758 research outputs found

    Variational Inference with Latent Space Quantization for Adversarial Resilience

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    Despite their tremendous success in modelling high-dimensional data manifolds, deep neural networks suffer from the threat of adversarial attacks - Existence of perceptually valid input-like samples obtained through careful perturbation that lead to degradation in the performance of the underlying model. Major concerns with existing defense mechanisms include non-generalizability across different attacks, models and large inference time. In this paper, we propose a generalized defense mechanism capitalizing on the expressive power of regularized latent space based generative models. We design an adversarial filter, devoid of access to classifier and adversaries, which makes it usable in tandem with any classifier. The basic idea is to learn a Lipschitz constrained mapping from the data manifold, incorporating adversarial perturbations, to a quantized latent space and re-map it to the true data manifold. Specifically, we simultaneously auto-encode the data manifold and its perturbations implicitly through the perturbations of the regularized and quantized generative latent space, realized using variational inference. We demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed formulation in providing resilience against multiple attack types (black and white box) and methods, while being almost real-time. Our experiments show that the proposed method surpasses the state-of-the-art techniques in several cases

    Adversarial Attack Type I: Cheat Classifiers by Significant Changes

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    Despite the great success of deep neural networks, the adversarial attack can cheat some well-trained classifiers by small permutations. In this paper, we propose another type of adversarial attack that can cheat classifiers by significant changes. For example, we can significantly change a face but well-trained neural networks still recognize the adversarial and the original example as the same person. Statistically, the existing adversarial attack increases Type II error and the proposed one aims at Type I error, which are hence named as Type II and Type I adversarial attack, respectively. The two types of attack are equally important but are essentially different, which are intuitively explained and numerically evaluated. To implement the proposed attack, a supervised variation autoencoder is designed and then the classifier is attacked by updating the latent variables using gradient information. {Besides, with pre-trained generative models, Type I attack on latent spaces is investigated as well.} Experimental results show that our method is practical and effective to generate Type I adversarial examples on large-scale image datasets. Most of these generated examples can pass detectors designed for defending Type II attack and the strengthening strategy is only efficient with a specific type attack, both implying that the underlying reasons for Type I and Type II attack are different

    On The Utility of Conditional Generation Based Mutual Information for Characterizing Adversarial Subspaces

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    Recent studies have found that deep learning systems are vulnerable to adversarial examples; e.g., visually unrecognizable adversarial images can easily be crafted to result in misclassification. The robustness of neural networks has been studied extensively in the context of adversary detection, which compares a metric that exhibits strong discriminate power between natural and adversarial examples. In this paper, we propose to characterize the adversarial subspaces through the lens of mutual information (MI) approximated by conditional generation methods. We use MI as an information-theoretic metric to strengthen existing defenses and improve the performance of adversary detection. Experimental results on MagNet defense demonstrate that our proposed MI detector can strengthen its robustness against powerful adversarial attacks.Comment: Accepted to IEEE GlobalSIP 201

    Purifying Adversarial Perturbation with Adversarially Trained Auto-encoders

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    Machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial examples. Iterative adversarial training has shown promising results against strong white-box attacks. However, adversarial training is very expensive, and every time a model needs to be protected, such expensive training scheme needs to be performed. In this paper, we propose to apply iterative adversarial training scheme to an external auto-encoder, which once trained can be used to protect other models directly. We empirically show that our model outperforms other purifying-based methods against white-box attacks, and transfers well to directly protect other base models with different architectures

    Generalizable Adversarial Attacks with Latent Variable Perturbation Modelling

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    Adversarial attacks on deep neural networks traditionally rely on a constrained optimization paradigm, where an optimization procedure is used to obtain a single adversarial perturbation for a given input example. In this work we frame the problem as learning a distribution of adversarial perturbations, enabling us to generate diverse adversarial distributions given an unperturbed input. We show that this framework is domain-agnostic in that the same framework can be employed to attack different input domains with minimal modification. Across three diverse domains---images, text, and graphs---our approach generates whitebox attacks with success rates that are competitive with or superior to existing approaches, with a new state-of-the-art achieved in the graph domain. Finally, we demonstrate that our framework can efficiently generate a diverse set of attacks for a single given input, and is even capable of attacking \textit{unseen} test instances in a zero-shot manner, exhibiting attack generalization

    Dual Motion GAN for Future-Flow Embedded Video Prediction

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    Future frame prediction in videos is a promising avenue for unsupervised video representation learning. Video frames are naturally generated by the inherent pixel flows from preceding frames based on the appearance and motion dynamics in the video. However, existing methods focus on directly hallucinating pixel values, resulting in blurry predictions. In this paper, we develop a dual motion Generative Adversarial Net (GAN) architecture, which learns to explicitly enforce future-frame predictions to be consistent with the pixel-wise flows in the video through a dual-learning mechanism. The primal future-frame prediction and dual future-flow prediction form a closed loop, generating informative feedback signals to each other for better video prediction. To make both synthesized future frames and flows indistinguishable from reality, a dual adversarial training method is proposed to ensure that the future-flow prediction is able to help infer realistic future-frames, while the future-frame prediction in turn leads to realistic optical flows. Our dual motion GAN also handles natural motion uncertainty in different pixel locations with a new probabilistic motion encoder, which is based on variational autoencoders. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed dual motion GAN significantly outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on synthesizing new video frames and predicting future flows. Our model generalizes well across diverse visual scenes and shows superiority in unsupervised video representation learning.Comment: ICCV 17 camera read

    Provably robust deep generative models

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    Recent work in adversarial attacks has developed provably robust methods for training deep neural network classifiers. However, although they are often mentioned in the context of robustness, deep generative models themselves have received relatively little attention in terms of formally analyzing their robustness properties. In this paper, we propose a method for training provably robust generative models, specifically a provably robust version of the variational auto-encoder (VAE). To do so, we first formally define a (certifiably) robust lower bound on the variational lower bound of the likelihood, and then show how this bound can be optimized during training to produce a robust VAE. We evaluate the method on simple examples, and show that it is able to produce generative models that are substantially more robust to adversarial attacks (i.e., an adversary trying to perturb inputs so as to drastically lower their likelihood under the model)

    Revisit Lmser and its further development based on convolutional layers

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    Proposed in 1991, Least Mean Square Error Reconstruction for self-organizing network, shortly Lmser, was a further development of the traditional auto-encoder (AE) by folding the architecture with respect to the central coding layer and thus leading to the features of symmetric weights and neurons, as well as jointly supervised and unsupervised learning. However, its advantages were only demonstrated in a one-hidden-layer implementation due to the lack of computing resources and big data at that time. In this paper, we revisit Lmser from the perspective of deep learning, develop Lmser network based on multiple convolutional layers, which is more suitable for image-related tasks, and confirm several Lmser functions with preliminary demonstrations on image recognition, reconstruction, association recall, and so on. Experiments demonstrate that Lmser indeed works as indicated in the original paper, and it has promising performance in various applications

    Performing Co-Membership Attacks Against Deep Generative Models

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    In this paper we propose a new membership attack method called co-membership attacks against deep generative models including Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Specifically, membership attack aims to check whether a given instance x was used in the training data or not. A co-membership attack checks whether the given bundle of n instances were in the training, with the prior knowledge that the bundle was either entirely used in the training or none at all. Successful membership attacks can compromise the privacy of training data when the generative model is published. Our main idea is to cast membership inference of target data x as the optimization of another neural network (called the attacker network) to search for the latent encoding to reproduce x. The final reconstruction error is used directly to conclude whether x was in the training data or not. We conduct extensive experiments on a variety of datasets and generative models showing that: our attacker network outperforms prior membership attacks; co-membership attacks can be substantially more powerful than single attacks; and VAEs are more susceptible to membership attacks compared to GANs

    WAIC, but Why? Generative Ensembles for Robust Anomaly Detection

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    Machine learning models encounter Out-of-Distribution (OoD) errors when the data seen at test time are generated from a different stochastic generator than the one used to generate the training data. One proposal to scale OoD detection to high-dimensional data is to learn a tractable likelihood approximation of the training distribution, and use it to reject unlikely inputs. However, likelihood models on natural data are themselves susceptible to OoD errors, and even assign large likelihoods to samples from other datasets. To mitigate this problem, we propose Generative Ensembles, which robustify density-based OoD detection by way of estimating epistemic uncertainty of the likelihood model. We present a puzzling observation in need of an explanation -- although likelihood measures cannot account for the typical set of a distribution, and therefore should not be suitable on their own for OoD detection, WAIC performs surprisingly well in practice
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