3 research outputs found

    Security Issues in Mobile Payment from the Customer Viewpoint

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    The perception of mobile payment procedures’ security by the customer is one major factor for the market breakthrough of the according systems. In this paper we examine security issues in mobile payment from the viewpoint of customers. Based on theoretical research we analyze empirical data from the MP2 mobile payment study with 8295 respondents in order to develop a set of dimensions, categories and aspects. The results do have a scientific as well as a practical impact: They provide a basis for the selection of appropriate indicators for further empirical studies. Furthermore they can serve as a guideline for mobile payment service providers in order to prevent security concerns through appropriate design and communication of payment procedures and to convince customers of the security of their mobile procedures by meeting concerns in informative advertising.

    Security issues in mobile payment from the customer viewpoint

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    The perception of mobile payment procedures’ security by the customer is one major factor for the market breakthrough of the according systems. In this paper we examine security issues in mobile payment from the viewpoint of customers. Based on theoretical research we analyze empirical data from the MP2 mobile payment study with 8295 respondents in order to develop a set of dimensions, categories and aspects. The results do have a scientific as well as a practical impact: They provide a basis for the selection of appropriate indicators for further empirical studies. Furthermore they can serve as a guideline for mobile payment service providers in order to prevent security concerns through appropriate design and communication of payment procedures and to convince customers of the security of their mobile procedures by meeting concerns in informative advertising

    Determinanten der Endkundenakzeptanz mobilkommunikationsbasierter Zahlungssysteme: eine theoretische und empirische Analyse

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    Angesichts der Fülle an gescheiterten Versuchen, mobilkommunikationsbasierte Zahlungssysteme (MBZS) als Ergänzung oder Alternative zu gängigen Zahlungsverfahren im Endkundenmarkt zu etablieren, beabsichtigt die Dissertation einen Beitrag zur Erklärung endkundenseitiger Akzeptanzprozesse innerhalb des Mobile Commerce und zur Erschließung des betriebswirtschaftlichen Potentials von MBZS zu leisten. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet eine von theoretischen und sachlogischen Überlegungen geleitete Formulierung von Hypothesen zu Einflussfaktoren der MBZS-Akzeptanz. Diese werden in ein Akzeptanzmodell überführt, welches genutzt werden kann, um Präferenzen von Endkunden zu erkennen, Gründe für unterschiedliche Akzeptanzniveaus zu verstehen sowie Determinanten des wahrgenommenen Risikos zu identifizieren. Die strukturanalytische Überprüfung des Akzeptanzmodells erfolgt mittels PLS. Abschließend werden aus den Ergebnissen der empirischen Studie resultierende Implikationen für die (Marketing-)Praxis diskutiert