17 research outputs found

    Adversarial Semi-Supervised Audio Source Separation applied to Singing Voice Extraction

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    The state of the art in music source separation employs neural networks trained in a supervised fashion on multi-track databases to estimate the sources from a given mixture. With only few datasets available, often extensive data augmentation is used to combat overfitting. Mixing random tracks, however, can even reduce separation performance as instruments in real music are strongly correlated. The key concept in our approach is that source estimates of an optimal separator should be indistinguishable from real source signals. Based on this idea, we drive the separator towards outputs deemed as realistic by discriminator networks that are trained to tell apart real from separator samples. This way, we can also use unpaired source and mixture recordings without the drawbacks of creating unrealistic music mixtures. Our framework is widely applicable as it does not assume a specific network architecture or number of sources. To our knowledge, this is the first adoption of adversarial training for music source separation. In a prototype experiment for singing voice separation, separation performance increases with our approach compared to purely supervised training.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table. Final version of manuscript accepted for 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). Implementation available at https://github.com/f90/AdversarialAudioSeparatio

    CASS: Cross Adversarial Source Separation via Autoencoder

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    This paper introduces a cross adversarial source separation (CASS) framework via autoencoder, a new model that aims at separating an input signal consisting of a mixture of multiple components into individual components defined via adversarial learning and autoencoder fitting. CASS unifies popular generative networks like auto-encoders (AEs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs) in a single framework. The basic building block that filters the input signal and reconstructs the ii-th target component is a pair of deep neural networks ENi\mathcal{EN}_i and DEi\mathcal{DE}_i as an encoder for dimension reduction and a decoder for component reconstruction, respectively. The decoder DEi\mathcal{DE}_i as a generator is enhanced by a discriminator network Di\mathcal{D}_i that favors signal structures of the ii-th component in the ii-th given dataset as guidance through adversarial learning. In contrast with existing practices in AEs which trains each Auto-Encoder independently, or in GANs that share the same generator, we introduce cross adversarial training that emphasizes adversarial relation between any arbitrary network pairs (DEi,Dj)(\mathcal{DE}_i,\mathcal{D}_j), achieving state-of-the-art performance especially when target components share similar data structures