28 research outputs found

    S3-Net: A Fast and Lightweight Video Scene Understanding Network by Single-shot Segmentation

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    Real-time understanding in video is crucial in various AI applications such as autonomous driving. This work presents a fast single-shot segmentation strategy for video scene understanding. The proposed net, called S3-Net, quickly locates and segments target sub-scenes, meanwhile extracts structured time-series semantic features as inputs to an LSTM-based spatio-temporal model. Utilizing tensorization and quantization techniques, S3-Net is intended to be lightweight for edge computing. Experiments using CityScapes, UCF11, HMDB51 and MOMENTS datasets demonstrate that the proposed S3-Net achieves an accuracy improvement of 8.1% versus the 3D-CNN based approach on UCF11, a storage reduction of 6.9x and an inference speed of 22.8 FPS on CityScapes with a GTX1080Ti GPU.Comment: WACV202

    The Devil is in the Boundary: Exploiting Boundary Representation for Basis-based Instance Segmentation

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    Pursuing a more coherent scene understanding towards real-time vision applications, single-stage instance segmentation has recently gained popularity, achieving a simpler and more efficient design than its two-stage counterparts. Besides, its global mask representation often leads to superior accuracy to the two-stage Mask R-CNN which has been dominant thus far. Despite the promising advances in single-stage methods, finer delineation of instance boundaries still remains unexcavated. Indeed, boundary information provides a strong shape representation that can operate in synergy with the fully-convolutional mask features of the single-stage segmenter. In this work, we propose Boundary Basis based Instance Segmentation(B2Inst) to learn a global boundary representation that can complement existing global-mask-based methods that are often lacking high-frequency details. Besides, we devise a unified quality measure of both mask and boundary and introduce a network block that learns to score the per-instance predictions of itself. When applied to the strongest baselines in single-stage instance segmentation, our B2Inst leads to consistent improvements and accurately parse out the instance boundaries in a scene. Regardless of being single-stage or two-stage frameworks, we outperform the existing state-of-the-art methods on the COCO dataset with the same ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 backbones

    The Semantic Mutex Watershed for Efficient Bottom-Up Semantic Instance Segmentation

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    Semantic instance segmentation is the task of simultaneously partitioning an image into distinct segments while associating each pixel with a class label. In commonly used pipelines, segmentation and label assignment are solved separately since joint optimization is computationally expensive. We propose a greedy algorithm for joint graph partitioning and labeling derived from the efficient Mutex Watershed partitioning algorithm. It optimizes an objective function closely related to the Symmetric Multiway Cut objective and empirically shows efficient scaling behavior. Due to the algorithm's efficiency it can operate directly on pixels without prior over-segmentation of the image into superpixels. We evaluate the performance on the Cityscapes dataset (2D urban scenes) and on a 3D microscopy volume. In urban scenes, the proposed algorithm combined with current deep neural networks outperforms the strong baseline of `Panoptic Feature Pyramid Networks' by Kirillov et al. (2019). In the 3D electron microscopy images, we show explicitly that our joint formulation outperforms a separate optimization of the partitioning and labeling problems

    Deep Snake for Real-Time Instance Segmentation

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    This paper introduces a novel contour-based approach named deep snake for real-time instance segmentation. Unlike some recent methods that directly regress the coordinates of the object boundary points from an image, deep snake uses a neural network to iteratively deform an initial contour to match the object boundary, which implements the classic idea of snake algorithms with a learning-based approach. For structured feature learning on the contour, we propose to use circular convolution in deep snake, which better exploits the cycle-graph structure of a contour compared against generic graph convolution. Based on deep snake, we develop a two-stage pipeline for instance segmentation: initial contour proposal and contour deformation, which can handle errors in object localization. Experiments show that the proposed approach achieves competitive performances on the Cityscapes, KINS, SBD and COCO datasets while being efficient for real-time applications with a speed of 32.3 fps for 512×\times512 images on a 1080Ti GPU. The code is available at https://github.com/zju3dv/snake/.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2020 as Oral. Add experiments on MS COC

    OccuSeg: Occupancy-aware 3D Instance Segmentation

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    3D instance segmentation, with a variety of applications in robotics and augmented reality, is in large demands these days. Unlike 2D images that are projective observations of the environment, 3D models provide metric reconstruction of the scenes without occlusion or scale ambiguity. In this paper, we define "3D occupancy size", as the number of voxels occupied by each instance. It owns advantages of robustness in prediction, on which basis, OccuSeg, an occupancy-aware 3D instance segmentation scheme is proposed. Our multi-task learning produces both occupancy signal and embedding representations, where the training of spatial and feature embeddings varies with their difference in scale-aware. Our clustering scheme benefits from the reliable comparison between the predicted occupancy size and the clustered occupancy size, which encourages hard samples being correctly clustered and avoids over segmentation. The proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on 3 real-world datasets, i.e. ScanNetV2, S3DIS and SceneNN, while maintaining high efficiency.Comment: CVPR 2020, video this https URL https://youtu.be/co7y6LQ7Kq

    SSAP: Single-Shot Instance Segmentation With Affinity Pyramid

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    Recently, proposal-free instance segmentation has received increasing attention due to its concise and efficient pipeline. Generally, proposal-free methods generate instance-agnostic semantic segmentation labels and instance-aware features to group pixels into different object instances. However, previous methods mostly employ separate modules for these two sub-tasks and require multiple passes for inference. We argue that treating these two sub-tasks separately is suboptimal. In fact, employing multiple separate modules significantly reduces the potential for application. The mutual benefits between the two complementary sub-tasks are also unexplored. To this end, this work proposes a single-shot proposal-free instance segmentation method that requires only one single pass for prediction. Our method is based on a pixel-pair affinity pyramid, which computes the probability that two pixels belong to the same instance in a hierarchical manner. The affinity pyramid can also be jointly learned with the semantic class labeling and achieve mutual benefits. Moreover, incorporating with the learned affinity pyramid, a novel cascaded graph partition module is presented to sequentially generate instances from coarse to fine. Unlike previous time-consuming graph partition methods, this module achieves 5×5\times speedup and 9% relative improvement on Average-Precision (AP). Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results on the challenging Cityscapes dataset.Comment: ICCV 201

    Attention-guided Unified Network for Panoptic Segmentation

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    This paper studies panoptic segmentation, a recently proposed task which segments foreground (FG) objects at the instance level as well as background (BG) contents at the semantic level. Existing methods mostly dealt with these two problems separately, but in this paper, we reveal the underlying relationship between them, in particular, FG objects provide complementary cues to assist BG understanding. Our approach, named the Attention-guided Unified Network (AUNet), is a unified framework with two branches for FG and BG segmentation simultaneously. Two sources of attentions are added to the BG branch, namely, RPN and FG segmentation mask to provide object-level and pixel-level attentions, respectively. Our approach is generalized to different backbones with consistent accuracy gain in both FG and BG segmentation, and also sets new state-of-the-arts both in the MS-COCO (46.5% PQ) and Cityscapes (59.0% PQ) benchmarks.Comment: CVPR 201

    Deep Affinity Net: Instance Segmentation via Affinity

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    Most of the modern instance segmentation approaches fall into two categories: region-based approaches in which object bounding boxes are detected first and later used in cropping and segmenting instances; and keypoint-based approaches in which individual instances are represented by a set of keypoints followed by a dense pixel clustering around those keypoints. Despite the maturity of these two paradigms, we would like to report an alternative affinity-based paradigm where instances are segmented based on densely predicted affinities and graph partitioning algorithms. Such affinity-based approaches indicate that high-level graph features other than regions or keypoints can be directly applied in the instance segmentation task. In this work, we propose Deep Affinity Net, an effective affinity-based approach accompanied with a new graph partitioning algorithm Cascade-GAEC. Without bells and whistles, our end-to-end model results in 32.4% AP on Cityscapes val and 27.5% AP on test. It achieves the best single-shot result as well as the fastest running time among all affinity-based models. It also outperforms the region-based method Mask R-CNN

    PolyTransform: Deep Polygon Transformer for Instance Segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose PolyTransform, a novel instance segmentation algorithm that produces precise, geometry-preserving masks by combining the strengths of prevailing segmentation approaches and modern polygon-based methods. In particular, we first exploit a segmentation network to generate instance masks. We then convert the masks into a set of polygons that are then fed to a deforming network that transforms the polygons such that they better fit the object boundaries. Our experiments on the challenging Cityscapes dataset show that our PolyTransform significantly improves the performance of the backbone instance segmentation network and ranks 1st on the Cityscapes test-set leaderboard. We also show impressive gains in the interactive annotation setting. We release the code at https://github.com/uber-research/PolyTransform

    Learning Gaussian Instance Segmentation in Point Clouds

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    This paper presents a novel method for instance segmentation of 3D point clouds. The proposed method is called Gaussian Instance Center Network (GICN), which can approximate the distributions of instance centers scattered in the whole scene as Gaussian center heatmaps. Based on the predicted heatmaps, a small number of center candidates can be easily selected for the subsequent predictions with efficiency, including i) predicting the instance size of each center to decide a range for extracting features, ii) generating bounding boxes for centers, and iii) producing the final instance masks. GICN is a single-stage, anchor-free, and end-to-end architecture that is easy to train and efficient to perform inference. Benefited from the center-dictated mechanism with adaptive instance size selection, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in the task of 3D instance segmentation on ScanNet and S3DIS datasets