6 research outputs found

    Adversarial Driving: Attacking End-to-End Autonomous Driving Systems

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    As the research in deep neural networks advances, deep convolutional networks become feasible for automated driving tasks. There is an emerging trend of employing end-to-end models in the automation of driving tasks. However, previous research unveils that deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks in classification tasks. While for regression tasks such as autonomous driving, the effect of these attacks remains rarely explored. In this research, we devise two white-box targeted attacks against end-to-end autonomous driving systems. The driving model takes an image as input and outputs the steering angle. Our attacks can manipulate the behaviour of the autonomous driving system only by perturbing the input image. Both attacks can be initiated in real-time on CPUs without employing GPUs. This demo aims to raise concerns over applications of end-to-end models in safety-critical systems.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure

    Targeted Adversarial Attacks on Wind Power Forecasts

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    In recent years, researchers proposed a variety of deep learning models for wind power forecasting. These models predict the wind power generation of wind farms or entire regions more accurately than traditional machine learning algorithms or physical models. However, latest research has shown that deep learning models can often be manipulated by adversarial attacks. Since wind power forecasts are essential for the stability of modern power systems, it is important to protect them from this threat. In this work, we investigate the vulnerability of two different forecasting models to targeted, semitargeted, and untargeted adversarial attacks. We consider a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network for predicting the power generation of a wind farm and a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for forecasting the wind power generation throughout Germany. Moreover, we propose the Total Adversarial Robustness Score (TARS), an evaluation metric for quantifying the robustness of regression models to targeted and semi-targeted adversarial attacks. It assesses the impact of attacks on the model's performance, as well as the extent to which the attacker's goal was achieved, by assigning a score between 0 (very vulnerable) and 1 (very robust). In our experiments, the LSTM forecasting model was fairly robust and achieved a TARS value of over 0.81 for all adversarial attacks investigated. The CNN forecasting model only achieved TARS values below 0.06 when trained ordinarily, and was thus very vulnerable. Yet, its robustness could be significantly improved by adversarial training, which always resulted in a TARS above 0.46.Comment: 20 pages, including appendix, 12 figure