72 research outputs found

    Product innovation and customer satisfaction in Nigeria brewery industry: a study of customers of star lager beer by Nigerian breweries plc. In southeast, Nigeria

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    Abstract The global market today has become so diversified that consumers have more interests in new things, because their needs and tastes are constantly changing. These changes in their consumption pattern therefore, calls for firms to adapt the use of innovation, as possible and significant way to satisfy their consumers. This study examined product innovation and customer satisfaction in Nigeria brewery industry: a study of customers of star lager beer by Nigerian Breweries Plc. in South-East, Nigeria. The objectives were to examine the relationship between: product quality and repurchase intention, product packaging and repurchase intention, brand name and repurchase intention, product quality and customer loyalty, product packaging and customer loyalty and name and customer loyalty. The study adopted survey research design and customers of NB Plc in South-East Nigeria represent the population. 280 valid responses were obtained from customers of NB through a survey questionnaire. The research adopted descriptive statistics and was used to present data generated from respondents. Hypotheses one, two, three and four were tested with Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Coefficient while hypothesis five and six were tested with multiple regression through the use of SPSS. The findings revealed that there are significant relationship between product quality and repurchase intention among the consumers of brewery products in Nigeria, and product packaging and repurchase intention, there is no significant relationship between product brand name and repurchase intention, there significant relationship between product quality and customer loyalty among brewery product consumers in Nigeria, there is no significant relationship between product packaging and customers’ loyalty among brewery product consumers in Nigeria, and there is also a negative significant relationship between product brand name and customer loyalty among brewery product consumers in Nigeria, the implications of these two results are that product packaging only and brand name cannot guarantee customer loyalty except if the product has the quality that can give the customers maximum satisfaction since satisfaction is the ultimate goal of every customer. The study recommended to NB Plc to increase their customer satisfaction by improving on their products in the areas of product quality. This study has implications for the update of product innovation and formulation of customer satisfaction policy in Nigeria brewery industry and other emerging economies with similar business and economic history. The limitation of this research is that it was carried out only in South-East Nigeria, therefore further research should be carried out in the whole of Nigeria. Keywords: Product quality; product packaging; brand name; repurchase1 intention; customer loyalt

    Social Entrepreneurship Education: A systematic review of curricula contents and teaching methods

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    Abstract: Social entrepreneurship education is one of the fastest-growing subject areas in the world. Despite these developments, scholars and practitioners are far from reaching a consensus about "what" and "how" to educate social entrepreneurship. This study presents a systematic review of 30 articles published in Scopus and web of science databases between 2007 to January 2020. It offers an overview of the most popular SE courses and teaching methods on social entrepreneurship education programs. Based on identified research gaps, we provide future research directions that will help more researchers and practitioners conceptualize social entrepreneurship education.   Keywords: Social entrepreneurship education, SE courses, teaching methods, entrepreneurship education, Social entrepreneurshi

    L’effet des droits de propriété sur l’adoption des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols par les producteurs de céréales au Burkina Faso

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    This article is an attempt to give an answer to the main research question entitled: what is the effect of property rights on the adoption of water and soil conservation techniques by cereal producers in Burkina Faso. The objective of this article is to evaluate the effect of property rights on the adoption of water and soil conservation techniques by cereal producers in Burkina Faso. A multivariate probit model is used on a sample of 4,813 plots from the survey carried out by the second National Land Management Program (PNGT2) in 2011 on households in Burkina Faso. The results show that formal property rights positively influence the probability of adoption of stone bunds, half-moons and hedgerows. The main conclusion of this research is that formal property rights positively influence the probability of adoption of stone bunds, half-moons and hedgerows. The article therefore recommends the use of water and soil conservation techniques by cereal producers with formal property rights over their plots.Cet article est une tentative de donner une réponse à la question principale de recherche intitulée : quel est l’effet des droits de propriété sur l’adoption des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols par les producteurs de céréales au Burkina Faso. L’objectif de cet article est d’évaluer l’effet des droits de propriété sur l’adoption des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols par les producteurs de céréales au Burkina Faso. Un modèle probit multivarié est utilisé sur un échantillon de 4 813 parcelles de l’enquête réalisée par le deuxième Programme National de Gestion des Terroirs (PNGT2) en 2011 sur les ménages au Burkina Faso. Les résultats montrent que les droits de propriété formels influencent positivement la probabilité d’adoption des diguettes en cordons pierreux, des demi-lunes et des haies vives. La principale conclusion de cette recherche est que les droits de propriétés formels influencent positivement la probabilité d’adoption des diguettes en cordons pierreux, des demi-lunes et des haies vives. L’article recommande par conséquent l’utilisation des techniques de conservation des eaux et des sols par les producteurs de céréales disposant de droits de propriété formels sur leurs parcelles

    The Acceptance of New Information Technologies in the Hospital Sector Development of a theoretical model

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    oai:ojs.africanscientificjournal.com:article/1The introduction of new information technologies in the hospital sector is validated as a tool forimproving the quality of care. In Morocco, the awareness of adoption of these new technologies isgrowing significantly, but these innovations are not always accepted by end-users who are healthprofessionals, this mitigates their success and limits their impacts. In this context, we seek, on thebasis of a literature review, to propose a theoretical model of the acceptance of new informationtechnologies in the hospital sector in Morocco – in the case of CHU-. To this end, we adopt a modelbased approach to the unified theory of technology acceptance and use (UTAUT) to build ourresearch model. RésuméL’introduction des nouvelles technologies de l’information dans le secteur hospitalier est validéecomme un outil participant à l’amélioration de la qualité des soins. Au Maroc, la conscience d’adoptionde ces nouvelles technologies est en croissance significative, or ces innovations ne sont pas toujoursacceptées par les usagers finaux qui sont les professionnels de la santé, ceci mitige leurs succès et limiteleurs impacts. Dans ce cadre, nous cherchons, sur la base d’une revue de la littérature, à proposer unmodèle théorique de l’acceptation des nouvelles technologies de l’information dans le secteurhospitalier au Maroc–cas des CHU-. A cette fin, nous adoptons une approche basée sur le modèle dela théorie unifiée de l’acceptation et de l’utilisation des technologies (l’UTAUT) pour construire notremodèle de recherche

    An Empirical Exploration of Sectoral Policies Coordination Mechanisms in Morocco : Morocco Export Plus Strategy, as a case study.

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    RĂ©sumĂ© La prĂ©sente recherche porte une contribution Ă  l’évaluation de la convergence des politiques de promotion des exportations marocaines. Elle vise Ă  identifier les facteurs susceptibles de renforcer la coordination des politiques sectorielles en matière de dĂ©veloppement de la compĂ©titivitĂ© des entreprises exportatrices marocaines en interrogeant le mode de gouvernance des stratĂ©gies multisectorielles reliĂ©es Ă  la politique commerciale du pays. Il s’agit en fait d’explorer : Comment peut-on renforcer les mĂ©canismes de la coordination des politiques publiques dans l’élaboration et la mise en Ĺ“uvre des stratĂ©gies multisectorielles de dĂ©veloppement ? Sous une posture interprĂ©tativiste, la mĂ©thodologie de recherche adoptĂ©e est principalement orientĂ©e par un raisonnement inductif qui ambitionne l’exploration des mĂ©canismes de la coordination interinstitutionnelle et s’efforçant Ă  comprendre leurs dysfonctionnements et leurs pistes d’amĂ©lioration. En adoptant une approche basĂ©e sur l’acteur, nous avons procĂ©dĂ© par une enquĂŞte auprès des principaux intervenants des politiques de promotion des entreprises exportatrices marocaines. Ce travail a pris forme d’une sĂ©rie d’entretiens auprès des acteurs institutionnels impliquĂ©s aux diffĂ©rentes phases d’élaboration et de mise en Ĺ“uvre des politiques de promotion. Nos investigations ont dĂ©montrĂ© que la coordination interministĂ©rielle des politiques de promotion des exportations au Maroc, Ă  l’image de l’ensemble des stratĂ©gies Ă  caractère multisectoriel, demeure faiblement formalisĂ©e. Dans un contexte d’intervention pluraliste, et en absence d’un cadre rĂ©fĂ©rentiel d’action, les acteurs publics disposent de marges de manĹ“uvre qui constituent des zones d’incertitudes, susceptibles d’entraver tout processus d’harmonisation. Mots clĂ©s : Coordination – Politiques publiques – stratĂ©gie multisectorielle – Maroc Export Plus   Abstract The present study adds to the evaluation of the convergence of Moroccan exports' promotion policies. It aims at identifying the factors that are more likely to reinforce the coordination of sectoral policies in terms of developing the competitiveness of Moroccan exporting companies. This can be achieved through questioning the mode of governance of the multisectoral strategies related to the country's commercial policy. Essentially, the study tries to examine how we can reinforce the public policies’ coordination mechanisms in formulating and implementing multisectoral strategies for development ? Within an interpretive positioning, the research methodology adopted is mainly oriented by inductive reasoning, aiming at exploring the mechanisms of inter-institutional coordination and striving to understand their dysfunctions and avenues for improvement. A survey was conducted on the major stakeholders in the promotional policies of Moroccan exporting companies, using an actor-based approach. This work was carried out in the form of interviews with institutional actors, participating in the various stages of development and implementation of promotional policies. In a context of pluralistic intervention, and in the absence of a framework for action, stakeholders have room for maneuvering, which constitute areas of uncertainty that could hinder any harmonization process. Keywords Coordination - Public policies - multisectoral strategy - Maroc Export Plu

    Role of information systems in supply chain management optimization: Rôle des systèmes d'information dans l'optimisation de management de la supply chain

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    Abstract The information system plays an important role in optimizing the supply chain management (planning and performance, platform and transport), in order to ensure good coordination between them, as well as allowing optimization of the supply chain (production, storage, and transport) (BOUROUBA 2013). This paper presents the role of information systems in optimization of the supply chain management and it application in CEVITAL Company. Key word: Supply chain management , information system


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    Abstract : The interest in work-life interface is due to several sociodemographic changes in the world : feminization of work, increase in homogamy, struggle for gender equality. During last years, generational expectations confirm this interest. The Generation Y employees ask for more than linear and hierarchical progression within the organization, they want to have a lifestyle allowing them to balance their existence between work, family,leisure …Work seems to be less central to their lives ! (Jean M. Twenge ,2013) In Morocco, many of those changes took place in last decades.  In this context we tought that it is important to underestand the place of work-family interface in Morroco. Our study has the aim to understand the societal changes which impact the work-life interface and to explore if companies take this issue in consideration. By this paper we are exploring the situation of the work-family interface through an analysis of the organizational and societal changes. Since the aim of this study is comprhensive, an inductive and interpretative approach is appropriate (Yin 2003). The study was based in a qualitative design and interpretitive approcah (Sandberg, 2005) through semi-structured interviews with experts : human ressources directors, HR consultant, sociologists and psychologists. This paper gives a descreiptive overview about the societal level  and  organisational level . The results shows that many changes affects the work-family interface which is rather conflictual in Morocco specially for women. The companies has some practices which are informal in the majority. Keywords: Work-family balance,Family Friendly Practices, HR Practices, HRM, Morocco JEL Classification: M12 Personnel Management, Executives. Executive Compensatio

    Factors that trigger the structuring process of Management Control in SMEs : An analysis based on the theory of growth thresholds: Facteurs déclencheurs du processus de structuration du contrôle de gestion dans les PME : Une analyse sous le prisme de la théorie des seuils de croissance

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    The question of when to introduce management control (MC or CDG in french) as a management tool has arisen in recent years in  SMEs in sub-Saharan Africa in view of the difficulties they face during the launch phase and to initiate growth.  Thorough studies of 8 Cameroonian SMEs tend to show that, contrary to what the growth threshold theory suggests, the factors that favour the structuring of CDG in SMEs are not only linked to the increase in size, the  age of the company or the number of entity or agency.  This article shows that the need for the structuring of the CDG in the Cameroonian SME arises when it faces irrational staff behaviour, during the deployment of the strategy and the implementation of innovations. RĂ©sumĂ© : La question du moment de l’introduction du contrĂ´le de gestion (CDG) comme outil de pilotage se pose avec acuitĂ© ces dernières annĂ©es dans les PME en Afrique subsaharienne au regard des difficultĂ©s qu’elles font face lors de la phase de lancement et pour amorcer la croissance. Une Ă©tude exploratoire approfondie de 8 PME camerounaises, tend Ă  dĂ©montrer que contrairement Ă  ce que suggèrent la thĂ©orie des seuils de croissances, les facteurs qui favorisent la structuration du CDG dans les PME ne sont pas uniquement liĂ©s Ă  l’augmentation de la taille, l’âge de l’entreprise ou le nombre d’entitĂ© ou d’agence. Cet article montre que la nĂ©cessitĂ© de la structuration du CDG dans la PME camerounaise s’impose quand celle-ci fait face aux comportements irrationnels du personnel, lors du dĂ©ploiement de la stratĂ©gie et de l’implĂ©mentation des innovations. Mots- clĂ©s : Structuration, contrĂ´le de gestion, PME, seuil de croissance, contrĂ´les informels,&nbsp

    Managing supply chains in time of crisis : an overview

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    This paper aims to explain the management of supply chains in exceptional times mainly marked by surviving a crisis or a given risk, thus, it identifies firstly the concept of risk and risk management by a qualitative approach relying on literature review in order to highlight the role of a resilient supply chain to remedy the impact of this latter. And hence provide some clarity for today’s business to survive the current crisis due to COVID-19 pandemic

    Le neuromarketing via le web : Une performance commerciale face aux exigences de l’éthique

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    In recent years, the world has seen a strong use of social networks in different fields such as politics, economy, sports, etc. This use has extended to marketing, the purpose of which is to make products visible. For his part, the consumer participates in the construction of the commercial image of the company on the basis of his experience with the products consumed. There are many marketing tools. Each company adopts its digital strategy according to its means. The objective of this contribution is to clarify some dimensions as well as the consequences of neuromarketing on consumer behavior based on research conducted by marketing and neuroscience experts while presenting suggestions to deal with opportunistic behaviors of companies. In principle, the integration of neuroscience in marketing has been the subject of fierce debate among marketing theorists. In previous work, researchers try to mobilize neurological tools to understand and influence consumer behavior. Neuromarketing as a discipline has been criticized by public opinion because of its ability to use psychological and nervous mechanisms to manipulate consumption habits, hence the need to think about framing neuromarketing practices and filling the legal void while taking into account the human dimension in the product marketing process.Durant les dernières années, le monde a connu une forte utilisation des réseaux sociaux dans les différents domaines tels que la politique, l’économie, le sport, etc. Cette utilisation s’est étendue au marketing dont le but est de rendre les produits visibles. De sa part, le consommateur participe à la construction de l’mage commerciale de l’entreprise sur la base de son expérience avec les produits consommés. Les outils du marketing sont multiples. Chaque entreprise adopte sa stratégie digitale en fonction de ses moyens. L’objectif de la présente contribution est de clarifier quelques dimensions ainsi que les conséquences du neuromarketing sur le comportement du consommateur sur la base des recherches menées par des experts en marketing et en neurosciences tout en présentant des suggestions pour faire face aux comportements opportunistes des entreprises. En principe, l’intégration des neurosciences en marketing a fait l’objet des débats acharnés entre les théoriciens du marketing. Dans les travaux antérieurs, les chercheurs essayent de mobiliser les outils neurologiques pour comprendre et influencer le comportement du consommateur. Le neuromarketing comme discipline a été critiquée par l’opinion publique à cause de sa capacité à utiliser les mécanismes psychologiques et nerveux pour manipuler les habitudes de consommation, d’où la nécessité de penser à encadrer les pratiques neuromarketing et de remplir le vide juridique tout en tenant compte la dimension humaine dans le processus de commercialisation des produits
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