2 research outputs found

    Adversarial Training for Multilingual Acoustic Modeling

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    Multilingual training has been shown to improve acoustic modeling performance by sharing and transferring knowledge in modeling different languages. Knowledge sharing is usually achieved by using common lower-level layers for different languages in a deep neural network. Recently, the domain adversarial network was proposed to reduce domain mismatch of training data and learn domain-invariant features. It is thus worth exploring whether adversarial training can further promote knowledge sharing in multilingual models. In this work, we apply the domain adversarial network to encourage the shared layers of a multilingual model to learn language-invariant features. Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks (RNN) are used as building blocks. We show that shared layers learned this way contain less language identification information and lead to better performance. In an automatic speech recognition task for seven languages, the resultant acoustic model improves the word error rate (WER) of the multilingual model by 4% relative on average, and the monolingual models by 10%

    End-to-end Domain-Adversarial Voice Activity Detection

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    Voice activity detection is the task of detecting speech regions in a given audio stream or recording. First, we design a neural network combining trainable filters and recurrent layers to tackle voice activity detection directly from the waveform. Experiments on the challenging DIHARD dataset show that the proposed end-to-end model reaches state-of-the-art performance and outperforms a variant where trainable filters are replaced by standard cepstral coefficients. Our second contribution aims at making the proposed voice activity detection model robust to domain mismatch. To that end, a domain classification branch is added to the network and trained in an adversarial manner. The same DIHARD dataset, drawn from 11 different domains is used for evaluation under two scenarios. In the in-domain scenario where the training and test sets cover the exact same domains, we show that the domain-adversarial approach does not degrade performance of the proposed end-to-end model. In the out-domain scenario where the test domain is different from training domains, it brings a relative improvement of more than 10%. Finally, our last contribution is the provision of a fully reproducible open-source pipeline than can be easily adapted to other datasets.Comment: submitted to Interspeech 202