11,898 research outputs found

    Detecting Adversarial Perturbations Through Spatial Behavior in Activation Spaces

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    Neural network based classifiers are still prone to manipulation through adversarial perturbations. State of the art attacks can overcome most of the defense or detection mechanisms suggested so far, and adversaries have the upper hand in this arms race. Adversarial examples are designed to resemble the normal input from which they were constructed, while triggering an incorrect classification. This basic design goal leads to a characteristic spatial behavior within the context of Activation Spaces, a term coined by the authors to refer to the hyperspaces formed by the activation values of the network's layers. Within the output of the first layers of the network, an adversarial example is likely to resemble normal instances of the source class, while in the final layers such examples will diverge towards the adversary's target class. The steps below enable us to leverage this inherent shift from one class to another in order to form a novel adversarial example detector. We construct Euclidian spaces out of the activation values of each of the deep neural network layers. Then, we induce a set of k-nearest neighbor classifiers (k-NN), one per activation space of each neural network layer, using the non-adversarial examples. We leverage those classifiers to produce a sequence of class labels for each nonperturbed input sample and estimate the a priori probability for a class label change between one activation space and another. During the detection phase we compute a sequence of classification labels for each input using the trained classifiers. We then estimate the likelihood of those classification sequences and show that adversarial sequences are far less likely than normal ones. We evaluated our detection method against the state of the art C&W attack method, using two image classification datasets (MNIST, CIFAR-10) reaching an AUC 0f 0.95 for the CIFAR-10 dataset

    Why is the Mahalanobis Distance Effective for Anomaly Detection?

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    The Mahalanobis distance-based confidence score, a recently proposed anomaly detection method for pre-trained neural classifiers, achieves state-of-the-art performance on both out-of-distribution (OoD) and adversarial examples detection. This work analyzes why this method exhibits such strong performance in practical settings while imposing an implausible assumption; namely, that class conditional distributions of pre-trained features have tied covariance. Although the Mahalanobis distance-based method is claimed to be motivated by classification prediction confidence, we find that its superior performance stems from information not useful for classification. This suggests that the reason the Mahalanobis confidence score works so well is mistaken, and makes use of different information from ODIN, another popular OoD detection method based on prediction confidence. This perspective motivates us to combine these two methods, and the combined detector exhibits improved performance and robustness. These findings provide insight into the behavior of neural classifiers in response to anomalous inputs

    Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes

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    Despite the great success of deep neural networks, the adversarial attack can cheat some well-trained classifiers by small permutations. In this paper, we propose another type of adversarial attack that can cheat classifiers by significant changes. For example, we can significantly change a face but well-trained neural networks still recognize the adversarial and the original example as the same person. Statistically, the existing adversarial attack increases Type II error and the proposed one aims at Type I error, which are hence named as Type II and Type I adversarial attack, respectively. The two types of attack are equally important but are essentially different, which are intuitively explained and numerically evaluated. To implement the proposed attack, a supervised variation autoencoder is designed and then the classifier is attacked by updating the latent variables using gradient information. {Besides, with pre-trained generative models, Type I attack on latent spaces is investigated as well.} Experimental results show that our method is practical and effective to generate Type I adversarial examples on large-scale image datasets. Most of these generated examples can pass detectors designed for defending Type II attack and the strengthening strategy is only efficient with a specific type attack, both implying that the underlying reasons for Type I and Type II attack are different

    Adversarial Feature Selection against Evasion Attacks

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    Pattern recognition and machine learning techniques have been increasingly adopted in adversarial settings such as spam, intrusion and malware detection, although their security against well-crafted attacks that aim to evade detection by manipulating data at test time has not yet been thoroughly assessed. While previous work has been mainly focused on devising adversary-aware classification algorithms to counter evasion attempts, only few authors have considered the impact of using reduced feature sets on classifier security against the same attacks. An interesting, preliminary result is that classifier security to evasion may be even worsened by the application of feature selection. In this paper, we provide a more detailed investigation of this aspect, shedding some light on the security properties of feature selection against evasion attacks. Inspired by previous work on adversary-aware classifiers, we propose a novel adversary-aware feature selection model that can improve classifier security against evasion attacks, by incorporating specific assumptions on the adversary's data manipulation strategy. We focus on an efficient, wrapper-based implementation of our approach, and experimentally validate its soundness on different application examples, including spam and malware detection

    Adversarial Examples - A Complete Characterisation of the Phenomenon

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    We provide a complete characterisation of the phenomenon of adversarial examples - inputs intentionally crafted to fool machine learning models. We aim to cover all the important concerns in this field of study: (1) the conjectures on the existence of adversarial examples, (2) the security, safety and robustness implications, (3) the methods used to generate and (4) protect against adversarial examples and (5) the ability of adversarial examples to transfer between different machine learning models. We provide ample background information in an effort to make this document self-contained. Therefore, this document can be used as survey, tutorial or as a catalog of attacks and defences using adversarial examples

    A Robust Approach for Securing Audio Classification Against Adversarial Attacks

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    Adversarial audio attacks can be considered as a small perturbation unperceptive to human ears that is intentionally added to the audio signal and causes a machine learning model to make mistakes. This poses a security concern about the safety of machine learning models since the adversarial attacks can fool such models toward the wrong predictions. In this paper we first review some strong adversarial attacks that may affect both audio signals and their 2D representations and evaluate the resiliency of the most common machine learning model, namely deep learning models and support vector machines (SVM) trained on 2D audio representations such as short time Fourier transform (STFT), discrete wavelet transform (DWT) and cross recurrent plot (CRP) against several state-of-the-art adversarial attacks. Next, we propose a novel approach based on pre-processed DWT representation of audio signals and SVM to secure audio systems against adversarial attacks. The proposed architecture has several preprocessing modules for generating and enhancing spectrograms including dimension reduction and smoothing. We extract features from small patches of the spectrograms using speeded up robust feature (SURF) algorithm which are further used to generate a codebook using the K-Means++ algorithm. Finally, codewords are used to train a SVM on the codebook of the SURF-generated vectors. All these steps yield to a novel approach for audio classification that provides a good trade-off between accuracy and resilience. Experimental results on three environmental sound datasets show the competitive performance of proposed approach compared to the deep neural networks both in terms of accuracy and robustness against strong adversarial attacks.Comment: Paper Accepted for Publication in IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Securit

    Adversary Detection in Neural Networks via Persistent Homology

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    We outline a detection method for adversarial inputs to deep neural networks. By viewing neural network computations as graphs upon which information flows from input space to out- put distribution, we compare the differences in graphs induced by different inputs. Specifically, by applying persistent homology to these induced graphs, we observe that the structure of the most persistent subgraphs which generate the first homology group differ between adversarial and unperturbed inputs. Based on this observation, we build a detection algorithm that depends only on the topological information extracted during training. We test our algorithm on MNIST and achieve 98% detection adversary accuracy with F1-score 0.98.Comment: 16 page

    HashTran-DNN: A Framework for Enhancing Robustness of Deep Neural Networks against Adversarial Malware Samples

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    Adversarial machine learning in the context of image processing and related applications has received a large amount of attention. However, adversarial machine learning, especially adversarial deep learning, in the context of malware detection has received much less attention despite its apparent importance. In this paper, we present a framework for enhancing the robustness of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) against adversarial malware samples, dubbed Hashing Transformation Deep Neural Networks} (HashTran-DNN). The core idea is to use hash functions with a certain locality-preserving property to transform samples to enhance the robustness of DNNs in malware classification. The framework further uses a Denoising Auto-Encoder (DAE) regularizer to reconstruct the hash representations of samples, making the resulting DNN classifiers capable of attaining the locality information in the latent space. We experiment with two concrete instantiations of the HashTran-DNN framework to classify Android malware. Experimental results show that four known attacks can render standard DNNs useless in classifying Android malware, that known defenses can at most defend three of the four attacks, and that HashTran-DNN can effectively defend against all of the four attacks.Comment: 13 pages (included references), 5 figure

    DeepFense: Online Accelerated Defense Against Adversarial Deep Learning

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    Recent advances in adversarial Deep Learning (DL) have opened up a largely unexplored surface for malicious attacks jeopardizing the integrity of autonomous DL systems. With the wide-spread usage of DL in critical and time-sensitive applications, including unmanned vehicles, drones, and video surveillance systems, online detection of malicious inputs is of utmost importance. We propose DeepFense, the first end-to-end automated framework that simultaneously enables efficient and safe execution of DL models. DeepFense formalizes the goal of thwarting adversarial attacks as an optimization problem that minimizes the rarely observed regions in the latent feature space spanned by a DL network. To solve the aforementioned minimization problem, a set of complementary but disjoint modular redundancies are trained to validate the legitimacy of the input samples in parallel with the victim DL model. DeepFense leverages hardware/software/algorithm co-design and customized acceleration to achieve just-in-time performance in resource-constrained settings. The proposed countermeasure is unsupervised, meaning that no adversarial sample is leveraged to train modular redundancies. We further provide an accompanying API to reduce the non-recurring engineering cost and ensure automated adaptation to various platforms. Extensive evaluations on FPGAs and GPUs demonstrate up to two orders of magnitude performance improvement while enabling online adversarial sample detection.Comment: Adding hardware acceleration for real-time execution of defender module

    Towards an Understanding of Neural Networks in Natural-Image Spaces

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    Two major uncertainties, dataset bias and adversarial examples, prevail in state-of-the-art AI algorithms with deep neural networks. In this paper, we present an intuitive explanation for these issues as well as an interpretation of the performance of deep networks in a natural-image space. The explanation consists of two parts: the philosophy of neural networks and a hypothetical model of natural-image spaces. Following the explanation, we 1) demonstrate that the values of training samples differ, 2) provide incremental boost to the accuracy of a CIFAR-10 classifier by introducing an additional "random-noise" category during training, 3) alleviate over-fitting thereby enhancing the robustness against adversarial examples by detecting and excluding illusive training samples that are consistently misclassified. Our overall contribution is therefore twofold. First, while most existing algorithms treat data equally and have a strong appetite for more data, we demonstrate in contrast that an individual datum can sometimes have disproportionate and counterproductive influence and that it is not always better to train neural networks with more data. Next, we consider more thoughtful strategies by taking into account the geometric and topological properties of natural-image spaces to which deep networks are applied
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