3 research outputs found

    Adversarial Fisher Vectors for Unsupervised Representation Learning

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    We examine Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) through the lens of deep Energy Based Models (EBMs), with the goal of exploiting the density model that follows from this formulation. In contrast to a traditional view where the discriminator learns a constant function when reaching convergence, here we show that it can provide useful information for downstream tasks, e.g., feature extraction for classification. To be concrete, in the EBM formulation, the discriminator learns an unnormalized density function (i.e., the negative energy term) that characterizes the data manifold. We propose to evaluate both the generator and the discriminator by deriving corresponding Fisher Score and Fisher Information from the EBM. We show that by assuming that the generated examples form an estimate of the learned density, both the Fisher Information and the normalized Fisher Vectors are easy to compute. We also show that we are able to derive a distance metric between examples and between sets of examples. We conduct experiments showing that the GAN-induced Fisher Vectors demonstrate competitive performance as unsupervised feature extractors for classification and perceptual similarity tasks. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/apple/ml-afv}.Comment: Accepted as spotlight presentation to NeurIPS 201

    Set Distribution Networks: a Generative Model for Sets of Images

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    Images with shared characteristics naturally form sets. For example, in a face verification benchmark, images of the same identity form sets. For generative models, the standard way of dealing with sets is to represent each as a one hot vector, and learn a conditional generative model p(x∣y)p(\mathbf{x}|\mathbf{y}). This representation assumes that the number of sets is limited and known, such that the distribution over sets reduces to a simple multinomial distribution. In contrast, we study a more generic problem where the number of sets is large and unknown. We introduce Set Distribution Networks (SDNs), a novel framework that learns to autoencode and freely generate sets. We achieve this by jointly learning a set encoder, set discriminator, set generator, and set prior. We show that SDNs are able to reconstruct image sets that preserve salient attributes of the inputs in our benchmark datasets, and are also able to generate novel objects/identities. We examine the sets generated by SDN with a pre-trained 3D reconstruction network and a face verification network, respectively, as a novel way to evaluate the quality of generated sets of images

    Fast Adaptation with Linearized Neural Networks

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    The inductive biases of trained neural networks are difficult to understand and, consequently, to adapt to new settings. We study the inductive biases of linearizations of neural networks, which we show to be surprisingly good summaries of the full network functions. Inspired by this finding, we propose a technique for embedding these inductive biases into Gaussian processes through a kernel designed from the Jacobian of the network. In this setting, domain adaptation takes the form of interpretable posterior inference, with accompanying uncertainty estimation. This inference is analytic and free of local optima issues found in standard techniques such as fine-tuning neural network weights to a new task. We develop significant computational speed-ups based on matrix multiplies, including a novel implementation for scalable Fisher vector products. Our experiments on both image classification and regression demonstrate the promise and convenience of this framework for transfer learning, compared to neural network fine-tuning. Code is available at https://github.com/amzn/xfer/tree/master/finite_ntk.Comment: AISTATS 202