4 research outputs found


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    Recent studies have shown that most of our purchasing choices and decisions are theresult of a careful analysis of the advantages and disadvantages and of affective and emotionalaspects. Psychological literature recognizes that the emotional conditions are always present andinfluence every stage of decision-making in purchasing process. Consumers establish with companybrands an overall emotional relationship and express, also with web technologies, reviews andsuggestions on product/service. In our department we have developed an original algorithm ofsentiment analysis to extract emotions from online customer opinions. With this algorithm we haveobtained good results to polarize this opinions in order to reach strategic marketing goals.emotions, emotional marketing, emotional brand, emotions measurement, sentiment analysis.

    A Collaborative Platform to Support the Enterprise 2.0 in Active Interactions with Customers

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    In recent years a new model of Enterprise 2.0, which interacts actively with customers using web 2.0 tools (chat, forum, blog, wiki), is developing. The enterprises, listening opinions and suggestions of customers, can improve the product/service. For a company, customer's opinions are very important both for the improvement of products and also for the reinforcement of the customer loyalty. The customer will be motivated to be loyal if the enterprise shows a strong attention to his/her needs. This paper presents a model of a collaborative and interactive platform that supports the Enterprise 2.0 in the management of communications and relationships with all stakeholder of the supply chain and in particular with customers. A good e-reputation of the company improves business performances

    Effectiveness of Emotional Marketing on Brand Loyalty in State Run Universities

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    This paper seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of how Emotional Marketing affects brand loyalty and how state universities like Midlands State University (MSU) can implement Emotional Marketing to maintain its long established name. This study provides an insight on how universities can implement emotional marketing as a strategic tool to gain competitive edge. Exploratory research was used in order to discover ideas and insights in the problem understudy. Descriptive research method was used because it helped to condense the vast amount of data obtained from the respondents into a few summary measures. A sample size of 129 respondents was chosen comprising 100 students, 23 academic staff and 6 non-academic staff. Findings revealed that MSU has not yet adopted the new marketing concept; emotional marketing. It owes its market dominance to excellence on innovation mainly, for instance it is the first to introduce the visiting school programs, and e-learning among other programs. This paper clearly shows that Emotional Marketing has become a contemporary service marketing strategy and is quite relevant in the university setup. The contribution of this paper is to demonstrate that Emotional Marketing can aid MSU to remain competitive in an environment where there are 7 other state run universities and 5 private owned universities. Keywords: brand loyalty, emotional marketing, customer emotions, emotional intelligence, emotion measuremen