21 research outputs found

    Portfolio Decisions with Higher Order Moments

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    In this paper, we address the global optimization of two interesting nonconvex problems in finance. We relax the normality assumption underlying the classical Markowitz mean-variance portfolio optimization model and consider the incorporation of skewness (third moment) and kurtosis (fourth moment). The investor seeks to maximize the expected return and the skewness of the portfolio and minimize its variance and kurtosis, subject to budget and no short selling constraints. In the first model, it is assumed that asset statistics are exact. The second model allows for uncertainty in asset statistics. We consider rival discrete estimates for the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of asset returns. A robust optimization framework is adopted to compute the best investment portfolio maximizing return, skewness and minimizing variance, kurtosis, in view of the worst-case asset statistics. In both models, the resulting optimization problems are nonconvex. We introduce a computational procedure for their global optimization.Mean-variance portfolio selection, Robust portfolio selection, Skewness, Kurtosis, Decomposition methods, Polynomial optimization problems

    Decomposition-Based Method for Sparse Semidefinite Relaxations of Polynomial Optimization Problems

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    We consider polynomial optimization problems pervaded by a sparsity pattern. It has been shown in [1, 2] that the optimal solution of a polynomial programming problem with structured sparsity can be computed by solving a series of semidefinite relaxations that possess the same kind of sparsity. We aim at solving the former relaxations with a decompositionbased method, which partitions the relaxations according to their sparsity pattern. The decomposition-based method that we propose is an extension to semidefinite programming of the Benders decomposition for linear programs [3] .Polynomial optimization, Semidefinite programming, Sparse SDP relaxations, Benders decomposition

    Recognizing Graph Theoretic Properties with Polynomial Ideals

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    Many hard combinatorial problems can be modeled by a system of polynomial equations. N. Alon coined the term polynomial method to describe the use of nonlinear polynomials when solving combinatorial problems. We continue the exploration of the polynomial method and show how the algorithmic theory of polynomial ideals can be used to detect k-colorability, unique Hamiltonicity, and automorphism rigidity of graphs. Our techniques are diverse and involve Nullstellensatz certificates, linear algebra over finite fields, Groebner bases, toric algebra, convex programming, and real algebraic geometry.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Partitioning Procedure for Polynomial Optimization: Application to Portfolio Decisions with Higher Order Moments

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    We consider the problem of finding the minimum of a real-valued multivariate polynomial function constrained in a compact set defined by polynomial inequalities and equalities. This problem, called polynomial optimization problem (POP), is generally nonconvex and has been of growing interest to many researchers in recent years. Our goal is to tackle POPs using decomposition. Towards this goal we introduce a partitioning procedure. The problem manipulations are in line with the pattern used in the Benders decomposition [1], namely relaxation preceded by projection. Stengleā€™s and Putinarā€™s Positivstellensatz are employed to derive the so-called feasibility and optimality constraints, respectively. We test the performance of the proposed method on a collection of benchmark problems and we present the numerical results. As an application, we consider the problem of selecting an investment portfolio optimizing the mean, variance, skewness and kurtosis of the portfolio.Polynomial optimization, Semidefinite relaxations, Positivstellensatz, Sum of squares, Benders decomposition, Portfolio optimization