15,032 research outputs found

    Adversarial Robust Memory-Based Continual Learner

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    Despite the remarkable advances that have been made in continual learning, the adversarial vulnerability of such methods has not been fully discussed. We delve into the adversarial robustness of memory-based continual learning algorithms and observe limited robustness improvement by directly applying adversarial training techniques. Preliminary studies reveal the twin challenges for building adversarial robust continual learners: accelerated forgetting in continual learning and gradient obfuscation in adversarial robustness. In this study, we put forward a novel adversarial robust memory-based continual learner that adjusts data logits to mitigate the forgetting of pasts caused by adversarial samples. Furthermore, we devise a gradient-based data selection mechanism to overcome the gradient obfuscation caused by limited stored data. The proposed approach can widely integrate with existing memory-based continual learning as well as adversarial training algorithms in a plug-and-play way. Extensive experiments on Split-CIFAR10/100 and Split-Tiny-ImageNet demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving up to 8.13% higher accuracy for adversarial data

    Towards Adversarially Robust Continual Learning

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    Recent studies show that models trained by continual learning can achieve the comparable performances as the standard supervised learning and the learning flexibility of continual learning models enables their wide applications in the real world. Deep learning models, however, are shown to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Though there are many studies on the model robustness in the context of standard supervised learning, protecting continual learning from adversarial attacks has not yet been investigated. To fill in this research gap, we are the first to study adversarial robustness in continual learning and propose a novel method called \textbf{T}ask-\textbf{A}ware \textbf{B}oundary \textbf{A}ugmentation (TABA) to boost the robustness of continual learning models. With extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, we show the efficacy of adversarial training and TABA in defending adversarial attacks.Comment: ICASSP 202

    Susceptibility of Continual Learning Against Adversarial Attacks

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    Recent continual learning approaches have primarily focused on mitigating catastrophic forgetting. Nevertheless, two critical areas have remained relatively unexplored: 1) evaluating the robustness of proposed methods and 2) ensuring the security of learned tasks. This paper investigates the susceptibility of continually learned tasks, including current and previously acquired tasks, to adversarial attacks. Specifically, we have observed that any class belonging to any task can be easily targeted and misclassified as the desired target class of any other task. Such susceptibility or vulnerability of learned tasks to adversarial attacks raises profound concerns regarding data integrity and privacy. To assess the robustness of continual learning approaches, we consider continual learning approaches in all three scenarios, i.e., task-incremental learning, domain-incremental learning, and class-incremental learning. In this regard, we explore the robustness of three regularization-based methods, three replay-based approaches, and one hybrid technique that combines replay and exemplar approaches. We empirically demonstrated that in any setting of continual learning, any class, whether belonging to the current or previously learned tasks, is susceptible to misclassification. Our observations identify potential limitations of continual learning approaches against adversarial attacks and highlight that current continual learning algorithms could not be suitable for deployment in real-world settings.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    PACOL: Poisoning Attacks Against Continual Learners

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    Continual learning algorithms are typically exposed to untrusted sources that contain training data inserted by adversaries and bad actors. An adversary can insert a small number of poisoned samples, such as mislabeled samples from previously learned tasks, or intentional adversarial perturbed samples, into the training datasets, which can drastically reduce the model's performance. In this work, we demonstrate that continual learning systems can be manipulated by malicious misinformation and present a new category of data poisoning attacks specific for continual learners, which we refer to as {\em Poisoning Attacks Against Continual Learners} (PACOL). The effectiveness of labeling flipping attacks inspires PACOL; however, PACOL produces attack samples that do not change the sample's label and produce an attack that causes catastrophic forgetting. A comprehensive set of experiments shows the vulnerability of commonly used generative replay and regularization-based continual learning approaches against attack methods. We evaluate the ability of label-flipping and a new adversarial poison attack, namely PACOL proposed in this work, to force the continual learning system to forget the knowledge of a learned task(s). More specifically, we compared the performance degradation of continual learning systems trained on benchmark data streams with and without poisoning attacks. Moreover, we discuss the stealthiness of the attacks in which we test the success rate of data sanitization defense and other outlier detection-based defenses for filtering out adversarial samples

    Learning to Predict Gradients for Semi-Supervised Continual Learning

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    A key challenge for machine intelligence is to learn new visual concepts without forgetting the previously acquired knowledge. Continual learning is aimed towards addressing this challenge. However, there is a gap between existing supervised continual learning and human-like intelligence, where human is able to learn from both labeled and unlabeled data. How unlabeled data affects learning and catastrophic forgetting in the continual learning process remains unknown. To explore these issues, we formulate a new semi-supervised continual learning method, which can be generically applied to existing continual learning models. Specifically, a novel gradient learner learns from labeled data to predict gradients on unlabeled data. Hence, the unlabeled data could fit into the supervised continual learning method. Different from conventional semi-supervised settings, we do not hypothesize that the underlying classes, which are associated to the unlabeled data, are known to the learning process. In other words, the unlabeled data could be very distinct from the labeled data. We evaluate the proposed method on mainstream continual learning, adversarial continual learning, and semi-supervised learning tasks. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on classification accuracy and backward transfer in the continual learning setting while achieving desired performance on classification accuracy in the semi-supervised learning setting. This implies that the unlabeled images can enhance the generalizability of continual learning models on the predictive ability on unseen data and significantly alleviate catastrophic forgetting. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/luoyan407/grad_prediction.git}.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS
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