988 research outputs found

    Composing Measures for Computing Text Similarity

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    We present a comprehensive study of computing similarity between texts. We start from the observation that while the concept of similarity is well grounded in psychology, text similarity is much less well-defined in the natural language processing community. We thus define the notion of text similarity and distinguish it from related tasks such as textual entailment and near-duplicate detection. We then identify multiple text dimensions, i.e. characteristics inherent to texts that can be used to judge text similarity, for which we provide empirical evidence. We discuss state-of-the-art text similarity measures previously proposed in the literature, before continuing with a thorough discussion of common evaluation metrics and datasets. Based on the analysis, we devise an architecture which combines text similarity measures in a unified classification framework. We apply our system in two evaluation settings, for which it consistently outperforms prior work and competing systems: (a) an intrinsic evaluation in the context of the Semantic Textual Similarity Task as part of the Semantic Evaluation (SemEval) exercises, and (b) an extrinsic evaluation for the detection of text reuse. As a basis for future work, we introduce DKPro Similarity, an open source software package which streamlines the development of text similarity measures and complete experimental setups

    Searching to Translate and Translating to Search: When Information Retrieval Meets Machine Translation

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    With the adoption of web services in daily life, people have access to tremendous amounts of information, beyond any human's reading and comprehension capabilities. As a result, search technologies have become a fundamental tool for accessing information. Furthermore, the web contains information in multiple languages, introducing another barrier between people and information. Therefore, search technologies need to handle content written in multiple languages, which requires techniques to account for the linguistic differences. Information Retrieval (IR) is the study of search techniques, in which the task is to find material relevant to a given information need. Cross-Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) is a special case of IR when the search takes place in a multi-lingual collection. Of course, it is not helpful to retrieve content in languages the user cannot understand. Machine Translation (MT) studies the translation of text from one language into another efficiently (within a reasonable amount of time) and effectively (fluent and retaining the original meaning), which helps people understand what is being written, regardless of the source language. Putting these together, we observe that search and translation technologies are part of an important user application, calling for a better integration of search (IR) and translation (MT), since these two technologies need to work together to produce high-quality output. In this dissertation, the main goal is to build better connections between IR and MT, for which we present solutions to two problems: Searching to translate explores approximate search techniques for extracting bilingual data from multilingual Wikipedia collections to train better translation models. Translating to search explores the integration of a modern statistical MT system into the cross-language search processes. In both cases, our best-performing approach yielded improvements over strong baselines for a variety of language pairs. Finally, we propose a general architecture, in which various components of IR and MT systems can be connected together into a feedback loop, with potential improvements to both search and translation tasks. We hope that the ideas presented in this dissertation will spur more interest in the integration of search and translation technologies


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    Every day, an enormous volume of written and transcribed media is produced, making it impossible for intelligence analysts to sift through it all without a large human workforce. However, multilingual language models can help intelligence analysts select media articles relevant to their problem set, even if they are written in a foreign or low resource language, by parsing out non-relevant articles. The Global Database of Events Language and Tone (GDELT) is a near real-time media database that releases new collections of open-source articles every 15 minutes, but its automated event coding often leads to a high number of false positive samples. To create an effective multilingual language model for parsing open-source articles, an accurate categorization and tagging of the open-source articles is necessary for training. This thesis fine-tunes multilingual language models to identify false positive open-source articles in the GDELT database using the automated coded and human verified open-source articles from the Integrated Crisis Early Warning System (ICEWS) as the training data. The fine-tuned multilingual language model is overlaid onto the GDELT search algorithm to prune out many of the false positive results, providing intelligence analysts with improved access to relevant open-source articles within minutes of publication, and enabling them to gather pertinent information in a more timely manner.Approved for public release. Distribution is unlimited.Lieutenant, United States Nav

    Novel perspectives and approaches to video summarization

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    The increasing volume of videos requires efficient and effective techniques to index and structure videos. Video summarization is such a technique that extracts the essential information from a video, so that tasks such as comprehension by users and video content analysis can be conducted more effectively and efficiently. The research presented in this thesis investigates three novel perspectives of the video summarization problem and provides approaches to such perspectives. Our first perspective is to employ local keypoint to perform keyframe selection. Two criteria, namely Coverage and Redundancy, are introduced to guide the keyframe selection process in order to identify those representing maximum video content and sharing minimum redundancy. To efficiently deal with long videos, a top-down strategy is proposed, which splits the summarization problem to two sub-problems: scene identification and scene summarization. Our second perspective is to formulate the task of video summarization to the problem of sparse dictionary reconstruction. Our method utilizes the true sparse constraint L0 norm, instead of the relaxed constraint L2,1 norm, such that keyframes are directly selected as a sparse dictionary that can reconstruct the video frames. In addition, a Percentage Of Reconstruction (POR) criterion is proposed to intuitively guide users in selecting an appropriate length of the summary. In addition, an L2,0 constrained sparse dictionary selection model is also proposed to further verify the effectiveness of sparse dictionary reconstruction for video summarization. Lastly, we further investigate the multi-modal perspective of multimedia content summarization and enrichment. There are abundant images and videos on the Web, so it is highly desirable to effectively organize such resources for textual content enrichment. With the support of web scale images, our proposed system, namely StoryImaging, is capable of enriching arbitrary textual stories with visual content

    Metric Selection and Metric Learning for Matching Tasks

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    A quarter of a century after the world-wide web was born, we have grown accustomed to having easy access to a wealth of data sets and open-source software. The value of these resources is restricted if they are not properly integrated and maintained. A lot of this work boils down to matching; finding existing records about entities and enriching them with information from a new data source. In the realm of code this means integrating new code snippets into a code base while avoiding duplication. In this thesis, we address two different such matching problems. First, we leverage the diverse and mature set of string similarity measures in an iterative semisupervised learning approach to string matching. It is designed to query a user to make a sequence of decisions on specific cases of string matching. We show that we can find almost optimal solutions after only a small amount of such input. The low labelling complexity of our algorithm is due to addressing the cold start problem that is inherent to Active Learning; by ranking queries by variance before the arrival of enough supervision information, and by a self-regulating mechanism that counteracts initial biases. Second, we address the matching of code fragments for deduplication. Programming code is not only a tool, but also a resource that itself demands maintenance. Code duplication is a frequent problem arising especially from modern development practice. There are many reasons to detect and address code duplicates, for example to keep a clean and maintainable codebase. In such more complex data structures, string similarity measures are inadequate. In their stead, we study a modern supervised Metric Learning approach to model code similarity with Neural Networks. We find that in such a model representing the elementary tokens with a pretrained word embedding is the most important ingredient. Our results show both qualitatively (by visualization) that relatedness is modelled well by the embeddings and quantitatively (by ablation) that the encoded information is useful for the downstream matching task. As a non-technical contribution, we unify the common challenges arising in supervised learning approaches to Record Matching, Code Clone Detection and generic Metric Learning tasks. We give a novel account to string similarity measures from a psychological standpoint and point out and document one longstanding naming conflict in string similarity measures. Finally, we point out the overlap of latest research in Code Clone Detection with the field of Natural Language Processing

    Classifying Attitude by Topic Aspect for English and Chinese Document Collections

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    The goal of this dissertation is to explore the design of tools to help users make sense of subjective information in English and Chinese by comparing attitudes on aspects of a topic in English and Chinese document collections. This involves two coupled challenges: topic aspect focus and attitude characterization. The topic aspect focus is specified by using information retrieval techniques to obtain documents on a topic that are of interest to a user and then allowing the user to designate a few segments of those documents to serve as examples for aspects that she wishes to see characterized. A novel feature of this work is that the examples can be drawn from documents in two languages (English and Chinese). A bilingual aspect classifier which applies monolingual and cross-language classification techniques is used to assemble automatically a large set of document segments on those same aspects. A test collection was designed for aspect classification by annotating consecutive sentences in documents from the Topic Detection and Tracking collections as aspect instances. Experiments show that classification effectiveness can often be increased by using training examples from both languages. Attitude characterization is achieved by classifiers which determine the subjectivity and polarity of document segments. Sentence attitude classification is the focus of the experiments in the dissertation because the best presently available test collection for Chinese attitude classification (the NTCIR-6 Chinese Opinion Analysis Pilot Task) is focused on sentence-level classification. A large Chinese sentiment lexicon was constructed by leveraging existing Chinese and English lexical resources, and an existing character-based approach for estimating the semantic orientation of other Chinese words was extended. A shallow linguistic analysis approach was adopted to classify the subjectivity and polarity of a sentence. Using the large sentiment lexicon with appropriate handling of negation, and leveraging sentence subjectivity density, sentence positivity and negativity, the resulting sentence attitude classifier was more effective than the best previously reported systems

    Understanding the topics and opinions from social media content

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    Social media has become one indispensable part of people’s daily life, as it records and reflects people’s opinions and events of interest, as well as influences people’s perceptions. As the most commonly employed and easily accessed data format on social media, a great deal of the social media textual content is not only factual and objective, but also rich in opinionated information. Thus, besides the topics Internet users are talking about in social media textual content, it is also of great importance to understand the opinions they are expressing. In this thesis, I present my broadly applicable text mining approaches, in order to understand the topics and opinions of user-generated texts on social media, to provide insights about the thoughts of Internet users on entities, events, etc. Specifically, I develop approaches to understand the semantic differences between language-specific editions of Wikipedia, when discussing certain entities from the related topical aspects perspective and the aggregated sentiment bias perspective. Moreover, I employ effective features to detect the reputation-influential sentences for person and company entities in Wikipedia articles, which lead to the detected sentiment bias. Furthermore, I propose neural network models with different levels of attention mechanism, to detect the stances of tweets towards any given target. I also introduce an online timeline generation approach, to detect and summarise the relevant sub-topics in the tweet stream, in order to provide Internet users with some insights about the evolution of major events they are interested in
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