8 research outputs found

    Healthy and open phase PMaSynRM model based on virtual reluctance concept

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The trend in the industrial power electronics electrical drives is to reach high power density and high efficiency in variable load conditions at cost-effective unwasteful designs. Currently, motors with permanent magnets (such as IPMSM and PMaSynRM) are of great interest because of compactness, low losses, and high torque capability. The performance of a drive system can be predicted with a motor electromagnetic authentic nonlinear model. In this paper, a novel, fast, and precise motor model of PMaSynRM based on virtual reluctance (VR) is proposed. It takes into account the cross saturation, winding distribution, space harmonics, slotting effect, and stepped skewing. The virtual reluctances are identified by finite element analysis (FEA) and implemented in the time-stepping simulation. The flux inversion is not required. The proposed concept is useful in the rotating field or phase quantities (for open phase simulation). The model is also discretized for SiL and HiL applications. Finally, the validation in FEA and experimental setup was performed.This work was supported in part by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under TRA2016-80472-R Research Project and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya under 2017SGR967.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analysis, design and test of high efficiency electrical machines with a rotor winding

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    This thesis deals with the analysis, design and test of three-phase high efficiency electrical motors, with particular reference to motors with a rotor winding. At first, the background and the motivations of this work are described. The bibliography on the subjects is deeply examined and a selection of the most relevant papers can be found in the reference. In this scenario, the main objective of this thesis are illustrated. The Line-Start (LS) Synchronous Machine (SyM) design is a subject under investigation since the beginning of the last century, when solid state power converters was not available to drive SyMs. The LS SyM diffusion was limited by the intrinsic difficulties in its design and by the availability of the cheaper and more robust Induction Machine (IM). The working principle of IM and LS SyM are briefly described, as well as the state of the art of the techniques of analysis. Recently, there is a renewed interest on LS SyMs due to the new efficiency requirements and fast analysis techniques are required for the LS SyM design. A Finite-Element (FE) aided analytical model is developed to simulate the LS SyM dynamic. The aim is to develop a model that gives reliable solutions with limited computational efforts compared with other analysis techniques. With this procedure, the LS SyM rotor parameters can be quickly calibrated to fulfill the dynamic load requirements. An innovative analysis technique of LS SyM steady state condition is described. Such an analysis is carried out in the same reference frame used for classical SyMs. It is shown that the analysis can be used to optimize some machine parameters. The issues in LS SyM manufacturing are introduced, with particular reference to the die casting process. The possibility to apply the recent improvements in the SRM design to LS SyM is discussed from the manufacturing point of view. Stochastic optimization has been adopted for the design of electrical motors to reduce the torque ripple, increase the average torque and reduce the losses. The LS SyM torque ripple reduction, achieving at the same time a high average torque, is an important issue even though this topic is not treated extensively in the literature for LS SyM. For this reason, a stochastic optimization is considered in this thesis for the design of a new LS SyM lamination. The analysis is applied on a small size, 2-pole, three-phase LS SyM as this category is still not found in the motor market. The optimization is carried out considering the necessity to achieve a robust design, suitable for the industrial production, as such a LS SyM must be competitive with the workhorse of electrical motors, the IM. One of the most promising design is prototyped. Its performance are compared with the corresponding IM. To demonstrate the feasibility in adopting LS SyM in the large-scale production, an innovative LS SyM design is proposed. The main aim is to use the same lamination for motors of different number of poles so as to reduce the manufacturing cost. A tradeoff between contrasting aspects is necessary in the design step. The performance achievable by these rotor structures are quantified. An analytical model that describes the mutual interaction between coupled electrical circuits in machines with complex rotor structure is developed. Such a model is useful to analyze the parasitic torques in the torque characteristic of motors with rotor cage such as IM and LS SyM. The literature reveals that this topic has been discussed extensively for IM. As regards LS SyM, there is a lack of theoretical studies regarding harmonic phenomena due to the complex machine structure. This part of the thesis aims to fill this gap. The high and unstable cost of rare-earth PMs, together with the advances in solid-state control technology, leads designers to reconsider IM for variable speed drive (VSD) applications. To the aim of making the IM suitable for the full-speed sensorless control, a particular cage design is considered. An intentionally created saliency is introduced in the rotor so as to allow the rotor position to be estimated by means of a high frequency (HF) injected signal in the stator winding also at zero-speed. Different experimental tests are carried out on IMs with asymmetrical rotor cage to validate the analysis techniques and quantify the achievable performance. As far as the HF signal injection sensorless technique is concerned, the cross-saturation differential inductance of SyMs represents an issue. It causes a rotor position estimation error, reducing the region in which such technique is effective. The proper-ties of the cross-saturation inductance are deeply discussed. It is originally shown that the cross-saturation inductance depends from certain machine parameters. With such an analysis, a designer can consider the effect of the cross-saturation inductance in any model-based control algorithm. A rotor winding is added in Surface-mounted permanent-magnet machine (SPM) to create a HF anisotropy that is useful to detect the rotor position by means of a HF signal injection. Such a configuration is called ”ringed-pole”. In literature, this technique has been used on small-size machines. In certain configuration, the presence of the additional rotor winding causes significant rotor losses. This part of the thesis studies the rotor losses in ringed pole machines by means of FE analysis and analytical models. The aim is to investigate if the ringed-pole technique can be adopted also for large machines from the point of view of additional losses. With few exceptions, the work described in this thesis is always supported by means of experimental measurements. Dedicated experiments has been designed. Their results are compared with those achieved with analytical models or FE analysis

    Self-starting interior permanent magnet motor drive for electric submersible pumps

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    The interior permanent magnet (IPM) motor drive has evolved as the most energy efficient technology for modern motion control applications. Electric submersible pumps (ESPs) are electric motor driven fluid recovery systems. ESPs are widely used for producing oil and gas from deep downhole reservoirs. Standard ESPs are driven by classical squirrel cage induction motors (IMs) due to its self-starting capability from a balanced 3-phase ac excitation, ruggedness, simplicity, low cost and wide scale availability. Although there has been a tremendous growth in the design and development of highly efficient and reliable IPM motors for traction drive systems, application of the IPM motor technology in ESPs is still in its infancy due to challenges associated with the design and control of IPM motors. In this thesis, a new self-starting, efficient and reliable IPM motor drive technology is proposed for ESP systems to extend their efficiency, longevity and performance. This thesis investigates two different types of self-starting interior permanent magnet (IPM) motors: cage-equipped IPM motors known as line-start IPM motors and a new type of hybrid self-starting motors called hysteresis IPM motors. The limited synchronization capability of line-start IPM motors for high inertial loads is explained in this thesis. To overcome the starting and synchronization problems associated with line-start IPM motors, a new type of hybrid hysteresis IPM motor is proposed in this thesis. Equivalent circuit modeling and finite element analysis of hysteresis IPM motors are carried out in this thesis. A prototype 2.5 kW hysteresis IPM motor is constructed and experimentally tested in the laboratory. In order to limit the inrush current during starting, a stable soft starter has been designed, simulated and implemented for variable speed operations of the motor. The simulation and experimental results are presented and analyzed in this thesis. Self-starting IPM motors suffer from hunting induced torsional oscillations. Electric submersible pumps are vulnerable against sustained hunting and can experience premature failures. In this thesis, a novel stator current signature based diagnostic system for detection of torsional oscillations in IPM motor drives is proposed. The diagnostic system is non-intrusive, fast and suitable for remote condition monitoring of an ESP drive system. Finally, a position sensorless control technique is developed for an IPM motor drive operated from an offshore power supply. The proposed technique can reliably start and stabilize an IPM motor using a back-emf estimation based sensorless controller. The efficacy of the developed sensorless control technique is investigated for a prototype 3-phase, 6-pole, 480V, 10-HP submersible IPM motor drive. In summary, this thesis carried out modeling, analysis and control of different types of self-starting IPM motors to assess their viability for ESP drive systems. Different designs of self-starting IPM motors are presented in this thesis. In future, a fully scalable self-starting IPM motor drive will be designed and manufactured that can meet the industrial demands for high power, highly reliable and super-efficient ESP systems