29,571 research outputs found

    Adding X-security to Carrel: security for agent-based healthcare applications

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    The high growth of Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) in Open Networks with initiatives such as Agentcities1 requires development in many different areas such as scalable and secure agent platforms, location services, directory services, and systems management. In our case we have focused our effort on security for agent systems. The driving force of this paper is provide a practical vision of how security mechanisms could be introduced for multi-agent applications. Our case study for this experiment is Carrel [9]: an Agent-based application in the Organ and Tissue transplant domain. The selection of this application is due to its characteristics as a real scenario and use of high-risk data for example, a study of the 21 most visited health-related web sites on the Internet discovered that personal information provided at many of the sites was being inadvertently leaked for unauthorized persons. These factors indicate to us that Carrel would be a suitable environment in order to test existing security safeguards. Furthermore, we believe that the experience gathered will be useful for other MAS. In order to achieve our purpose we describe the design, architecture and implementation of security elements on MAS for the Carrel System.Postprint (published version

    RoboChain: A Secure Data-Sharing Framework for Human-Robot Interaction

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    Robots have potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. One of their largest potentials is in the domain of mobile health where they can be used to facilitate clinical interventions. However, to accomplish this, robots need to have access to our private data in order to learn from these data and improve their interaction capabilities. Furthermore, to enhance this learning process, the knowledge sharing among multiple robot units is the natural step forward. However, to date, there is no well-established framework which allows for such data sharing while preserving the privacy of the users (e.g., the hospital patients). To this end, we introduce RoboChain - the first learning framework for secure, decentralized and computationally efficient data and model sharing among multiple robot units installed at multiple sites (e.g., hospitals). RoboChain builds upon and combines the latest advances in open data access and blockchain technologies, as well as machine learning. We illustrate this framework using the example of a clinical intervention conducted in a private network of hospitals. Specifically, we lay down the system architecture that allows multiple robot units, conducting the interventions at different hospitals, to perform efficient learning without compromising the data privacy.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Provenance-based trust for grid computing: Position Paper

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    Current evolutions of Internet technology such as Web Services, ebXML, peer-to-peer and Grid computing all point to the development of large-scale open networks of diverse computing systems interacting with one another to perform tasks. Grid systems (and Web Services) are exemplary in this respect and are perhaps some of the first large-scale open computing systems to see widespread use - making them an important testing ground for problems in trust management which are likely to arise. From this perspective, today's grid architectures suffer from limitations, such as lack of a mechanism to trace results and lack of infrastructure to build up trust networks. These are important concerns in open grids, in which "community resources" are owned and managed by multiple stakeholders, and are dynamically organised in virtual organisations. Provenance enables users to trace how a particular result has been arrived at by identifying the individual services and the aggregation of services that produced such a particular output. Against this background, we present a research agenda to design, conceive and implement an industrial-strength open provenance architecture for grid systems. We motivate its use with three complex grid applications, namely aerospace engineering, organ transplant management and bioinformatics. Industrial-strength provenance support includes a scalable and secure architecture, an open proposal for standardising the protocols and data structures, a set of tools for configuring and using the provenance architecture, an open source reference implementation, and a deployment and validation in industrial context. The provision of such facilities will enrich grid capabilities by including new functionalities required for solving complex problems such as provenance data to provide complete audit trails of process execution and third-party analysis and auditing. As a result, we anticipate that a larger uptake of grid technology is likely to occur, since unprecedented possibilities will be offered to users and will give them a competitive edge

    Designing privacy for scalable electronic healthcare linkage

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    A unified electronic health record (EHR) has potentially immeasurable benefits to society, and the current healthcare industry drive to create a single EHR reflects this. However, adoption is slow due to two major factors: the disparate nature of data and storage facilities of current healthcare systems and the security ramifications of accessing and using that data and concerns about potential misuse of that data. To attempt to address these issues this paper presents the VANGUARD (Virtual ANonymisation Grid for Unified Access of Remote Data) system which supports adaptive security-oriented linkage of disparate clinical data-sets to support a variety of virtual EHRs avoiding the need for a single schematic standard and natural concerns of data owners and other stakeholders on data access and usage. VANGUARD has been designed explicit with security in mind and supports clear delineation of roles for data linkage and usage

    Data privacy by design: digital infrastructures for clinical collaborations

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    The clinical sciences have arguably the most stringent security demands on the adoption and roll-out of collaborative e-Infrastructure solutions such as those based upon Grid-based middleware. Experiences from the Medical Research Council (MRC) funded Virtual Organisations for Trials and Epidemiological Studies (VOTES) project and numerous other real world security driven projects at the UK e-Science National e-Science Centre (NeSC – www.nesc.ac.uk) have shown that whilst advanced Grid security and middleware solutions now offer capabilities to address many of the distributed data and security challenges in the clinical domain, the real clinical world as typified by organizations such as the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK are extremely wary of adoption of such technologies: firewalls; ethics; information governance, software validation, and the actual realities of existing infrastructures need to be considered from the outset. Based on these experiences we present a novel data linkage and anonymisation infrastructure that has been developed with close co-operation of the various stakeholders in the clinical domain (including the NHS) that addresses their concerns and satisfies the needs of the academic clinical research community. We demonstrate the implementation of this infrastructure through a representative clinical study on chronic diseases in Scotland

    Secure and Trustable Electronic Medical Records Sharing using Blockchain

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    Electronic medical records (EMRs) are critical, highly sensitive private information in healthcare, and need to be frequently shared among peers. Blockchain provides a shared, immutable and transparent history of all the transactions to build applications with trust, accountability and transparency. This provides a unique opportunity to develop a secure and trustable EMR data management and sharing system using blockchain. In this paper, we present our perspectives on blockchain based healthcare data management, in particular, for EMR data sharing between healthcare providers and for research studies. We propose a framework on managing and sharing EMR data for cancer patient care. In collaboration with Stony Brook University Hospital, we implemented our framework in a prototype that ensures privacy, security, availability, and fine-grained access control over EMR data. The proposed work can significantly reduce the turnaround time for EMR sharing, improve decision making for medical care, and reduce the overall costComment: AMIA 2017 Annual Symposium Proceeding

    An authorization policy management framework for dynamic medical data sharing

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    In this paper, we propose a novel feature reduction approach to group words hierarchically into clusters which can then be used as new features for document classification. Initially, each word constitutes a cluster. We calculate the mutual confidence between any two different words. The pair of clusters containing the two words with the highest mutual confidence are combined into a new cluster. This process of merging is iterated until all the mutual confidences between the un-processed pair of words are smaller than a predefined threshold or only one cluster exists. In this way, a hierarchy of word clusters is obtained. The user can decide the clusters, from a certain level, to be used as new features for document classification. Experimental results have shown that our method can perform better than other methods.<br /

    Ensuring patients privacy in a cryptographic-based-electronic health records using bio-cryptography

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    Several recent works have proposed and implemented cryptography as a means to preserve privacy and security of patients health data. Nevertheless, the weakest point of electronic health record (EHR) systems that relied on these cryptographic schemes is key management. Thus, this paper presents the development of privacy and security system for cryptography-based-EHR by taking advantage of the uniqueness of fingerprint and iris characteristic features to secure cryptographic keys in a bio-cryptography framework. The results of the system evaluation showed significant improvements in terms of time efficiency of this approach to cryptographic-based-EHR. Both the fuzzy vault and fuzzy commitment demonstrated false acceptance rate (FAR) of 0%, which reduces the likelihood of imposters gaining successful access to the keys protecting patients protected health information. This result also justifies the feasibility of implementing fuzzy key binding scheme in real applications, especially fuzzy vault which demonstrated a better performance during key reconstruction

    Information architecture for a federated health record server

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    This paper describes the information models that have been used to implement a federated health record server and to deploy it in a live clinical setting. The authors, working at the Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education (University College London), have built up over a decade of experience within Europe on the requirements and information models that are needed to underpin comprehensive multi-professional electronic health records. This work has involved collaboration with a wide range of health care and informatics organisations and partners in the healthcare computing industry across Europe though the EU Health Telematics projects GEHR, Synapses, EHCR-SupA, SynEx and Medicate. The resulting architecture models have fed into recent European standardisation work in this area, such as CEN TC/251 ENV 13606. UCL has implemented a federated health record server based on these models which is now running in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Whittington Hospital in North London. The information models described in this paper reflect a refinement based on this implementation experience