14,068 research outputs found

    Controlling complex networks: How much energy is needed?

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    The outstanding problem of controlling complex networks is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, and has the potential to generate technological breakthroughs as well. We address the physically important issue of the energy required for achieving control by deriving and validating scaling laws for the lower and upper energy bounds. These bounds represent a reasonable estimate of the energy cost associated with control, and provide a step forward from the current research on controllability toward ultimate control of complex networked dynamical systems.Comment: 4 pages paper + 5 pages supplement. accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters; http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.21870

    Inheritance patterns in citation networks reveal scientific memes

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    Memes are the cultural equivalent of genes that spread across human culture by means of imitation. What makes a meme and what distinguishes it from other forms of information, however, is still poorly understood. Our analysis of memes in the scientific literature reveals that they are governed by a surprisingly simple relationship between frequency of occurrence and the degree to which they propagate along the citation graph. We propose a simple formalization of this pattern and we validate it with data from close to 50 million publication records from the Web of Science, PubMed Central, and the American Physical Society. Evaluations relying on human annotators, citation network randomizations, and comparisons with several alternative approaches confirm that our formula is accurate and effective, without a dependence on linguistic or ontological knowledge and without the application of arbitrary thresholds or filters.Comment: 8 two-column pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Controlling nosocomial infection based on structure of hospital social networks

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    Nosocomial infection raises a serious public health problem, as implied by the existence of pathogens characteristic to healthcare and hospital-mediated outbreaks of influenza and SARS. We simulate stochastic SIR dynamics on social networks, which are based on observations in a hospital in Tokyo, to explore effective containment strategies against nosocomial infection. The observed networks have hierarchical and modular structure. We show that healthcare workers, particularly medical doctors, are main vectors of diseases on these networks. Intervention methods that restrict interaction between medical doctors and their visits to different wards shrink the final epidemic size more than intervention methods that directly protect patients, such as isolating patients in single rooms. By the same token, vaccinating doctors with priority rather than patients or nurses is more effective. Finally, vaccinating individuals with large betweenness centrality is superior to vaccinating ones with large connectedness to others or randomly chosen individuals, as suggested by previous model studies. [The abstract of the manuscript has more information.]Comment: 12 figures, 2 table

    Reverse Monte Carlo modeling of amorphous silicon

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    An implementation of the Reverse Monte Carlo algorithm is presented for the study of amorphous tetrahedral semiconductors. By taking into account a number of constraints that describe the tetrahedral bonding geometry along with the radial distribution function, we construct a model of amorphous silicon using the reverse monte carlo technique. Starting from a completely random configuration, we generate a model of amorphous silicon containing 500 atoms closely reproducing the experimental static structure factor and bond angle distribution and in improved agreement with electronic properties. Comparison is made to existing Reverse Monte Carlo models, and the importance of suitable constraints beside experimental data is stressed.Comment: 6 pages, 4 PostScript figure

    Information-Sharing and Privacy in Social Networks

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    We present a new model for reasoning about the way information is shared among friends in a social network, and the resulting ways in which it spreads. Our model formalizes the intuition that revealing personal information in social settings involves a trade-off between the benefits of sharing information with friends, and the risks that additional gossiping will propagate it to people with whom one is not on friendly terms. We study the behavior of rational agents in such a situation, and we characterize the existence and computability of stable information-sharing networks, in which agents do not have an incentive to change the partners with whom they share information. We analyze the implications of these stable networks for social welfare, and the resulting fragmentation of the social network

    Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Eye Localization for Gaze Tracking in Low Resolution Images

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    Iris centre localization in low-resolution visible images is a challenging problem in computer vision community due to noise, shadows, occlusions, pose variations, eye blinks, etc. This paper proposes an efficient method for determining iris centre in low-resolution images in the visible spectrum. Even low-cost consumer-grade webcams can be used for gaze tracking without any additional hardware. A two-stage algorithm is proposed for iris centre localization. The proposed method uses geometrical characteristics of the eye. In the first stage, a fast convolution based approach is used for obtaining the coarse location of iris centre (IC). The IC location is further refined in the second stage using boundary tracing and ellipse fitting. The algorithm has been evaluated in public databases like BioID, Gi4E and is found to outperform the state of the art methods.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, IET Computer Vision, 201