24 research outputs found

    Knowledge Squeezed Adversarial Network Compression

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    Deep network compression has been achieved notable progress via knowledge distillation, where a teacher-student learning manner is adopted by using predetermined loss. Recently, more focuses have been transferred to employ the adversarial training to minimize the discrepancy between distributions of output from two networks. However, they always emphasize on result-oriented learning while neglecting the scheme of process-oriented learning, leading to the loss of rich information contained in the whole network pipeline. Inspired by the assumption that, the small network can not perfectly mimic a large one due to the huge gap of network scale, we propose a knowledge transfer method, involving effective intermediate supervision, under the adversarial training framework to learn the student network. To achieve powerful but highly compact intermediate information representation, the squeezed knowledge is realized by task-driven attention mechanism. Then, the transferred knowledge from teacher network could accommodate the size of student network. As a result, the proposed method integrates merits from both process-oriented and result-oriented learning. Extensive experimental results on three typical benchmark datasets, i.e., CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet, demonstrate that our method achieves highly superior performances against other state-of-the-art methods

    Adversarial Signal Denoising with Encoder-Decoder Networks

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    The presence of noise is common in signal processing regardless the signal type. Deep neural networks have shown good performance in noise removal, especially on the image domain. In this work, we consider deep neural networks as a denoising tool where our focus is on one dimensional signals. We introduce an encoder-decoder architecture to denoise signals, represented by a sequence of measurements. Instead of relying only on the standard reconstruction error to train the encoder-decoder network, we treat the task of denoising as distribution alignment between the clean and noisy signals. Then, we propose an adversarial learning formulation where the goal is to align the clean and noisy signal latent representation given that both signals pass through the encoder. In our approach, the discriminator has the role of detecting whether the latent representation comes from clean or noisy signals. We evaluate on electrocardiogram and motion signal denoising; and show better performance than learning-based and non-learning approaches.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Accepted at EUSIPCO 2020 (2020 28th European Signal Processing Conference

    An Embarrassingly Simple Approach for Knowledge Distillation

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    Knowledge Distillation (KD) aims at improving the performance of a low-capacity student model by inheriting knowledge from a high-capacity teacher model. Previous KD methods typically train a student by minimizing a task-related loss and the KD loss simultaneously, using a pre-defined loss weight to balance these two terms. In this work, we propose to first transfer the backbone knowledge from a teacher to the student, and then only learn the task-head of the student network. Such a decomposition of the training process circumvents the need of choosing an appropriate loss weight, which is often difficult in practice, and thus makes it easier to apply to different datasets and tasks. Importantly, the decomposition permits the core of our method, Stage-by-Stage Knowledge Distillation (SSKD), which facilitates progressive feature mimicking from teacher to student. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet suggest that SSKD significantly narrows down the performance gap between student and teacher, outperforming state-of-the-art approaches. We also demonstrate the generalization ability of SSKD on other challenging benchmarks, including face recognition on IJB-A dataset as well as object detection on COCO dataset.Comment: 8 pages and 5 figure

    Class-dependent Compression of Deep Neural Networks

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    Today's deep neural networks require substantial computation resources for their training, storage, and inference, which limits their effective use on resource-constrained devices. Many recent research activities explore different options for compressing and optimizing deep models. On the one hand, in many real-world applications, we face the data imbalance challenge, i.e. when the number of labeled instances of one class considerably outweighs the number of labeled instances of the other class. On the other hand, applications may pose a class imbalance problem, i.e. higher number of false positives produced when training a model and optimizing its performance may be tolerable, yet the number of false negatives must stay low. The problem originates from the fact that some classes are more important for the application than others, e.g. detection problems in medical and surveillance domains. Motivated by the success of the lottery ticket hypothesis, in this paper we propose an iterative deep model compression technique, which keeps the number of false negatives of the compressed model close to the one of the original model at the price of increasing the number of false positives if necessary. Our experimental evaluation using two benchmark data sets shows that the resulting compressed sub-networks 1) achieve up to 35% lower number of false negatives than the compressed model without class optimization, 2) provide an overall higher AUC_ROC measure, and 3) use up to 99% fewer parameters compared to the original network

    PBGen: Partial Binarization of Deconvolution-Based Generators for Edge Intelligence

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    This work explores the binarization of the deconvolution-based generator in a GAN for memory saving and speedup of image construction. Our study suggests that different from convolutional neural networks (including the discriminator) where all layers can be binarized, only some of the layers in the generator can be binarized without significant performance loss. Supported by theoretical analysis and verified by experiments, a direct metric based on the dimension of deconvolution operations is established, which can be used to quickly decide which layers in the generator can be binarized. Our results also indicate that both the generator and the discriminator should be binarized simultaneously for balanced competition and better performance. Experimental results based on CelebA suggest that directly applying state-of-the-art binarization techniques to all the layers of the generator will lead to 2.83×\times performance loss measured by sliced Wasserstein distance compared with the original generator, while applying them to selected layers only can yield up to 25.81×\times saving in memory consumption, and 1.96×\times and 1.32×\times speedup in inference and training respectively with little performance loss.Comment: 17 pages, paper re-organize

    Object Discovery with a Copy-Pasting GAN

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    We tackle the problem of object discovery, where objects are segmented for a given input image, and the system is trained without using any direct supervision whatsoever. A novel copy-pasting GAN framework is proposed, where the generator learns to discover an object in one image by compositing it into another image such that the discriminator cannot tell that the resulting image is fake. After carefully addressing subtle issues, such as preventing the generator from `cheating', this game results in the generator learning to select objects, as copy-pasting objects is most likely to fool the discriminator. The system is shown to work well on four very different datasets, including large object appearance variations in challenging cluttered backgrounds

    Substitute Teacher Networks: Learning with Almost No Supervision

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    Learning through experience is time-consuming, inefficient and often bad for your cortisol levels. To address this problem, a number of recently proposed teacher-student methods have demonstrated the benefits of private tuition, in which a single model learns from an ensemble of more experienced tutors. Unfortunately, the cost of such supervision restricts good representations to a privileged minority. Unsupervised learning can be used to lower tuition fees, but runs the risk of producing networks that require extracurriculum learning to strengthen their CVs and create their own LinkedIn profiles. Inspired by the logo on a promotional stress ball at a local recruitment fair, we make the following three contributions. First, we propose a novel almost no supervision training algorithm that is effective, yet highly scalable in the number of student networks being supervised, ensuring that education remains affordable. Second, we demonstrate our approach on a typical use case: learning to bake, developing a method that tastily surpasses the current state of the art. Finally, we provide a rigorous quantitive analysis of our method, proving that we have access to a calculator. Our work calls into question the long-held dogma that life is the best teacher.Comment: Published as a conference at SIGBOVIK 201

    BasisConv: A method for compressed representation and learning in CNNs

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    It is well known that Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have significant redundancy in their filter weights. Various methods have been proposed in the literature to compress trained CNNs. These include techniques like pruning weights, filter quantization and representing filters in terms of a basis functions. Our approach falls in this latter class of strategies, but is distinct in that that we show both compressed learning and representation can be achieved without significant modifications of popular CNN architectures. Specifically, any convolution layer of the CNN is easily replaced by two successive convolution layers: the first is a set of fixed filters (that represent the knowledge space of the entire layer and do not change), which is followed by a layer of one-dimensional filters (that represent the learned knowledge in this space). For the pre-trained networks, the fixed layer is just the truncated eigen-decompositions of the original filters. The 1D filters are initialized as the weights of linear combination, but are fine-tuned to recover any performance loss due to the truncation. For training networks from scratch, we use a set of random orthogonal fixed filters (that never change), and learn the 1D weight vector directly from the labeled data. Our method substantially reduces i) the number of learnable parameters during training, and ii) the number of multiplication operations and filter storage requirements during implementation. It does so without requiring any special operators in the convolution layer, and extends to all known popular CNN architectures. We apply our method to four well known network architectures trained with three different data sets. Results show a consistent reduction in i) the number of operations by up to a factor of 5, and ii) number of learnable parameters by up to a factor of 18, with less than 3% drop in performance on the CIFAR100 dataset

    Residual Knowledge Distillation

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    Knowledge distillation (KD) is one of the most potent ways for model compression. The key idea is to transfer the knowledge from a deep teacher model (T) to a shallower student (S). However, existing methods suffer from performance degradation due to the substantial gap between the learning capacities of S and T. To remedy this problem, this work proposes Residual Knowledge Distillation (RKD), which further distills the knowledge by introducing an assistant (A). Specifically, S is trained to mimic the feature maps of T, and A aids this process by learning the residual error between them. In this way, S and A complement with each other to get better knowledge from T. Furthermore, we devise an effective method to derive S and A from a given model without increasing the total computational cost. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves appealing results on popular classification datasets, CIFAR-100 and ImageNet, surpassing state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    DBP: Discrimination Based Block-Level Pruning for Deep Model Acceleration

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    Neural network pruning is one of the most popular methods of accelerating the inference of deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). The dominant pruning methods, filter-level pruning methods, evaluate their performance through the reduction ratio of computations and deem that a higher reduction ratio of computations is equivalent to a higher acceleration ratio in terms of inference time. However, we argue that they are not equivalent if parallel computing is considered. Given that filter-level pruning only prunes filters in layers and computations in a layer usually run in parallel, most computations reduced by filter-level pruning usually run in parallel with the un-reduced ones. Thus, the acceleration ratio of filter-level pruning is limited. To get a higher acceleration ratio, it is better to prune redundant layers because computations of different layers cannot run in parallel. In this paper, we propose our Discrimination based Block-level Pruning method (DBP). Specifically, DBP takes a sequence of consecutive layers (e.g., Conv-BN-ReLu) as a block and removes redundant blocks according to the discrimination of their output features. As a result, DBP achieves a considerable acceleration ratio by reducing the depth of CNNs. Extensive experiments show that DBP has surpassed state-of-the-art filter-level pruning methods in both accuracy and acceleration ratio. Our code will be made available soon.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure