear value function approximation, a standard approach to solving reinforcement learning problems with large state spaces. Our experiments show that our technique is faster and more stable than alternative methods

    Computer supported mathematics with Ωmega

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    AbstractClassical automated theorem proving of today is based on ingenious search techniques to find a proof for a given theorem in very large search spaces—often in the range of several billion clauses. But in spite of many successful attempts to prove even open mathematical problems automatically, their use in everyday mathematical practice is still limited.The shift from search based methods to more abstract planning techniques however opened up a paradigm for mathematical reasoning on a computer and several systems of that kind now employ a mix of interactive, search based as well as proof planning techniques.The Ωmega system is at the core of several related and well-integrated research projects of the Ωmega research group, whose aim is to develop system support for a working mathematician as well as a software engineer when employing formal methods for quality assurance. In particular, Ωmega supports proof development at a human-oriented abstract level of proof granularity. It is a modular system with a central proof data structure and several supplementary subsystems including automated deduction and computer algebra systems. Ωmega has many characteristics in common with systems like NuPrL, CoQ, Hol, Pvs, and Isabelle. However, it differs from these systems with respect to its focus on proof planning and in that respect it is more similar to the proof planning systems Clam and λClam at Edinburgh

    Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning can be defined in various ways related to a scientific domain concerned with the design and development of theoretical and implementation tools that allow building systems with some Human Like intelligent behavior. Machine learning addresses more specifically the ability to improve automatically through experience