635 research outputs found

    On the Generalization Effects of Linear Transformations in Data Augmentation

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    Data augmentation is a powerful technique to improve performance in applications such as image and text classification tasks. Yet, there is little rigorous understanding of why and how various augmentations work. In this work, we consider a family of linear transformations and study their effects on the ridge estimator in an over-parametrized linear regression setting. First, we show that transformations which preserve the labels of the data can improve estimation by enlarging the span of the training data. Second, we show that transformations which mix data can improve estimation by playing a regularization effect. Finally, we validate our theoretical insights on MNIST. Based on the insights, we propose an augmentation scheme that searches over the space of transformations by how uncertain the model is about the transformed data. We validate our proposed scheme on image and text datasets. For example, our method outperforms RandAugment by 1.24% on CIFAR-100 using Wide-ResNet-28-10. Furthermore, we achieve comparable accuracy to the SoTA Adversarial AutoAugment on CIFAR datasets.Comment: International Conference on Machine learning (ICML) 2020. Added experimental results on ImageNe

    DFM-X: Augmentation by Leveraging Prior Knowledge of Shortcut Learning

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    Neural networks are prone to learn easy solutions from superficial statistics in the data, namely shortcut learning, which impairs generalization and robustness of models. We propose a data augmentation strategy, named DFM-X, that leverages knowledge about frequency shortcuts, encoded in Dominant Frequencies Maps computed for image classification models. We randomly select X% training images of certain classes for augmentation, and process them by retaining the frequencies included in the DFMs of other classes. This strategy compels the models to leverage a broader range of frequencies for classification, rather than relying on specific frequency sets. Thus, the models learn more deep and task-related semantics compared to their counterpart trained with standard setups. Unlike other commonly used augmentation techniques which focus on increasing the visual variations of training data, our method targets exploiting the original data efficiently, by distilling prior knowledge about destructive learning behavior of models from data. Our experimental results demonstrate that DFM-X improves robustness against common corruptions and adversarial attacks. It can be seamlessly integrated with other augmentation techniques to further enhance the robustness of models.Comment: Accepted at ICCVW202

    Efficient and Effective Augmentation Strategy for Adversarial Training

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    Adversarial training of Deep Neural Networks is known to be significantly more data-hungry when compared to standard training. Furthermore, complex data augmentations such as AutoAugment, which have led to substantial gains in standard training of image classifiers, have not been successful with Adversarial Training. We first explain this contrasting behavior by viewing augmentation during training as a problem of domain generalization, and further propose Diverse Augmentation-based Joint Adversarial Training (DAJAT) to use data augmentations effectively in adversarial training. We aim to handle the conflicting goals of enhancing the diversity of the training dataset and training with data that is close to the test distribution by using a combination of simple and complex augmentations with separate batch normalization layers during training. We further utilize the popular Jensen-Shannon divergence loss to encourage the joint learning of the diverse augmentations, thereby allowing simple augmentations to guide the learning of complex ones. Lastly, to improve the computational efficiency of the proposed method, we propose and utilize a two-step defense, Ascending Constraint Adversarial Training (ACAT), that uses an increasing epsilon schedule and weight-space smoothing to prevent gradient masking. The proposed method DAJAT achieves substantially better robustness-accuracy trade-off when compared to existing methods on the RobustBench Leaderboard on ResNet-18 and WideResNet-34-10. The code for implementing DAJAT is available here: https://github.com/val-iisc/DAJAT.Comment: NeurIPS 202
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