3 research outputs found

    Aggregation functions with given super-additive and sub-additive transformations

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    Aggregation functions and their transformations have found numerous applications in various kinds of systems as well as in economics and social science. Every aggregation function is known to be bounded above and below by its super-additive and sub-additive transformations. We are interested in the “inverse” problem of whether or not every pair consisting of a super-additive function dominating a sub-additive function comes from some aggregation function in the above sense. Our main results provide a negative answer under mild extra conditions on the super- and sub-additive pair. We also show that our results are, in a sense, best possible

    On the existence of aggregation functions with given super-additive and sub-additive transformations

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    In this note we study restrictions on the recently introduced super-additive and sub-additive transformations, A → A∗ and A → A∗, of an aggregation function A. We prove that if A∗ has a slightly stronger property of being strictly directionally convex, then A = A∗ and A∗ is linear; dually, if A∗ is strictly directionally concave, then A = A∗ and A∗ is linear. This implies, for example, the existence of pairs of functions f≤g sub-additive and super-additive on [0, ∞[n, respectively, with zero value at the origin and satisfying relatively mild extra conditions, for which there exists no aggregation function A on [0, ∞[n such that A∗=f and A∗=g